Ask and it SHALL:


New member
)//\\)))----FOOL!!----((((///\\\ PrOvE mE wRoNg iffffff //// 9you0) caN!!!!

v45 - 911

Obama and all his marxist brethern exaggerate what the Conservatives ((( SAY ))) about how the Government is supposed to be ALSO, just like That!!!! - Cheers!!!!

Paul -- 013114


New member
Hall of Fame
Obama and all his marxist brethern exaggerate what the Conservatives ((( SAY ))) about how the Government is supposed to be ALSO, just like That!!!! - Cheers!!!!

Paul -- 013114

I AGREE ((MAN)), YOU And I are smarter thenTHese---- [[fools]]!

We rock Paul \M/ !! /HIGH, <5> bROOO!1ONE

v45 - 90210


Well-known member
Wasn't that King Nebuchadnezzar?

My mistake, it was. Thanks for pointing it out.

If so, God was listening while the king was speaking and that is why he ended up on all fours eating grass like the beasts of the field. Daniel 4:30-32

30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?

31 While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.

32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

The point was if God heard him while he was crazy. Answer appears to have been "no."

I think King Saul had a tormenting spirit... sent to him by God due to Saul's repeated disobedience. Still... craziness.

But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. 1 Samuel 16:14
Agreed. Interesting that Saul's insanity bears more resemblance to what's common today, which even secular psychs have long claimed often results from guilt over sin. Hey, thanks again for the correction.


New member
((( OHHH )))!!, -- SO I’m a “MANIAC” HUH, -- and everyone Agrees!!!! ))) --- OK!!! --- (( Matthew 25:40 KJV )) --//---

With this Rebellious Generation, whose eyes and ears are tuned in on this place, and cannot Respond as “Christians” to anything except to ( their own kind of Stuff ); - I will ask again!!!
What do you all want?? – More Weather, or something a little stronger to believe in??

I will ask the Laws / God what He wants to show you all. -- I’ll not name anything myself, but leave that up to It / Him. – Kinda like; - “Not my will, but thy “WILL” be DONE”!! – (( John 14:14 KJV )) ---//----- However, - one MUST have the -- “Authority” to ASK, - and false Christians don’t have the “Name” / “Authority”!!! --- SOO, What shall it be?? – (( Run and Hide again?? ))

Paul – 012714

(( WOOW ))!!!!

Why don't you all get some of your Loving, Kind christians to pray for you and your Government and Weather?? -- You know; those Loving, Kind, and HUMBLE christians; - like AMR, Nick M. and STP, and all those like them who are on their god's side are without fault!! -- Get them to pray for your Government and (( WEATHER ))!!! - They could over power my ( Desires ) couldn't they!!???
You all know that what Christ said is TRUTH, don't You??? -- ((( John 14:14 KJV ))) --//--- (( I'm SOOO Afraid!!!!!! ))!!!! - I don't want to be out done; - but they just may be able to, because they are SOOO Kind, Loving, and Humble, and on your side!!!!

Paul -- 020414

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
((( OHHH )))!!, -- SO I’m a “MANIAC” HUH, -- and everyone Agrees!!!! ))) --- OK!!! --- (( Matthew 25:40 KJV )) --//---

With this Rebellious Generation, whose eyes and ears are tuned in on this place, and cannot Respond as “Christians” to anything except to ( their own kind of Stuff ); - I will ask again!!!
What do you all want?? – More Weather, or something a little stronger to believe in??

I will ask the Laws / God what He wants to show you all. -- I’ll not name anything myself, but leave that up to It / Him. – Kinda like; - “Not my will, but thy “WILL” be DONE”!! – (( John 14:14 KJV )) ---//----- However, - one MUST have the -- “Authority” to ASK, - and false Christians don’t have the “Name” / “Authority”!!! --- SOO, What shall it be?? – (( Run and Hide again?? ))

Paul – 012714

Makes good sense to me! Even though I'm one of those who believes you're a maniac, I still can enjoy
your many rantings!


New member
Makes good sense to me! Even though I'm one of those who believes you're a maniac, I still can enjoy
your many rantings!

Being RIGHT is (( "Ranting"!!!!! ))???? --- And Being Wrong is Loving, Kind. and "Humble" / ( "Humilited" by the Truth )!! - That's your way of teaching Christ??? -- That's Obama's way of loving you all!!!!

SOOO don't pray, -- I don't care. - It won't make any difference to my (( Desires ))!!! - Just your own form of ~love~~.

Paul -- 020414


New member
Are you trying to say you caused this weather thru prayer Paul?
And one thing about truth, it's very subjective, even when backed by facts you still have to get others to " believe" in it for it to become truth.
Didn't Jesus say something about when 2 or more " believers " gather He will be there. He did also say He was the truth did he not?

Posted from the TOL App!


New member
Are you trying to say you caused this weather thru prayer Paul?
And one thing about truth, it's very subjective, even when backed by facts you still have to get others to " believe" in it for it to become truth.
Didn't Jesus say something about when 2 or more " believers " gather He will be there. He did also say He was the truth did he not?

Posted from the TOL App!

Truth is Truth, believe it or not!!!
(( Romans 3:10-12 KJV )) --//----

What have I been saying to you all for YEARS????? --- (( John 8:45-46 KJV )) – 45- “And because I tell you the Truth, ye believe me not. 46- Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the Truth, why do ye not believe me”? --&--- (( John 14:14 KJV )) – 14- “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it”. ---//----

I said, and Christ said, -- AND You All Say!!!! – It’s your time to be honest and USE Christ the Truth, and show us all who Christ / the Truth IS!!! – LOVE??? – OK!!!! – Your Kind will defend you and themselves with everything except the Truth in Love, - and curse ME!!! – Happy are ye!!!

Paul – 020414


New member
Are you trying to say you caused this weather thru prayer Paul?
And one thing about truth, it's very subjective, even when backed by facts you still have to get others to " believe" in it for it to become truth.
Didn't Jesus say something about when 2 or more " believers " gather He will be there. He did also say He was the truth did he not?

Posted from the TOL App!

Truth is truth, it matters not if anybody believes it or not.

Truth does not need facts.

Truth does not need for anybody to believe it.

Yes, Jesus is the Truth. It is not, however, because He is subjective or because people believe or disbelieve Him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
~~what~~???? -- Quit Lying, (( You heard Him ))!!!!!, and he's Right. -- Now WHAT -- Genius???????

Paul -- 021014

Paul, take a shave and a haircut! All that hair is, weighing down
your ability to sound semi-sane! Make sense? Probably not now!
You seriously need better grooming habits! You look like you just
stumbled out of a cave in a bad late 1960s B movie!


New member
Are you trying to say you caused this weather thru prayer Paul?
And one thing about truth, it's very subjective, even when backed by facts you still have to get others to " believe" in it for it to become truth.
Didn't Jesus say something about when 2 or more " believers " gather He will be there. He did also say He was the truth did he not?

Posted from the TOL App!

What do you think???

Someone needs to learn how to Pray for whatever it is that they want from the Weather and Government.

What has happened in the past two months? - Is your Government in a safe place with Russia?? - And has your Weather been to your will?

Paul -- 022814