At least one black man realizes the DNC is trying to exterminate blacks in America

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Notice how your candidate hasn't proposed any legislation that would strengthen the nucleus of society: marriage and the traditional family.

That's not the Federal government's job you half-witted imbecile.

But do tell - what sort of "Law" would actually change the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of people?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hypocritical Hillary: your pantsuits are made in Bangladesh

By Bryan Crabtree, contributor

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton stood in front of a clothing display at American-made Knotty Ties in Colorado. The image was to portray the message that Trump ties can be made in America. “So, why does Donald Trump make his ties in China?” Clinton asked.

She failed to mention that this company, Knotty Ties, predominantly hires Muslim refugees, which effectively steals all those so-called jobs from Americans.

Clinton was wearing one of her pantsuits which range in price from $3000-$15,000, usually made by Armani, Ralph Lauren and Susanna Beverly Hills.

Don't you find it hypocritical that Clinton stands in front of a Colorado tie company (full of refugee non-American workers) to point out that Donald Trump makes his ties in China and suits in Mexico.

While she wears clothing from designers who manufacture most of theirs in China, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka?

Now, I can't be sure where her pricey, custom pantsuits are made. But, I did speak off the record to a custom high-end clothing manufacturer that I've known for years.

I asked where the suits I bought were made. All of the material is manufactured in mills outside of the United States because it's impossible due to labor laws (mainly created by liberals like Clinton).

In order to manufacture a tie for less than $80, or a suit well under $1000, it generally has to be made overseas with machines and/or cheap labor. However, higher-end suits costing between $2000 or more can be manufactured in the United States - given the increased profit margin and quality standards.

There was plenty of conversation surrounding the white pantsuit Clinton wore at the Democrat national convention while accepting the nomination. We’re told it was a Ralph Lauren pantsuit. She's also known to wear Armani pantsuits at her speeches. Ralph Lauren and Armani assemble many of their products in Bangladesh.

In 2015, The Guardian newspaper reported that workers in these clothing mills in Bangladesh face physical assault, verbal abuse, forced overtime, unsanitary conditions, denial of paid maternity leave, and failure to pay wages and bonuses on time or in full.

Why would a champion for women, workers rights and international humanitarian efforts wear clothing made in such conditions? Even if her pantsuits were assembled in the United States, it is likely that the material was manufactured abroad in such a facility. I thought Armani was Italian.

Honestly, I don't really care where Clinton buys her expensive pantsuits. What I do care about is the fact stands in front of a US manufacturer of ties (such as Knotty ties) and attempts to ridicule her political opponent for manufacturing his ties and suits in other countries—without educating the American people as to why this is the case.

Until we understand why companies in America are forced to outsource their manufacturing we will never fully repair the economy in our country and create upward mobility for American workers (our citizens, not refugees).

People like Clinton disingenuously make rich conclusions as to why people like Trump manufacture abroad. They say it’s greed and the pursuit of profits.

She does this while ignoring the fact that he employs tens of thousands of American workers. How many people has Clinton ever employed in her business? And, her political campaign staff doesn’t count! Let me give you the answer: it’s none.

As a consumer economy, we demand products to be commoditized. In other words, we want the best quality for the lowest price.

Price, however, has become the driving factor in America due to stagnant wages and decreasing financial resources. In order to compete, American businesses outsource their work to cheap labor in foreign countries and drive their prices downward in order to meet those demands.

Years of liberal policies empowering labor unions, burdensome health-insurance requirements, expanded EPA regulations and government regulations on businesses have made the costs of manufacturing domestically overwhelming.

Unless we use Trump-policies to punish countries who manipulate their currency, abuse their workers and cheat, we will never reverse the flow of jobs leaving our country.

Do you think any American company really wants to run a manufacturing plant overseas to ship products back to the American consumer? They have no choice if they wish to compete in the world’s biggest economy.

I attempted to order a Knotty Tie from the Colorado company touted by Hillary Clinton. In order to receive it in 5 business days, I had to pay $49 for the tie, plus $51 for the expedited delivery fee. Instead, I decided to order a Trump Tie on Amazon.

It was $40 with two delivery options: tomorrow for $3.99 or 2-day Amazon Prime delivery for free. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a Knotty Tie on Amazon. In this case, Trump got the sale.

How many people do you think stop on Amazon to see where the product they are buying is made? It’s real simple: They buy the highest rated product with the cheapest price. That’s reality.

Once again, Hillary Clinton stands in front of a prop and lies to the American people.

If she wants to ridicule a man who employs ten of thousands of Americans then I’d suggest she show up to the speech with clothing, shoes and a scarf made (from scratch - material included) 100% in America. Good luck finding that.

I do have one critical opinion about Trump ties. Can someone please tell Mr. Trump that he wears them about a foot too long?

Bryan Crabtree is the live afternoon host on Atlanta’s Biz1190 from 4-6pm weekdays and airing again on AM 920 The Answer from 9-11pm. His real estate show with his wife, Mackenzie Crabtree can be heard on Saturday at 9am on AM920 The Answer and Noon on Sunday on Biz 1190. Additionally, his Crabtree Chronicle (focusing on local Atlanta issues) is heard throughout the day on AM 920 The Answer.


New member
The educated elite of Western cultures 100-150 years ago typically saw blacks as inferior races of humans, and several notable scientists or science organizations participated in putting blacks on display in cages to showcase their idea that humans had evolved from monkeys.

It would be equally accurate to say that non-whites were put on display in cages and "human zoos" to showcase their idea that God had created teh Caucasian race as physically, intellectually and ethically superior.


Well-known member
There is only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ.

You're confusing someone having a few personal flaws with someone who embraces immoral behavior.

I'd ask you to list the Christian qualifications of Donald Trump, but you'd be far fetched to find any.
Sock puppet alert! Sock puppet alert! (patrick jane, etc. etc. etc., is that you?).
Make your case for Donald Trump showing that God-fearing people could have influence over his secular humanist past and present. While you're at it show how Donald Trump has any desire to embrace the Constitution of the United States.

I don't need to make a case for Trump. I do not respect Donald Trump. You need to tell us what to do to stop Hillary from getting elected.


Well-known member
It would be equally accurate to say that non-whites were put on display in cages and "human zoos" to showcase their idea that God had created teh Caucasian race as physically, intellectually and ethically superior.

I've never heard of actual cases of whites being put into cages to display Cristian beliefs. Blacks, however, were put in cages on display to show off evolution.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

There is only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ.

You're confusing someone having a few personal flaws with someone who embraces immoral behavior.

I'd ask you to list the Christian qualifications of Donald Trump, but you'd be far fetched to find any.
Sock puppet alert! Sock puppet alert! (patrick jane, etc. etc. etc., is that you?).
Make your case for Donald Trump showing that God-fearing people could have influence over his secular humanist past and present. While you're at it show how Donald Trump has any desire to embrace the Constitution of the United States.

I don't need to make a case for Trump.

Because you can't, no one can.

I do not respect Donald Trump.

What was it that patrick jane, aka aka aka, said about Trump?

Something to the effect that he's a "big joke".

You need to tell us what to do to stop Hillary from getting elected.

Quit acting like we're on the same side of this culture war, we're not.

The next President of the United States will be an ultra liberal, I would prefer that a conservative Congress keep Queen Hillary in check as opposed to having a republican Congress that would give King Donald an open ticket to do as he pleases.

The Horn

Tell me, how many pregnant women have been FORCED by PP at gunpoint to have abortions ? Not a single one . How many women of any skin color? Not a single one . They have never forced any woman even to visit their health care facilities .
PP does not cause abortions. Abortions happen period in America, just as they always have . And all over the world for thousands of years .These women have abortions of their own free will and because of their own terrible personal problems . And remember - abortions are only 3 % of the things PP provides for women in America . They provide contraceptives , which PREVENT abortions. All kinds of medical testing, screening and health care .In fact, without Planned Parenthood, the abortion rate in America would be much higher than it is .So if our government defunds it, the abortion rate will INCREASE . And more women will have unwanted pregnancies because they they don't have easy access to contraceptives , snd they will have abortions .
And more women will die of cancer , too .
Ironically, it's the Republican party which is to blame for so many abortions, because it has consistently voted to decrease and deny help for the poor, poor pregnant women handoff the poor in general . So if you're
opposed to abortion, you should not vote GOP ! Poor black women are among the victims of the GOP , not PP.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Where do you get that? Sanger was talking about her "crusade" to educate everyone, not genocide, not mass sterilization, not
Do you not read the things you quote? Let me help you out...

MrDante said:
The third are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequence of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent entirely upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped. For if they are not able to support and care for themselves, they should certainly not be allowed to bring offspring into this world for others to look after.
[emphasis added]


Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

There is only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ.

You're confusing someone having a few personal flaws with someone who embraces immoral behavior.

I'd ask you to list the Christian qualifications of Donald Trump, but you'd be far fetched to find any.
Sock puppet alert! Sock puppet alert! (patrick jane, etc. etc. etc., is that you?).
Make your case for Donald Trump showing that God-fearing people could have influence over his secular humanist past and present. While you're at it show how Donald Trump has any desire to embrace the Constitution of the United States.

Because you can't, no one can.

What was it that patrick jane, aka aka aka, said about Trump?

Something to the effect that he's a "big joke".

Quit acting like we're on the same side of this culture war, we're not.

The next President of the United States will be an ultra liberal, I would prefer that a conservative Congress keep Queen Hillary in check as opposed to having a republican Congress that would give King Donald an open ticket to do as he pleases.

Do Christians have no idea what to do to minimize the damage from the next election?


Saying abortion is only a trivial percentage of what they do is probably the most horrendous claim that exists about them. They factor everything in from giving contraceptives to checking blood pressure.

PP is an abortion clinic, it's just that simple.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Saying abortion is only a trivial percentage of what they do is probably the most horrendous claim that exists about them............
Its a bald faced lie is what it is. PP is all about abortion, plus birth control. Any other service they claim to provide they merely farm out, refer to other clinics that can actally do the service.


Saying abortion is only a trivial percentage of what they do is probably the most horrendous claim that exists about them. They factor everything in from giving contraceptives to checking blood pressure.

PP is an abortion clinic, it's just that simple.

Its a bald faced lie is what it is. PP is all about abortion, plus birth control. Any other service they claim to provide they merely farm out, refer to other clinics that can actally do the service.

Share that information with your candidate who has repeatedly stated "Planned Parenthood has done very good work".



Call it what you want, PP is the result of your moral rubicon. You should take some accountability.

How about you start off with straightening out your supposed leader who if elected to the most powerful position in the world, will sign legislation that helps or hinders Planned Parenthood, and then you can concentrate on a blogger from Seattle WA?