ECT Article gets "the mystery" wrong


You wouldn't tell them Christ died for their sins and was raised for their justification?

It probably wouldn't hurt, but according to Paul, all they have to do is what it says in Romans 10:9

Mormons call Jesus "Lord" and believe God raised Him from the dead. Are they saved?

Glenn Beck would say yes.

However, I don't know, only God knows what people believe in their heart.


What do you think it means?

I believe prior to 70AD that believers went to Paradise, which is called Abraham's bosom. I believe it was somewhere in the middle of the earth.

I believe those believers were taken to heaven in 70AD by Christ Jesus, and have been there with Him in the kingdom since. I believe no one goes to Abraham's bosom anymore.

Therefore, since 70AD I believe all believers in Christ instantly go to the kingdom when the physically die.

Yes, they do. It's what Bullinger taught.

Bullinger knew he couldn't have BOC members going to the same place the OT Saints went, and he couldn't have them going to heaven because they wouldn't have any bodies because Dispensationalism teaches you don't get a glorified body until the rapture.

So Bullinger claimed when you die, your soul "sleeps" until the rapture. Meaning you go nowhere.

Where do you think he is?

In the kingdom in his glorified body.

Try to imagine one continuos "rapture" of believers since 70AD. That's what I believe Paul was describing in Thess.

steko and other Dispies have tried to explain how just the souls of believers go to heaven, and some how hang out there with no body at all until the rapture.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Ask any question you want, I'll answer it.

It's you and Little Johnny W the Dance Director who run and hide when they don't like my questions.

Where is the Apostle Paul right now?

Why do you slander me with that cute little "Little Johnny W the Dance Director,"' the "homo" accusation, as you admit it is? Why don't you tell everyone about your PM to me, admitting your man crush on me, and other TOL members, effeminate sodomite, obsessed with men, and "homosexuality?"

What about your oh so big "6'3" inches, of softness, witness those 2 James 2:3 KJV "pics" of you, looking like Clay Aiken, and your chunky, Jan Crouch painted "wife?"

So there, sodomite.

And tell me why you have punted my last 50 questions, Wimpy.


That's not the content of what he reminded the Corinthians he'd told them when they were saved.

So what you saying?

Are you claiming 1 Cor 15:1-4 is some sort of addendum to Rom 10:9?

I believe salvation is really simple.


Why don't you tell everyone about your PM to me

Because I never sent you a PM.

You can ask Knight, Sherman, or any other moderator. I never sent you a PM.

Nor did I email you. I don't know your email, nor would I ever email you anything.

You're a liar John.

You can't even keep your lies straight (which is what happens to liars). One lie has PM, the other lie has an email.

I know you couldn't care less what I have to say, but if you are a follower of Paul (as you claim), then at least listen to him:

(Col 3:9 KJV) Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Because I never sent you a PM.

You can ask Knight, Sherman, or any other moderator. I never sent you a PM.

Nor did I email you. I don't know your email, nor would I ever email you anything.

You're a liar John.

You can't even keep your lies straight (which is what happens to liars). One lie has PM, the other lie has an email.

I know you couldn't care less what I have to say, but if you are a follower of Paul (as you claim), then at least listen to him:

(Col 3:9 KJV) Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

Another one of Tellalie's "I never................"

Yes, you did, you habitual liar, sending me a PM, and slander me with that "Dance Director" "homo" charge, which you admit is such, and you are a sodomite, with your "Johnny" man crush jazz, which you think makes you look so tough, you wimp. Most TOL members know that you are obsessed with men/sodomy, so stuff your lying about that PM, and you "closet," child of the devil.

And that's rich, Wimpy-the habitual liar of TOL, calling me a liar, when he is caught on every thread, lying, and has been caught at least 6 times with, "I never said..............," changing his story in every thread, on which he spams, and then me producing your exact quotes, where you said it.

You devious punk, and stuff your "but if you are a follower of Paul (as you claim), then at least listen to him" sophistry. If you are a follower of Paul, get a job, infidel, and stop sponging off your wife, as she supports you, and your 8 hours/day on TOL obsession:

1 Timothy 5:8 KJB

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Don't you believe Paul, Tellalie? You taught us that.

You're headed for hell, child of the devil, slanderer.


I get the impression from Colossians 2 that sins for the Body of Christ were already blotted out.

They were.

Sins and salvation are two different things.

(Heb 9:28) so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
They were.

Sins and salvation are two different things.

(Heb 9:28) so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

The day of atonement is when sins are blotted out.
How can Act 3 and Col 2 both be true for the same group of people?


The day of atonement is when sins are blotted out.

When the High Priest came back out it depicted the renewal.

How can Act 3 and Col 2 both be true for the same group of people?

There was only one sacrifice for sins, and there will never be another. It was for all sins, and for all people.

For some reason you think the sacrifice only applies to some people, but not others.


The day of atonement is when sins are blotted out.

Yes I know.

What day did the sacrifice for sins take place?

This happens at the 2nd coming, per Acts 3.

Using your logic, Christ Jesus would have to be killed again as a sacrifice.

Col 2 shows that sins are already blotted out, for some.

You know as well as I do that the fulfillment of the seven feasts by Christ Jesus don't happen exactly, down to every detail, like the actual feasts.

If so, the sacrifice for sins would have taken place on the Day of Atonement, not during Passover.