ARGH!!! Calvinism makes me furious!!!


New member
Originally posted by Z Man


Yeah... ummmm... Check this out...

i read that post before. was there something specific you wanted me to read?

or are you now saying that you do determine truth by logic and reason? have you changed your mind?

otherwise your previous quote still stands

To me, what matters most is the TRUTH of God's Holy Word. That is what I believe, no matter how 'illogical' humans may percieve it to be.


New member
I am going to drop in here and ask a quick question of our Calvinist "friends".

Do you believe that a person can be saved and not accept fundemental Calvinist doctrine?


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Originally posted by Sozo

I am going to drop in here and ask a quick question of our Calvinist "friends".

Do you believe that a person can be saved and not accept fundemental Calvinist doctrine?
I'm curious: Since you mention "fundamental Calvinist doctrine," are you interested in what fundamental Calvinist doctrine teaches on this issue, or are you interested in what our Calvinist "friends" believe on this issue?



New member
Originally posted by Hilston

I'm curious: Since you mention "fundamental Calvinist doctrine," are you interested in what fundamental Calvinist doctrine teaches on this issue, or are you interested in what our Calvinist "friends" believe on this issue?


To be honest (if I may), I want to understand why God would not reveal to His "elect/chosen ones" the truth of the fundementals of Calvinism, if in fact they are saved, and yet disagree with it.


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Originally posted by Sozo

To be honest (if I may), I want to understand why God would not reveal to His "elect/chosen ones" the truth of the fundementals of Calvinism, if in fact they are saved, and yet disagree with it.
It's an excellent -- very excellent -- question, Sozo. Are you interested in what the fundamentals of Calvinism teaches about this, or what "our Calvinist 'friends'" believe about this?



New member
Originally posted by Hilston

It's an excellent -- very excellent -- question, Sozo. Are you interested in what the fundamentals of Calvinism teaches about this, or what "our Calvinist 'friends'" believe about this?


Let's see :think: ... if they are Calvinists, and they "believe" something other than what the fundementals of Calvinism "teaches", then God must have predestined them to not understand the very thing that He has done to save them. :confused:

So how then can they be saved?


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Originally posted by Sozo

Let's see :think: ... if they are Calvinists, and they "believe" something other than what the fundementals of Calvinism "teaches", then God must have predestined them to not understand the very thing that He has done to save them. :confused:

So how then can they be saved?
Hi Sozo,

If you already knew what they believe, why did you bother asking?

Fact is, not everyone here who calls him/herself a Calvinist accurately espouses what "the fundamentals of Calvinism" teaches. Hence my question.



New member
Originally posted by Hilston

If you already knew what they believe, why did you bother asking?
Somehow, I feel like my original question has not been addressed.

"Do you believe that a person can be saved and not accept fundemental Calvinist doctrine?"


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Jim - There you are, ,,, how you doing? Good, me, same old, you know how it goes.

Yes, beautiful day, sort of hot too. Yes, yes. ...

So, what about my post to you, from about 95 posts ago? Actually, there were two in a row? :D


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Jim - Posts 636 & 637, should I have not addressed them to Hilston, or? Oh, man, I forgot, they are not pre-chopped. Don't go look at them, I must pre-hack, let me do it, ok... :)


Active member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

Somehow, I feel like my original question has not been addressed.

"Do you believe that a person can be saved and not accept fundemental Calvinist doctrine?"
Are you asking me that question? I thought you were addressing it to Calvinists. I don't claim to be a Calvinist. That's why I asked you, "Since you mention "fundamental Calvinist doctrine," are you interested in what fundamental Calvinist doctrine teaches on this issue, or are you interested in what our Calvinist "friends" believe on this issue?"



New member
Originally posted by Hilston

Are you asking me that question? I thought you were addressing it to Calvinists. I don't claim to be a Calvinist. That's why I asked you, "Since you mention "fundamental Calvinist doctrine," are you interested in what fundamental Calvinist doctrine teaches on this issue, or are you interested in what our Calvinist "friends" believe on this issue?"


Sorry for the confusion. Since I asked what the "Calvinists" believe, I had assumed that you were a responding Calvinist.

Either way, I hope that a Calvinist who understands Calvinism will answer.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Oh boy, I haven't put that much of a backlog against anyone in years.

Jim you are 4 rather large posts behind... I should appologize for ribbing you, too much pressure, don't mean to be rude. :)


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Originally posted by Sozo

Sorry for the confusion. Since I asked what the "Calvinists" believe, I had assumed that you were a responding Calvinist.

Either way, I hope that a Calvinist who understands Calvinism will answer.
I hope so, too.

I'm not a Calvinist, but I understand Calvinism.



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Originally posted by 1Way

Oh boy, I haven't put that much of a backlog against anyone in years.

Jim you are 4 rather large posts behind... I should appologize for ribbing you, too much pressure, don't mean to be rude. :)
Not a problem, 1Way. I'll attend to your posts when I have a larger block of time with which to give them due attention. Thanks for the reminders.



+OL remote satellite affiliate
Sozo - Your question is interesting. From what I recall, most Calvinists would tend to have God follow up the granting of saving faith --- with the new creation slash sanctification bit (like standard Christian doctrine) so that they will not only be saved, but also act like it to some extent. And remember, according to them, God has irresistible grace working for Him, you can not thwart His will. If God choose that the preacher is going to hell, no matter what he is going to hell, if the gang member drug dealer is going to heaven, he's going there no matter what.

But what about the vast majority of pew sitting believers out there? They may have a common or average, even a somewhat nominal faith in God. How would they really know, how can they become assured in their salvation when it is not them in the least, plus, on top of that, the odds are likely that many church members are going to hell instead of heaven! Talk about a serious eye opener. God is the one who does the choosing, ,,, so, do you feel lucky? ;)


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In Jesus' day, He warned that there would be those who cast out devils in His name, prophesy in His name, and perform many miracles in His name. Yet, to them, He will say, "I never knew you."

We could apply these principles to our contemporary environment:

Not everyone who says to Him, 'Lord, Lord,' will jointly sit with Christ on the Father's throne in the upon-heavens, but he who does the will of His Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Him on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not preach the gospel in Your name, and in Your name win thousands to salvation, and in Your name staunchly defend the faith and regularly attend church? And Jesus will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'


Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Hilston

I hope so, too.

I'm not a Calvinist, but I understand Calvinism.

Jim, I guess I would be considered an "open theist".

In regard to this topic.... what would you call yourself?


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Originally posted by Knight

Jim, I guess I would be considered an "open theist".

In regard to this topic.... what would you call yourself?
Knight, I would say that I have a Calvinistic view of the atonement. That is where my association with the term ends. Just as an Open Theist might say he has an Arminian view of the atonement, and yet not call himself an Arminian.

I also consider myself a 15-pointer, because I apply each of the 5-points of Calvinism to each of 3 households of God's elect (elect Israel, elect of the nations, and the Body of Christ).

Thanks for the question.



New member
Originally posted by Hilston
I'm not a Calvinist, but I understand Calvinism.

If you accept Calvin's doctrine of election, then would you care
to take a stab at the question from a fundemental Calvinist view?

This being, of course, that it is fundemental to Calvinist doctrine that the elect know that they are indeed children of God.