At Nuremburg, war criminals were condemned.. now released from Gitmo


Well-known member
Speaking of war criminals and relating to something you claim to hold dear, the Catholic church. Who were the war criminals that ordered the assassination of archbishop Oscar Romero (now beatified by Pope Francis) for opposing the US supported fascist regime in El Salvador? It was the CIA. If you think that the US has never committed atrocious war crimes, you are delusional to say the least. They have supported and protected the most heinous dictators to protect their own interests, thus indirectly responsible for the slaughter of countless innocents.

And if the prisoners at Guantanamo bay are war criminals, that means they should have been judged at a trial. Mind showing me their trial transcripts? Not to mention the reports that revealed the most bestial and grotesque behavior of US interogators, torturing people, in many cases innocent people wrongly detained, endlessly with zero results. Who are the war criminals again?


New member
Speaking of war criminals and relating to something you claim to hold dear, the Catholic church. Who were the war criminals that ordered the assassination of archbishop Oscar Romero (now beatified by Pope Francis) for opposing the US supported fascist regime in El Salvador? It was the CIA. If you think that the US has never committed atrocious war crimes, you are delusional to say the least. They have supported and protected the most heinous dictators to protect their own interests, thus indirectly responsible for the slaughter of countless innocents.

And if the prisoners at Guantanamo bay are war criminals, that means they should have been judged at a trial. Mind showing me their trial transcripts? Not to mention the reports that revealed the most bestial and grotesque behavior of US interogators, torturing people, in many cases innocent people wrongly detained, endlessly with zero results. Who are the war criminals again?

I haven't heard of any of this. Sorry, I can't know everything like God does.. or you
