Ask and it SHALL:


New member
((( OHHH )))!!, -- SO I’m a “MANIAC” HUH, -- and everyone Agrees!!!! ))) --- OK!!! --- (( Matthew 25:40 KJV )) --//---

With this Rebellious Generation, whose eyes and ears are tuned in on this place, and cannot Respond as “Christians” to anything except to ( their own kind of Stuff ); - I will ask again!!!
What do you all want?? – More Weather, or something a little stronger to believe in??

I will ask the Laws / God what He wants to show you all. -- I’ll not name anything myself, but leave that up to It / Him. – Kinda like; - “Not my will, but thy “WILL” be DONE”!! – (( John 14:14 KJV )) ---//----- However, - one MUST have the -- “Authority” to ASK, - and false Christians don’t have the “Name” / “Authority”!!! --- SOO, What shall it be?? – (( Run and Hide again?? ))

Paul – 012714


Well-known member
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Can you clarify please?

(so this is the Back Alley, huh...looks the same as the inside of TOL...*shrug*)


New member
I dont think ur mad,, if your going to curse everyone could you leave me out? I dont doubt you,in fact could I get a blessing if you remember?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
((( OHHH )))!!, -- SO I’m a “MANIAC” HUH, -- and everyone Agrees!!!! ))) --- OK!!! --- (( Matthew 25:40 KJV )) --//---

With this Rebellious Generation, whose eyes and ears are tuned in on this place, and cannot Respond as “Christians” to anything except to ( their own kind of Stuff ); - I will ask again!!!
What do you all want?? – More Weather, or something a little stronger to believe in??

I will ask the Laws / God what He wants to show you all. -- I’ll not name anything myself, but leave that up to It / Him. – Kinda like; - “Not my will, but thy “WILL” be DONE”!! – (( John 14:14 KJV )) ---//----- However, - one MUST have the -- “Authority” to ASK, - and false Christians don’t have the “Name” / “Authority”!!! --- SOO, What shall it be?? – (( Run and Hide again?? ))

Paul – 012714

I truly believe there's something "Maniacal" about you! You have a
rather "frenzied" way of writing that backs up that assertion!


Well-known member
I dont think ur mad,, if your going to curse everyone could you leave me out? I dont doubt you,in fact could I get a blessing if you remember?

Hey, we don't have to rub anyone's belly or anything weird to get a blessing around here, do we? Cuz if we do, I just don't know...

Can I just send a couple bucks to TBN?


New member
Hey, we don't have to rub anyone's belly or anything weird to get a blessing around here, do we? Cuz if we do, I just don't know...

Can I just send a couple bucks to TBN?

The ones who seem the craziest prolly talk to God more then those who dont ;)

Most ppl who wrote in the Bible were considered mad or fanatical in there day,would you agree?


Well-known member
The ones who seem the craziest prolly talk to God more then those who dont ;)

Maybe, but when King Saul went down-on-all-fours-eating-grass-like-a-goat crazy, was God listening?

Most ppl who wrote in the Bible were considered mad or fanatical in there day,would you agree?

Not sure. Foolish for sure, and deceived. Very much despised and hated. Seems that was the general vibe people had about them more than out and out crazy, because they weren't.


New member
Maybe, but when King Saul went down-on-all-fours-eating-grass-like-a-goat crazy, was God listening?

Not sure. Foolish for sure, and deceived. Very much despised and hated. Seems that was the general vibe people had about them more than out and out crazy, because they weren't.

well Ill generally agree with you there prophet is recognized in his own country.and to answer Grosnick ,Jesus is of coarse my best example.He was laughed at and called worse then crazy on many occasions.Like the build this temple in 3 days,being born again ect ect

But musterion I have a challenge for you :) Letsargue has many post in which he challenges someone to prove him wrong. You wont have to look too far,a month or two im sure. See if you can. Or I could pick one for you if you like:)

BTW He dont think much of me at all. Were not friends so to speak.


Well-known member
See if you can. Or I could pick one for you if you like

I don't go looking for challenges but having done him the courtesy of looking at some of his threads, I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to...I can't make heads or tales out of what he's trying to say. Wish I did.


New member
I don't go looking for challenges but having done him the courtesy of looking at some of his threads, I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to...I can't make heads or tales out of what he's trying to say. Wish I did.

HAHA... well there we go, I can read it fine and understand but have yet been able to disprove him..

Not that I really want to,but he usually ask's it.


New member
The ones who seem the craziest prolly talk to God more then those who dont ;)

Yes, and the more likely that also God speaks to them too.

When man speaks to God, it is called prayer.

When God speaks to man, it is called schizophrenia. (I don't necessarily believe that, but many do.)

Most ppl who wrote in the Bible were considered mad or fanatical in there day,would you agree?

Yes. Many were. Many probably thought that they themselves had gone mad, at first.

Only in an insane world are the sane thought to be insane.


New member
well Ill generally agree with you there prophet is recognized in his own country.and to answer Grosnick ,Jesus is of coarse my best example.He was laughed at and called worse then crazy on many occasions.Like the build this temple in 3 days,being born again ect ect

But musterion I have a challenge for you :) Letsargue has many post in which he challenges someone to prove him wrong. You wont have to look too far,a month or two im sure. See if you can. Or I could pick one for you if you like:)

BTW He dont think much of me at all. Were not friends so to speak.

Christ speaks of the Trinity of the Lost, which are: -- "Neighbors, Enemies, and the Evil: -- We / The Christians are to Love our Neighbors and Enemies, but HATE the Evil. - There are many Neighbors and Enemies Here to Love, But the EVIL We Cannot Love, but (( HATE ))!!!!, because they HATE US!!! -- However, the "Friends' are of US, -- ((( John 15:14 KJV ))) --//---

Paul -- 012714


New member
Yes, and the more likely that also God speaks to them too.

When man speaks to God, it is called prayer.

When God speaks to man, it is called schizophrenia. (I don't necessarily believe that, but many do.)

Yes. Many were. Many probably thought that they themselves had gone mad, at first.
Yes good point. As far a prayer goes I believe God knows all my thoughts as they happen, I do make ceremonial prayer but I think my ongoing cognitive thought process is a on going dialog with the Creator.
. After reading my Bible MANY times I finally was awoke by a voice of my grandpa calling my name. I instinctively answered "Here I am Lord" Now the Lord did not speak to me,but I allso knew my Grandfather had passed away long ago.
1 Samuel 3:8

So If I ever am awoke by a voice calling my name thats my instinctive response.


New member
Yes good point. As far a prayer goes I believe God knows all my thoughts as they happen,

I too believe that they are.

I do make ceremonial prayer but I think my ongoing cognitive thought process is a on going dialog with the Creator.

. After reading my Bible MANY times I finally was awoke by a voice of my grandpa calling my name. I instinctively answered "Here I am Lord" Now the Lord did not speak to me,but I allso knew my Grandfather had passed away long ago.
1 Samuel 3:8

So If I ever am awoke by a voice calling my name thats my instinctive response.

That is very cool. You are expectant of hearing from the Lord. That is awesome! You, more than likely, will too.


New member
Yes good point. As far a prayer goes I believe God knows all my thoughts as they happen, I do make ceremonial prayer but I think my ongoing cognitive thought process is a on going dialog with the Creator.

I heard a preacher say one time that his wife came to him and said, 'I do not feel like God hears me when I pray.' He said, 'Tell him about it.' She said, 'I don't believe He will hear me.' He said, 'He already did.'

IMHO, this is what Paul saying when he admonished us to 'pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I always was, 'how in the world am I going to pray without ceasing, I have to go to work, I have to eat, etc., etc.'

Well, I discovered a long time ago, that in the back of my mind there is a conversation going on with my Creator all the time. It is that 'knowing' that I am His, that He has bought me with a price, that He protects me, that I am thankful in every situation, etc.

After reading my Bible MANY times I finally was awoke by a voice of my grandpa calling my name. I instinctively answered "Here I am Lord" Now the Lord did not speak to me,but I allso knew my Grandfather had passed away long ago. 1 Samuel 3:8

I have never had an experience as yours, however, I have awoken singing to the Lord in the middle of the night.

So If I ever am awoke by a voice calling my name thats my instinctive response.

I wish that my response also will be "Here I am Lord" if I ever hear Him calling my name.


New member
Maybe, but when King Saul went down-on-all-fours-eating-grass-like-a-goat crazy, was God listening?

Wasn't that King Nebuchadnezzar? If so, God was listening while the king was speaking and that is why he ended up on all fours eating grass like the beasts of the field. Daniel 4:30-32

30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?

31 While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.

32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

I think King Saul had a tormenting spirit... sent to him by God due to Saul's repeated disobedience. Still... craziness.

But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. 1 Samuel 16:14