As Election Day Nears, More of Trump’s Former Officials Are Speaking Out Against Him

The Barbarian

I have to be honest, if I was a liberal I would be upset, because President Trump just don't stop winning!

Let's see... his promises... build a wall... replace Obamacare with something better... bring down the debt... so much winning?

He actually failed at all of it. And some of his followers are now figuring it out.

Russia Hoax,

Last count, about a dozen people convicted, pleading guilty, or pardoned for crimes in Russian interference.


One of only three presidents impeached.

And the kicker is that a conservative Supreme Court, if it deviates from the law, can be brought to heel as well. Radical leftists are hoping they overturn Roe v. Wade. It would be a gift to the far left.


New member
Trump isn't a very good judge of character. True, some of his picks were criminals, but he often inadvertently chose people he thought would be pliable, only to be dismayed when they turned out to have morals and principles.
Morals and Principles?

Like the Morals and Principles democrats have?

President Trump supports and defends the unborn childs right to life :up:

President Trump has signed executive orders on religious freedoms and protections. :up:

President Trump openly condemns the democratic disregard for law and order, Defund The Police, Portland, Seattle, New York, Chicago, being prime examples of chaos :angrymob:


New member
It’s hypocrisy to nominate her prior to the election. Garland wasn’t even given a hearing. If trump is removed from office and the Dems take back the Senate, they should add at least three more judges. OR remove three judges ...
I agree, remove three judges, Beyer, Sotomayor, And Kagan :up:

The Barbarian

The Supreme Court has never been an effective bar to democracy; as they say, the justices read election returns. If that changes, so can the number of justices. Perfectly legal and Constitutional.

You don't win by getting people appointed. You win by changing minds.

And one of the reasons you're losing, is because you don't care what Americans think.

The Barbarian

Morals and Principles?

Like the Morals and Principles democrats have?

Yep some of them, at least. Trump has systematically fired anyone of his appointees who have shown any moral fiber at all. Or they quit once they realized what kind of person he is.

President Trump supports and defends the unborn childs right to life :up

Donald Trump gave a woman he had impregnated when he was cheating on his wife, money to kill his unborn child. He admitted doing it. That's your choice for a leader. Spare us the slogans until you actually mean them.



New member
Donald Trump gave a woman he had impregnated when he was cheating on his wife, money to kill his unborn child. He admitted doing it. That's your choice for a leader. Spare us the slogans until you actually mean them.


September 03, 2020

As Joe Biden caves to the radical pro-abortion left and works to implement nationwide, taxpayer-funded abortion until birth, President Trump has stood strong in his pro-life commitments. President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history, and with four more years in the White House he will continue to transform the federal judiciary by appointing judges who recognize the sanctity of life and finally defeat the Democrat-backed abortion industry.

Today in North Carolina, Vice President Mike Pence met with pro-life leaders at the Susan B. Anthony List while Eric Trump led an Evangelicals for Trump event, demonstrating the Trump Administration's strong pro-life convictions. In a letter to leaders in the pro-life movement, President Trump reiterated his commitment to defend the unborn:

"As I seek re-election this November, I need your help in contrasting my bold pro-life leadership with Joe Biden’s abortion extremism. The Democratic Party unequivocally supports abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, and even infanticide -- leaving babies to die after failed abortions. Joe Biden’s embrace of this extreme position is most evidenced by his support for taxpayer funding of abortion on-demand. Forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions is an abhorrent position that must be defeated at the ballot box. Joe Biden has doubled down on these positions with his selection of abortion extremist Kamala Harris as his running mate. With your help, I will win re-election, ensuring we have another four years to fight in the trenches for unborn children and their mothers."