Asteroid and Meteoroid Not a Coincidence


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If that blast had been centered over say, Manhatten the causulties could have been in the millions.


New member
Very interesting -- especially because it isn't true according to NASA, which leads me to wonder what Bob's source is for the claim that the near side of the Moon has more craters than the far side.

According to NASA, "there are more impact craters on the far side of the Moon" than there are on the near side (source). In fact, the largest impact feature on the moon is the South Pole-Aitken basin, which is located on the far side.

In our solar system, there are 8 accepted planets with a total of 166 natural satellites orbiting them. All of them have numerous meteor, asteroid, and comet impacts on full display. All of that mass could not possibly have come from earth.

By the way, Brown's so-called "hydroplate theory" is not a theory at all. A scientific theory "has already undergone extensive testing by various scientists and is generally accepted as being an accurate explanation of an observation" (source). Brown's hydroplate idea has not been extensively tested by numerous scientists, nor is it generally accepted.

Do you really mean "continents", or do you actually mean "continental plates"?
It's not the continental plates that fit; it is the continental shelves that fit nicely.


New member
Can anyone speak as to why the various missle defense systems didn't see this coming?
They can track ICBMs, and then they can track the smaller MRVs that come out of the ICBMs.
But a rock the size of a bus just slips right thru?
They missed a bus?

ICBMs are spotted at launch from the heat of the rockets. The incoming MRVs are tracked with radar in the atmosphere. Small bodies like the meteoroid are not in the right place to be seen by the military, although the military have a real interest in spotting them and not mistaking the explosions for aggressive nuclear attacks - they could trigger a nuclear exchange if international tensions are high.


New member
Hall of Fame
As opposed to you? All you do is thread-crap. You have nothing at all to contribute but you need attention so badly that you cannot shut your hole. Pathetic

Why don't you do me a real favor and leave me the hell alone? All you seem to do is follow me around TOL and try to bite my ankles.


New member
Of course. But given that you'll never read them it'd be a waste of time.

Actually I will read those pages. I have read portions of Brown's book on line but have never had the time to read it all. He has a PhD in mechanical engineering, I am interested in how he deals with the energy coming out of his mid ocean ridge rupture. I assume he has provided some calculations.

Thank you so much.


New member
* Heavens to Murgatroyd! It turns out that the near-earth asteroid DA14, and the meteorite impact in central Russia were NOT a 1-in-100-million chance coincidence as believed by Yale astronomy professor Meg Urry. Rather, those two events were associated with the meteors sighted in Cuba, California, and then Miami
* Trajectories: The reason the trajectory of the Russian meteor was different from that of its 150-foot in diameter DA14 asteroid is most likely because that meteoroid was in orbit around DA14. Asteroids are known to have moons, with about 70 such systems so far discovered. In the time between the asteroid's flyby and the Russian impact, the Earth traveled a bit further than the distance to the Moon. Orbital mechanics could theoretically provide a baseline test for the liklihood of our claim that the Russian and the other meteors traveled with DA14, unfortunately however perturbances over the last 5,000 years could make falsifiability by this method difficult.

Or .... The different paths indicate that the meteoroids were unrelated. Any 'moon' of such a small body as the russian meteoroid would have to be very close and they would have fallen together in the same place. Moons have only been observed around large asteroids.

I love the suggestion that science could verify this idea, without any suggestion of what the scientists have actually said already. (ie. that these events are unrelated due to the different orbits calculated. See here for the orbits compared.


Well-known member
Ah, so it is 6 x as much energy released/foot of the mid ocean ridge. What is his explanation? How does he get rid of all that heat energy?
Well I dont remember that it was every foot, I'll go look it up, again. But he does recognize that if that energy was released all at once it would melt the earth, so you and Walt are thinking along the same lines. Its like you two are hand in hand on this scientific journey. Its an interesting book, you should read it.


New member
How do I turn heat into kinetic energy?

I think heat can become kinetic energy, my issue is the enormous amount of energy Brown suggests over a very short period of time in a very limited area. The 2nd law states that some of it must get lost as heat and in most instances, I think, most of the energy in any process gets lost as heat. that heat in Brown's theory has to go somewhere and the water and atmosphere of the earth is most likely.

So, can someone give me the pages where Dr. Brown discusses this. Thank you.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
How do I turn heat into kinetic energy?

Seriously? Many ways. Take the automobile and its internal combustion engine. The expanding gases from the heat release push down on the piston which pushes a rod, which turns the crankshaft. The crankshaft spins, giving you movement (kinetic energy). Action/reaction is much easier. Well, the control isn't easier.


Well-known member
Seriously? Many ways. Take the automobile and its internal combustion engine. The expanding gases from the heat release push down on the piston which pushes a rod, which turns the crankshaft. The crankshaft spins, giving you movement (kinetic energy). Action/reaction is much easier. Well, the control isn't easier.
One of the best mythbusters is when the hot water heater blows up and skyrockets.


New member
Seriously? Many ways. Take the automobile and its internal combustion engine. The expanding gases from the heat release push down on the piston which pushes a rod, which turns the crankshaft. The crankshaft spins, giving you movement (kinetic energy). Action/reaction is much easier. Well, the control isn't easier.

Right, but engines still lose most of their energy via heat/friction. My guess is that most internal combustion engines have efficiencies well under 50%. And note that is in a designed/contained system, not in otherwise random occurrances such as 1800 trillion megaton explosions.

So how does Dr. Brown deal with the obvious inefficiency? And get rid of the heat energy? Does he provide any calculations?

The Barbarian

Stipe claims:
Not an impact basin.

Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), we performed comparative analysis among stratigraphic information and the Kaguya
(SELENE) GRS data of the 2500-km-diameter South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin and its surroundings. Results indicate that the surface
rock materials (including ancient crater materials, mare basalts, and possible SPA impact melt) are average to slightly elevated in K and
Th with respect to the rest of the Moon. Also, this study demonstrates that K and Th have not significantly changed since the formation
of SPA. The elemental signatures of the impact basin of Fe, Ti, Si, O through time include evidence for resurfacing by ejecta materials
and late-stage volcanism. The oldest surfaces of SPA are found to be oxygen-depleted during the heavy bombardment period relative to
later stages of geologic development, followed by both an increase in silicon and oxygen, possibly due to ejecta sourced from outside of
SPA, and subsequent modification due to mare basaltic volcanism, which increased iron and titanium within SPA. The influence of the
distinct geologic history of SPA and surroundings on the mineralogic and elemental abundances is evident as shown in our investigation.