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New member
I'll tell you what false religion is Truster, to say that it is evil and wicked to obey God and do his will as you do!

Wake up! It is you believing in a false gospel! Jesus clearly taught that we are to live by the will of God and obey him.

And I'm not of any relgion and I seek no reward, we are to be unprofitable servants, my reward is when God gives me the word to speak and I know that he is with me. I don't want anything, I'm here to do his will. And he will do with me and he pleases!

It is both evil and wicked to suggest that your works are sanctified while you are obviously not.


Well-known member
It is both evil and wicked to suggest that your works are sanctified while you are obviously not.

I can't do any works without the help of God, I need the power of the Holy Spirit to help me to overcome every day. Without God we can do nothing. Without God and Christ we are still dead in our sins.

Ps. You don't know my life, and you're not my judge!

Anyway I've got a busy day, so I'm off. :)


New member
The fact I understand the verse and direct it in prayer means it is heard and will be answered. I don't rely on my perfections, but on the perfections of Him who called me and sent me.
We are told notntonremove anything from scripture, which you did. As far as literary perfection is concerned; not long ago you claimed grammatical error was a sign of greater error, and exclaimed about how you don't make those errors because it is important to you not to.

You flip flop like a fish out of water.

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New member
In prayer I have in mind the glory of the Almighty.

He is glorified in the salvation and the destruction of sinners. In the former His grace is manifested and glorified and in the latter His justice and judgement are glorified.

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.​

Herein lies the difference between having heard about Him and knowing Him. I understand Him and know His ways.

"But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am YAH VEH which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith Yah Veh".
If that were true at all then you would reflect that Will.

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New member
One of the moves of Satan is to get people tied up in false religion. He leaves them there until they are on their deathbed and then torments them. I've met many people from many religions and they all have a sense of peace. It is not eternal peace. False or counterfeit religion must have a reward otherwise people wouldn't keep it up. The reward is sufficient to delude, but cannot save.

PS I'm not wrong about you. Your evilness surfaces and the mask you wear drops.
So now you claim to not care about your destination.

That, like everything you have said within this thread for the last day, is wholly contrary to what you have previously stated.

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New member
The scriptures are the revealed will of the Eternal. He only hears prayer that is according to His will.

Unless you understand and practise this then your prayers bounce off the ceiling.

PS your prayer is sin.
Can you provide scripture showing that praying is sin?

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New member
We are told notntonremove anything from scripture, which you did. As far as literary perfection is concerned; not long ago you claimed grammatical error was a sign of greater error, and exclaimed about how you don't make those errors because it is important to you not to.

You flip flop like a fish out of water.

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Your ignorance is truly astounding. There were no chapters or verses in scripture they were added later. A portion of scripture is as little as a sentence as long as the portion is used in the context it was first used. My usage always is, but you wouldn't recognise that.


New member
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination. Spiritual prayer and praise are sacrifices, but I doubt you'd understand that.
The sacrifice of the Believer is that of wants of self and attachment.

Prayer in not sacrifice.

These things are given freely because the dogs eat of the scraps of the master.

Though we aren't to give pearls to swine, we are all in filth; who am I to judge or keep back the truth?

I hope you continue to learn.

I don't care what you say about me.


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New member
The sacrifice of the Believer is that of wants of self and attachment.

Prayer in not sacrifice.

These things are given freely because the dogs eat of the scraps of the master.

Though we aren't to give pearls to swine, we are all in filth; who am I to judge or keep back the truth?

I hope you continue to learn.

I don't care what you say about me.


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You say that prayer is not a sacrifice.

Peter says: Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Elohim by Yah Shua Messiah.

Praises and prayers are those spiritual sacrifices the saints offer up.


New member
You say that prayer is not a sacrifice.

Peter says: Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Elohim by Yah Shua Messiah.

Praises and prayers are those spiritual sacrifices the saints offer up.
I already explained what sacrifices are acceptable unto the LORD. Prayer and suplication to GOD is not a sacrifice.

I will gladly show scripture to prove my words, but first, please explain how praying to GOD is a sacrifice of any sort when it is not giving to, but asking of.

You say that prayer is not a sacrifice.

Peter says: Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Elohim by Yah Shua Messiah.

Praises and prayers are those spiritual sacrifices the saints offer up.

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New member
I already explained what sacrifices are acceptable unto the LORD. Prayer and suplication to GOD is not a sacrifice.

I will gladly show scripture to prove my words, but first, please explain how praying to GOD is a sacrifice of any sort when it is not giving to, but asking of.

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I've given you the verse but as usual you are blind to the doctrine the verse contains.