Ashley Madison hacked data has been officially released


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Hall of Fame
Out of curiosity, do you feel that is a genuine apology or a statement out of necessity with the press?

I would have to know his wifes response to even reasonably have an opinion on that, meaning if he had confessed it to her prior.

Sometimes exposure results in real repentance, but sometimes its just repentance over getting caught, no way to know for certain since we aren't them. Im pretty sure there is at least some real repentance since what hes done has affected much more than him.

Thats the nature of sin though, no such thing as it doesnt hurt anyone. His has hurt his entire family.

He was a consenting adult though, right?


Well-known member
Out of curiosity, do you feel that is a genuine apology or a statement out of necessity with the press?

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:21-22

Were King David alive today, he would probably get hammered harder than any of the Duggars. He committed adultery then murdered to cover it up. While he was forgiven, he still had to live with consequences (lost the child and his lineage was a mess).


New member
The hackers who released 10-gigabytes of compressed data a couple of days ago just released another 20-gigabytes of data, including what appears to be the email inbox of the company’s CEO.
The new dump appears to include more internal Ashley Madison data, like files possibly related to the website’s design, development, and product teams:

The people that own Ashley Madison are dumb, they should have followed the demand of the hackers and shut it down. There is no principled stand angainst hackers when your business is based on adultery.


New member
And it just keeps getting worse for the users.
Cities across the USA, including ones in Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas, are investigating email domains listed among the millions registered to popular spouse-cheating website At least four North Texas cities are looking into whether their employees used municipal email accounts to sign up and three city of Cincinnati email domains were listed, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer and WFAA-TV. "We are going to pursue it," City Manager Harry Black told the Enquirer on Wednesday night. "We have some information, but not enough. I don't know if it would be a fireable offense, but we will look at our Internet-use policy."

Nathon Detroit



New member
Hall of Fame
Luk 12:2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

As to those who are on the list, I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for them. They know they are doing something wrong and they know that getting caught is always a possibility. They have earned what they are about to get.
That is my initial reaction. :mock: cheaters
No sympathy and support for the hackers. But then I do think about these people...
I feel sorry for the betrayed who may now have their wound publicly picked over. :sigh:

But I feel even worse for a person (possibly Josh Dugger) who is outed when it's possible his account was faked.

.....And my support for the hackers begins to fade out of sympathy for victims here.

The fact that a website like this exists, and was about to have a public offering, makes me very sad. :(


New member
Hall of Fame

The people that own Ashley Madison are dumb, they should have followed the demand of the hackers and shut it down. There is no principled stand angainst hackers when your business is based on adultery.

Extortion is only wrong when there is a principled one on the receiving end? How about all the principled men and women at home who did nothing wrong and now are openly shamed by their spouses actions?

As to the site, it shouldn't have existed in the first place, and the fact that it did and had so many customers, is quite the measure of the state of the world today.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The local news and radio stations are making a big deal over this, like they don't know that politicians are despicable creatures to begin with. I mean, come on, you pretty much have to chuck any morals you may have to be one.


New member
I'm so very glad that it is impossible for my name to appear on that list!

As to those who are on the list, I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for them.


If you check, you may find that Queztal was using your name to pick up
Shagster's GF.

Husband Catches Wife In Adultery Using Fake Facebook Name


This is a controversial issue because it is not easy for many to resist temptation. The wife was tempted and she could not resist it. But the husband is saying he can't marry her again, calling her prostitute and all sorts of names and has decided to divorce her. The wife is begging for forgiveness. Below is their story:

A married couple work in different cities; the husband works in Abuja while the wife work in Lagos. He goes home every weekend to spend time with her. They both have facebook accounts.

One day while bored at work the husband playfully creates a facebook account with a fake pix, he sends his wife a request and she was attracted by the handsome young man, hence she accepts his request.
They chat regularly over one month, she finds him exciting and was always looking forward to chatting with him. She began to hate weekends because he online lover was never available to chat with her, not knowing that the "online lover" is her husband who is by her side at weekends.

They chatted about everything, recently their chats became very sexually explicit, and she got turned on by the things he asked her to do. Then, one day he asks her to send him a photo of her private part.

Surprisingly, the married woman excitedly send the private photos without hesitation. Her angry husband then asks her to take photo of her body parts and she did.

As soon as he got all the photos in his inbox, the husband reveals his true identity.

The wife is ashamed of herself and begging for forgiveness. The husband said he believes that is how his wife go about sharing her body with men on facebook. He said he can't marry such a cheap woman again.

- What is the way out here? Should the husband forgive her or not?
