At least 3 dead after gunman opens fire at Lafayette, La. movie theater


New member
I'm going to point out that many people already view this new incident
as a (another) False Flag / Fake Event.

Whether or not real people were killed, the story is still full of holes
and disturbingly similar to other incidents who have False Flag written all over them.

Town Heretic has protested me casting the shooter as a neo-Nazi.

Maybe Town is right: Thats just what the government wants us to believe.

His Facebook page and website is also very suspiciously faked up,
with all the right talking points:

(1) He mentions Timothy McVeigh [too handy]

(2) Calls himself a "lone wolf" (lone gunman again?)

(3) Talks of being Extreme Right, anti-government,

(4) Calls Westboro Baptist Church the only true Church (giving them more publicity again as a bad caricature of conservative Christianity).

etc. etc.

Almost EVERY soundbite is a talking-point slandering all anti-government
or pro-freedom forces.

Here's what skeptics think about this new "theater shooting":

Shooting is HOAX

So maybe Town is right, that this clown isn't really a Nazi,
but just a cookie-cutter template for whatever the government
wants to frame and slander.


New member
The guy was a ticking time bomb no matter what way you look at it.


In the way that every down and out unemployed person
with unpopular views and ready to be scapegoated is.

Sucks to be poor when the government is looking for a patsy
for another psy-ops.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Don't know if anyone wants to call TOD, but if we've veered into governmental conspiracy theory at this point...

