Depends. How repetitive, simple, and (most importantly) ANSWERED does one have to be before you see it differently. lain:Why are grownups biased against the questions of children?
Hitler was sincere [bonus round begins/dollar values are doubled].Grownups overlook the sincerity of kids.
Only if they're really tiny. And then it's up to them to watch where we step. :think:Kids are totally overlooked,
That's "looking down" in the same sense that keeping car keys out of the hands of a drunk at closing time is.Because that is what people do to kids. They tell kids that they cannot drive yet, vote yet, drink yet, be responsible enough, can't do this yet, can't do that yet.
Nah. That's just what kids say when you tell them they can't stay up to watch Comedy Central on a school night. Kids...they fall upon the thorns of life...they bleed...a lot. oly: (with apologies to Shelley)That discourages kids. That destroys them, it scars them for life, if you will.
Where I think it's more what isn't said often Or because there's rarely anyone there to say anything at all.That is a huge factor for why kids will run away from home, or to why they will do bad things, or worse.
A neat, round about self justification, but why pretend at a gravitas in the particular that is undone by a general practice?Solomon wrote, "May we remember our Creator in the days of our youth, before things get worse when we get older." Again, I must say it again: when are we going to stop overlooking things from a perspective of face-value? Humans are so impatient. They just want answers immediately. When they give out answers, they just want to be patted on the back because of how proud they are with their own answers. They don't want their answers contested.
Or, to lean on the tried and true: fuel me once and it's gas for free.
Kids so need a better dictionary...or thesaurus...or education.Grownups are often so brainwashed.
Almost no one says that though...or acts like that really. As sustainable as asking why kids are always killing grown ups and lying about them after they're dead. Mostly it doesn't work out that way.Their interaction with children proof just that. It discourages me that people don't really listen to their kids. When a kid asks, "Why is the sky blue?" A grownup may get upset and they may say, "Because I said so. Or just ask God after you die."
Exceptions. Usually you don't go to college to unlearn and get worse at things in general. lain: Except in parts of Arkansas.Grownups also neglect the wisdom of kids, too. Sometimes kids are aware of things that we often neglect.
Telling is easy. Proving...that takes something more than the willingness to exhale in syllables.
Because we're so happy with our own answers. We don't want anybody to tell us we're wrong.