ban joey
it is time for joey to go
over 60 posts a day of stupid stuff
put him on ignore
neg rep him
it is time for joey to go
over 60 posts a day of stupid stuff
put him on ignore
neg rep him
Your thread about God only has 4 posts?Why does this thread create more attention than my thread about God?
My questions are there for reasons. They are meant to be explored.
Does the problem you have your hands on feel like a snake or a hippopotamus?...Why are people so blind to what they think they are seeing?
Why do you live under a bridge and yell at people intent on going someplace?Why do people make fun of me so much?
Because, Tin Man, because. Now ask better ones.Why are my questions so easily dismissed?
Could be a metaphorical astigmatism. You should look into that...oops, sorry. lain:I don't see a lot of love.
Like Liberace criticizing the lack of a dress code.I see a lot of pretending here on TOL.
Ah, then I'd suggest you start with this forum by spending more time out of doors, without electronics.I am only here to make the world a better place.
When does that start?I was called to joined Theology Online. It is my duty to participate and to encourage.
If I had to guess, I'd start with the title.I am not sure why this thread is so against me.
See, the end of that answers the first of it. lain:I am not sure why people have this kind of bias stereotype for me to get banned, arrested, condemned, to burn.
Ah, then I'd suggest you start with this forum by spending more time out of doors, without electronics.
This is about oatmeal. We are all oatmeal.
Why are you so against my Oatmeal and Ramen noodles of joy? With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
One of the reasons you annoy people is you ask a direct question, you get an answer, and then you ask again like a 3 year old asking "why".
Joey, Town Heretic addressed the body of your post quite well. The end wraps here that I am quoting is only a sample if a inane nonsense that you post all over this forum.
Nick M hits the nail on the head as to why you annoy people so much.
On most message boards that is considered trolling. A person calling himself Joreba was just banned from the forum where I am a supermod for doing the same thing. He would post a direct question, people would answer him, then he would post the question again, not accepting the answers of the people in a rather nasty way. You post like this Joreba character. That is why people are calling for your banning.
Also many of your posts about Jesus cut close to blasphemy. If you do not believe he is God, you should not be wearing the Christian identifier. Belief that Jesus is God is key to being a Christian.
Oh look; Chrys is ordering everyone around again.
....what a shock. lain: