At Nuremburg, war criminals were condemned.. now released from Gitmo


New member
yeh, why was the US all high and mighty with the Nazis at Nuremburg

and now we just let the poor little jihadist war criminals go.. from that virtual vacation spot known as Gitmo

to another vacation spot known as Qatar... )?

crazy world... just loony tunes

Of course, we were right to do what we and the Allies did @ Nuremburg...

but the term War crimes has a new meaning, apparently


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Granite is actually right this time.

And... we actually gave the Nazis trials before executing them. We didn't give these people any trials, despite the fact that even if they are guilty, they aren't as evil as the Nazis.


New member
Granite is actually right this time.

And... we actually gave the Nazis trials before executing them. We didn't give these people any trials, despite the fact that even if they are guilty, they aren't as evil as the Nazis.


outa here...

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Where, where?

General Keane.. yeh, there's intelligent life...

Tony Schaeffer..

Ralph Peters

and others on Fox who have half a freaking c lue...



New member
Hall of Fame
It's also worth pointing out the people in Gitmo are not, in fact, war criminals. So yeah, pretty much everything r-chick's saying is completely, totally wrong.


New member
It's also worth pointing out the people in Gitmo are not, in fact, war criminals. So yeah, pretty much everything r-chick's saying is completely, totally wrong.

yeh, plotting to murder 3000 American non-combatants in the most bizarre and tortuous way is not a war crime...



New member
Hall of Fame
Uh...most of the people in Gitmo didn't have a thing to do with 9/11. Are you stupid or just crazy?

P.S. 9/11 was not a "war crime."


New member
Uh...most if not none of the people in Gitmo had a thing to do with 9/11. Are you stupid or just crazy?

P.S. 9/11 was not a "war crime."

well, then, I guess my information is wrong b/c I heard some of them did assist BinLaden

and until I get RELIABLE info to the contrary, that is what I will continue to believe


New member
Hall of Fame
well, then, I guess my information is wrong b/c I heard some of them did assist BinLaden

and until I get RELIABLE info to the contrary, that is what I will continue to believe

Your "info" is garbage. With the exception of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed I'm not aware of anyone at Gitmo who had any involvement whatsoever with 9/11. So either stay deliberately ignorant and stupid or get yourself some actual facts. :yawn:


New member
Your "info" is garbage. With the exception of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed I'm not aware of anyone at Gitmo who had any involvement whatsoever with 9/11. So either stay deliberately ignorant and stupid or get yourself some actual facts. :yawn:

you sound so ignorant

and thanks for reminding me of that dude..

and you are lying b/c you knew of that one at least...

not surprised... that's what libs do...

case u haven't noticed, the terrorists work together. If one was involved, most the others were as well (w/ 911)

geez... Y do I always just want to throw up my hands w/ you

you... libs?

b/c you don't listen to reason, that's why... You go by your feelings...



New member
Hall of Fame
I said: "Most of the people in Gitmo didn't have a thing to do with 9/11." And that's true. If you want to live in a bubble of dumb, be my guest. :e4e:


New member
Hall of Fame
Well since I ain't a "lib" (assuming it means sort of whatever you think it means) you should be in good shape.

Think before you open your mouth. And if you do care about Gitmo look into it yourself.


New member
Well since I ain't a "lib" (assuming it means sort of whatever you think it means) you should be in good shape.

Think before you open your mouth. And if you do care about Gitmo look into it yourself.

u R a lib and I know that Gitmo should not be closed (at least not until all the terrorists kick the bucket )


New member
Hall of Fame
You're an asinine little ignoramus and don't have a single clue or original thought in your head.