So then you need to stop reasoning your beliefs saying things like, Why don't we see a millions go with the mid acts view? And instead, start saying things like, you know, when I consider the great men of the bible, they commonly stood alone and had the godly respect and decency to go God's way no matter which way tradition was going. Or, you know many believe this, but after reviewing God's word, I believe that instead.
I agree with Clete that you have lots of bible study under your belt, but when you constantly point to man for reasoning your faith, the inappropriate dependency is obvious. Remember, was longstanding human tradition, or was it a rigorous and cogent understanding of God's word that trapped you into the false belief of the closed view? :think: , and then :think: some more!
And I hope everyone else here sees that until Godrulz does what should, that is to learn from His word to become a workman HIMSELF prior to resting on man's ideas, then he risks using us like he does the historical church by leaning on our understanding instead of God's. Although he might get lucky from time to time, it is precisely the world of human tradition that in the location of all false Christian doctrine. While conversely, God's word is precisely the location of all true doctrine.
Lets face it, in 3 or 4 posts in a row, and with the most polite and appropriate suggestions that you stop resting on man's views but instead hold them loosely until you have a solid understanding from God's word, instead of you honoring that godly concept, every single time you looked to man to explain why you believe what you believe, EVERY TIME!
I would say, ok, but remember, get a solid understanding of God's word first and foremost, and THEN deal with man's views, and you would not do that every single time.
We are not God, we don't write scripture, you have your bible, stop going elsewhere for what you should believe. You read a critique of the Plot, before you finished the Plot, to see if it is biblical or not. :freak: You quote manmade tradition to support why so far you believe that it is not right. :freak:
You should reject all teachings in the Plot IF THEY DO NOT LINE UP WITH MAN MADE TRADITION!!!
Opps, I meant, if they do not line up with scripture!