Are your kids being shown pornographic images in school by teachers?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Obviously you've never owned a male dog or a female dog for that matter. They'll hump anyting.
Did you read the link? Are you familiar with all their observed perversion? All the atheists themselves say the bonobos are unique, that's why they're so commonly used as 'positive examples' of 'sex positivity', and not dogs.

But anyway even if dogs and bonobos are alone in that kind of perversion, even still, why just them?

Or are you saying that bonobo perversion is found in all the species?

I agree that dogs are unethical /perverts. I have seen it with my own eyes. And yes dogs are idiots and that's why bonobos being gay was a bigger deal, to those who disagree with /don't hold the Christian value of chastity.

Your idea that the Fall is the reason for both dog and bonobo perversion is a fresh one for me. It immediately makes me think of birds, because out of all the behavior I've seen or read about in nature it seems to me generally that the birds' is the most ethical, perhaps there is one or more bird kinds who are actually our ethical superiors in matters of chastity and perversion, who avoid perversion better than we do, meaning that they value chastity more than we do too.

If this were just the effects of the Fall, in contradistinction to the pigs who ran off the cliff to their deaths in the Gospel story, then I would become very curious about what we might learn ethically, if anything, from the other species; whereas today, I don't think that at all. I don't care what they do wrt ethics, since they're idiots, is basically my attitude. When they're ethical, they're ethical robots anyway, just following instincts that their DNA has, that happen to be ethical.

So if they are unethical perverts like bonobos and dogs, they are just obviously not role models for us, and it might become problematic that they're perverts too, and we might have to actually intervene because they'll just engage in open perversion sometimes, which is completely unethical, according to Biblical morality.

But there are creatures where that's not a concern like it is with dogs and bonobos. You put two male DNA creatures or two female DNA creatures with each other, and there's no chance that they'll practice perversion, but with dogs and bonobos (and, sadly, man) the chance is non-zero.

If this is all just the effect of the Fall alone, and has nothing to do with demonic presence, possession or influence, then I just wonder openly how it is that all creatures aren't as 'naturally' perverted as bonobos, dogs, and man?

Our supernatural theories conflict, but I think we agree on all the objective observable evidence.

And I don't think that that's inconsistent with the evidence.
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Gary K

New member
Did you read the link? Are you familiar with all their observed perversion? All the atheists themselves say the bonobos are unique, that's why they're so commonly used as 'positive examples' of 'sex positivity', and not dogs.

But anyway even if dogs and bonobos are alone in that kind of perversion, even still, why just them?

Or are you saying that bonobo perversion is found in all the species?
Way to go. Just keep on exposing who you really are. I'll never read another post of yours without the knowledge this thread has imparted. I'll never forget how much you despise Biblical morality.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Way to go. Just keep on exposing who you really are. I'll never read another post of yours without the knowledge this thread has imparted. I'll never forget how much you despise Biblical morality.

I adore Biblical morality, and it is clear.


Well-known member
And? So what? Why don't all the species act like bonobos then. They are unique. They engage in things that Paul says is "not so much as named among the Gentiles".

There must be some reason. And it can't just be something that should affect every other species the same way.
Rebels against God act like animals but God does not condone barbarian animalistic behavior in humans.

Right Divider

Body part
And? So what? Why don't all the species act like bonobos then.
Your logic is flawed.
There is no requirement that the fall have the identical effect on all kinds of animals.
They are unique.
So what?
They engage in things that Paul says is "not so much as named among the Gentiles".
Paul was only talking about people.
There must be some reason. And it can't just be something that should affect every other species the same way.
Illogical... Why "should" it?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Your logic is flawed.
There is no requirement that the fall have the identical effect on all kinds of animals.

So what?

Paul was only talking about people.
Paul was talking about Gentiles, he was using them as a standard, something objective that they could all understand to communicate clearly about.

His comment in 1Co5:1 was comparing that particular type of perversion to typical Gentile perversion, and said even the Gentiles don't do that.

Elsewhere in Romans 1 Paul explains that homosexual perversion is unnatural, similarly to Greek philosophers who taught about parts of chastity, and the Gentiles practiced homosexual perversion, so there is one category of perversion that's natural, like heterosexual premarital fornications, and adulteries, and there's another category of perversion that's unnatural perversion, like homosexuality, bestiality, incest.

1Co5:1 is a whole other category, it's beyond unnatural. So that's why I was thinking maybe demons. What would cause a creature to do something that's so unethical (self-defeating)? Maybe demons.

What would cause pigs to run off a cliff to their death? Maybe demons.
Illogical... Why "should" it?
Then I want to know why. Is it just something physical with man, bonobos and dogs, that the Fall is the reason for all the perversion among just these species, and basically none of the others? Why did the Fall cause so much perversion in a few species but not in all the species?

Right Divider

Body part
Paul was talking about Gentiles, he was using them as a standard, something objective that they could all understand to communicate clearly about.

His comment in 1Co5:1 was comparing that particular type of perversion to typical Gentile perversion, and said even the Gentiles don't do that.

Elsewhere in Romans 1 Paul explains that homosexual perversion is unnatural, similarly to Greek philosophers who taught about parts of chastity, and the Gentiles practiced homosexual perversion, so there is one category of perversion that's natural, like heterosexual premarital fornications, and adulteries, and there's another category of perversion that's unnatural perversion, like homosexuality, bestiality, incest.

1Co5:1 is a whole other category, it's beyond unnatural. So that's why I was thinking maybe demons. What would cause a creature to do something that's so unethical (self-defeating)? Maybe demons.

What would cause pigs to run off a cliff to their death? Maybe demons.

Then I want to know why. Is it just something physical with man, bonobos and dogs, that the Fall is the reason for all the perversion among just these species, and basically none of the others? Why did the Fall cause so much perversion in a few species but not in all the species?
Animals behaviors are completely irrelevant. Paul is talking about humans only.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Animals behaviors are completely irrelevant. Paul is talking about humans only.
It's relevant to the OP, as to why a teacher of little children would introduce little children to perversion. They are acting like certain animals. Like bonobos and dogs. They don't pursue the value of chastity, again like bonobos, and dogs.

Right Divider

Body part
It's relevant to the OP, as to why a teacher of little children would introduce little children to perversion. They are acting like certain animals. Like bonobos and dogs. They don't pursue the value of chastity, again like bonobos, and dogs.
So no need for a quote from Paul then.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Atheist evolutionists claim homosexual tendencies are inherited from animal ancestors. Humans do not have animal ancestors in spite of what the deluded think. Human homosexuality is a direct result of the inherited sin nature from Adam.
There's a strong statistical correlation between men who identify as homosexual and being raped as a boy. It doesn't explain it all, there are plenty who were never raped as boys, but there is a strong statistical link between being raped by a man as a boy, and turning out as a homosexual man when you grow up.


Well-known member
There's a strong statistical correlation between men who identify as homosexual and being raped as a boy. It doesn't explain it all, there are plenty who were never raped as boys, but there is a strong statistical link between being raped by a man as a boy, and turning out as a homosexual man when you grow up.
I was forced to fight off homosexual advances on several different occasions by different perverts when I was young. Once when hitchhiking back to base from Fayetteville. Once when walking back to my bike from the college library. Once when helping a religious man who needed help. And five or six other times.


Well-known member
Perhaps in biology lessons, when the topic concerns reproduction...In general, I talked to my child about this topic, and he told me that there was no such thing. At the same time, high school students are repeatedly told that they should always be protected with condoms during sexual acts. But if you think about it on a larger scale, I wouldn't mind if schools explained sex to children in more detail. Then they wouldn't have to look for all the answers to the questions independently. I remember consulting with the guardians from the organization about how to answer a child's questions related to sex correctly.
SEICUS is one organization that has designed sex education curriculum in American public schools. Planned Parenthood is another. Both organizations have a history of deep involvement with sexual perversion and pornography. American public schools hacve been using pornography and perversion to corrupt school kids for several decades in America.

Last week in Clark County (Las Vegas), NV, the local school board meeting was flooded with parents, furious about sex education proposals in the Clark County School District (CCSD). While the superintendent denies that Kindergartners would be taught about masturbation, as the media has reported, he does not deny that discussion is happening to change the sex education curriculum and that the source of those proposed changes is a document that does call for children to learn about masturbation at a young age—as well as abortion.

The proposed curriculum is based on the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, known from Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). These guidelines were developed by a task force that included members from Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association, and American Medical Association. Planned Parenthood had the most members of any organization on the original task force at three and was also a part of the latest update panel.

Why do they show cartoonish images of naked adults alongside naked babies and children? Why do 5 and 6 year-olds need to know this?

Known as the “Human Growth and Development” curriculum, the materials include images of naked adults and children and babies that critics have described as soft porn. The controversial sex education program also seeks to blur or eliminate gender distinctions while normalizing homosexuality, transgenderism, confusion, and more.

God-rejecting barbarians do not understand why pornography or perverted sex is wrong.

Hosea 4:14
I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I was forced to fight off homosexual advances on several different occasions by different perverts when I was young. Once when hitchhiking back to base from Fayetteville. Once when walking back to my bike from the college library. Once when helping a religious man who needed help. And five or six other times.
That's awful Marke.


New member
The British Pedagogical Association calls for the inclusion in the school curriculum of the study of the influence of pornography, but in a "form appropriate to the age of schoolchildren." Starting from about the age of 10, children should be taught the rules of safe use of the Internet and warned about the possibility of bumping into different things there. Therefore, I have never heard from my daughter that they were shown something like this at school. I didn't always ask her directly. Sometimes I used would you rather questions games to find out what she was thinking. I hope that nothing like this will happen in our schools.
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Well-known member
The British Pedagogical Association calls for the inclusion in the school curriculum of the study of the influence of pornography, but in a "form appropriate to the age of schoolchildren." Starting from about the age of 10, children should be taught the rules of safe use of the Internet and warned about the possibility of bumping into different things there.
Pornography will never be good, especially when used to teach school kids how to have sex and enjoy it.

February 23, 2020

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools​

By Amy Contrada

WARNING: This article has sexually explicit content.
Concerned citizens all over the country are joining the resistance to what the sexual-radical Left calls "comprehensive sex education" (CSE). One such group is Informed Parents of Washington (IPOW), who describe themselves as "a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting Comprehensive Sexxx Education in our schools and legislation that [infringes on] parental rights."
They point out that 58% of participants in a statewide survey said they do not want CSE mandated in the schools. But the Democrats controlling the state Legislature are ignoring the will of the people. From IPOW:
Currently, Washington State Legislators have introduced 4 bills to mandate CSE to every school in Washington, grades K-12. While ... districts will not be mandated to use one particular curriculum ... we provide examples from each of the most popular choices. Make no mistake, they are all bad.
We are not against sexual education, but we are absolutely against the inappropriate, pleasure based components within CSE that we feel harm our children[.] ... Elementary age children do not need to learn about masturbation. Teens should not be told that the pull out method is more effective than they think. Kids should not be taught that sexting is as innocent as watching a movie together, schools should not be suggesting co-bathing as an alternative.
We maintain that because CSE is not appropriate for any child, it should not be given as an option to opt-in or opt-out[.] ... We reject the Legislature's false attempt at appeasement by offering to allow kids to "opt-out" because we know that is never truly an option. It is impossible to guarantee that subjects will not be brought up in other classes and one can never opt out from the talk amongst students.
Another IPOW post explains:
OPT OUT DOESN'T WORK! Not only does Laurie Dils, Sexual Health Education Program Supervisor for the state of Washington, want to teach your children about sexual pleasure, she wants to weave comprehensive sexual education into other subject areas. For example, "Romeo and Juliet."
Good for these parents to oppose CSE. But really, any "sex education" in the schools should be opposed! All any high school student needs is a basic human physiology class. Many conservatives don't grasp that allowing anything beyond that opens the door to abuse by Planned Parenthood and LGBT activist messages (always in the name of "safety").
But the capitulation to "good" sex ed came long ago. And so, we've arrived at the sexualized school culture described by two young girls below. They went to the Washington State House on Feb. 20 to testify against S.B. 5395 (which would make CSE mandatory in all public schools).
These 8th-grade girls were subjected in earlier grades to a curriculum called FLASH (Family Life and Sexual Health). Planned Parenthood has contributed materials to that CSE curriculum (and others). In grades 4–6, for example, boys and girls (in class together) will learn to properly name their genitals: penis, scrotum, labia, vulva, vagina. They will fill in a worksheet including the terms circumcision, conception, ejaculation, erection, genitals, intercourse, nocturnal emission, semen, sperm, etc. (See more details here.) It's a great way to break down modesty and get young children thinking and talking about sex during the school day.
Here's just one paragraph from the FLASH curriculum for grades 4–6:
Intercourse is the kind of sexual touch when the penis is in the vagina. It is sometimes called "vaginal intercourse" or "lovemaking"...but "lovemaking" can mean different things to different people. [Hint, anal intercourse?] Ejaculation is what you call it when semen, the fluid carrying sperm, comes out of the penis. If he ejaculates during intercourse — or even if he ejaculates onto her labia, without ever putting the penis inside — sperm can swim up into her uterus[.] (p. 12–13)
No wonder little boys are grabbing at the girls' crotches during recess.
My sources with IPOW, Kim Wendt and Randall Rathbun, preserved the testimony of the two 8th-grade girls. Though they weren't allowed to testify before the Education Committee at the Feb. 20 hearing, they read their statements afterward at the State House. They describe how the whole school culture was changed because of the sex ed.
Here's what one girl described:
In 6th grade our school started the FLASH curriculum. I will never forget the day our MALE teacher taught us what intercourse was. That was mortifying. We had to sit and hear very personal things with boys constantly joking about it. It made me feel violated, like I was just an object. Since the sex ed curriculum started, those kinds of things go on all year long. Sexual comments are common. Boys will even grab girls' butts at school, including mine. When addressed, they simply move on to someone else. I want it to stop but if you say anything you are made fun of and no one takes you seriously. This is wrong but everyone seems to just accept it and girls suffer in silence. Sexual harassment is being tolerated and actually encouraged by the culture that has been fueled by sex being in every day at school.
Girls already have a hard time being respected and having sex discussed every day just makes it hard. I, and many others, prefer to have these sensitive discussions at home with those we trust, not in front of our peers and teachers. And by the way, opting out is not really an option. Anyone who does that gets teased and bullied even more. This really should be an elective class that you CHOOSE to take. Why can't it be that way? We should have a choice.
In my other class we are learning about our first amendment rights. I am supposed to have the right to exercise my religious freedom yet every day I am being forced to go against it in order to pass a class. I am a pastor's daughter. Where are my rights? Where is my right to have safe boundaries? I don't want this mandated on me and I certainly can't imagine making younger kids go through this.
Today I ask you to guarantee that ALL kids' voices are heard. Please vote no and give us a real choice, a choice to keep our honor.
The second girl told of her experience:
I'd like to tell you what the sex education curriculum has done to our school in the last couple years. Feeling violated is our new norm. Sexual harassment is the new norm. Lack of respect is the new norm.
Graphic details, pornographic images, and inappropriate assignments have become a part of every day. Sex has now become the main topic of every conversation from the start of the school day to the end. Boys make lewd and demeaning comments and it's treated like no big deal, after all — it's just our homework right? This is very confusing and the whole culture in our school has turned toxic, especially to girls.
Imagine if your classroom activity for the day was to play bingo with words like sperm, erection, and ejaculation and your homework was to look up "penis too large" on the Internet. This is disturbing and very embarrassing but I don't get to say no. I don't get to have boundaries.
The lines between sexual harassment and sex ed class are very blurry. Think about this: It is now ok for male teachers to talk to us about sex and every aspect of it when just a few years ago that would have gotten them fired. And if a boy tells us to "Look up page 34," is that harassment or discussion about homework? Where is the line? We have lost our ability to advocate for ourselves and demand better.
Sex is very private and should be handled with respect. But that's not happening in our schools. We deserve safe boundaries and we need you to provide them. After all, we have to live with the laws you pass. Please vote no on this bill and protect our dignity.
A high school sophomore who spoke at the hearing opposed the bill for the same reasons (at 47:20 in the State House video). Following her classmates' exposure to 5th-grade sex ed, "[d]egrading sexual jokes were made about my body, constantly. I felt confused and violated[.] ... It didn't empower me nor educate me as a future woman[.]"

Pro-family citizens gather before the Washington State House on Feb. 20, 2020 in opposition to mandated "comprehensive sex education." (Photo: Kenny Smith.)
The resistance is growing. Radio talk show host Todd Herman (in Seattle) posted this (Feb. 11, 2020) about the CSE curricula:
I asked a career law enforcement official, Jim Fuda, of Crime Stoppers Global Solutions (which fights sex trafficking) what he thought of some of the so-called "Sex-Ed" "curriculum" the Democrats are trying to force into schools. Jim agrees it sounds like grooming; Jim said he would have his hands around the throat of a man who said these things to kids. I DEMAND A REAL PROTEST FROM REPUBLICANS ON THIS. Here are some ideas:
1. READ THIS TRASH INTO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD — if the Dems block it, scream it into the record. Make them physically remove you from the House chambers: we are literally talking about a program that ERASES the natural boundaries kids have about talking to random adults about sex acts.
2. GET EVERY REPUBLICAN MEMBER TO DO FACEBOOK LIVES: Show the pictures they want our kids to see! The pictures are porn and parents who see them will FREAK. The media is HIDING THESE BILLS. GO AROUND THE MEDIA[.] ...
If Republicans sit passively by while this trash is passed I see no reason to support the party[.]

OK, Republican legislators. Where are you on this? Why aren't you helping us out? How about overturning all those laws (in almost every state) that exempt schools from obscenity bans?
All sex ed in the schools — not just CSE — is obscenity. It has become downright pornographic. It is grooming the next generation for any act imaginable.
Amy Contrada is with MassResistance and author of Mitt Romney's Deception.

WARNING: This article has sexually explicit content.

Concerned citizens all over the country are joining the resistance to what the sexual-radical Left calls "comprehensive sex education" (CSE). One such group is Informed Parents of Washington (IPOW), who describe themselves as "a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting Comprehensive Sexxx Education in our schools and legislation that [infringes on] parental rights."
They point out that 58% of participants in a statewide survey said they do not want CSE mandated in the schools. But the Democrats controlling the state Legislature are ignoring the will of the people. From IPOW:

Currently, Washington State Legislators have introduced 4 bills to mandate CSE to every school in Washington, grades K-12. While ... districts will not be mandated to use one particular curriculum ... we provide examples from each of the most popular choices. Make no mistake, they are all bad.
We are not against sexual education, but we are absolutely against the inappropriate, pleasure based components within CSE that we feel harm our children[.] ... Elementary age children do not need to learn about masturbation. Teens should not be told that the pull out method is more effective than they think. Kids should not be taught that sexting is as innocent as watching a movie together, schools should not be suggesting co-bathing as an alternative.
We maintain that because CSE is not appropriate for any child, it should not be given as an option to opt-in or opt-out[.] ... We reject the Legislature's false attempt at appeasement by offering to allow kids to "opt-out" because we know that is never truly an option. It is impossible to guarantee that subjects will not be brought up in other classes and one can never opt out from the talk amongst students.
