Are you ready to take Islam serious? Part 2.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
29 Christians massacred by muslims for being Christian in Egypt.

A clearer picture is emerging of the anti-Christian genocide unfolding in Egypt after 29 Christians were massacred near Cairo for their faith this weekend.

Survivors from that bloody bus attack are revealing what ISIS did, killing their victims solely because they were Christians.

At least 10 masked Islamic State followers forced the Coptic believers to leave the bus one by one, asking if they were Christian.​

[the left] nuh-uh [/the left]


29 Christians massacred by muslims for being Christian in Egypt.

A clearer picture is emerging of the anti-Christian genocide unfolding in Egypt after 29 Christians were massacred near Cairo for their faith this weekend.

Survivors from that bloody bus attack are revealing what ISIS did, killing their victims solely because they were Christians.

At least 10 masked Islamic State followers forced the Coptic believers to leave the bus one by one, asking if they were Christian.​

[the left] nuh-uh [/the left]
That was one of things that happened at Columbine too. :think:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Ohio State attacker is in fact a jihadist.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man responsible for a car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University last year left behind a torn-up note in which he urged his family to stop being “moderate” Muslims and said he was upset by fellow Muslims being oppressed in Myanmar, The Associated Press has learned.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan also told his parents in the note, reassembled by investigators, that he “will intercede for you in the day of Judgment,” according to the investigative case file of the attack obtained through an open records request.

“My family stop being moderate muslims,” says the handwritten note transcribed by investigators and found by Artan’s bed in his family’s apartment.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Yep. There is literally no comparison to the Westboro Baptist church rightly saying God hates fags, and muslims who will throw them off the roof. And even though he hates them, he went to the cross for them. And they shake their fist at him and curse his name.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame Not Khandahar.

The government believes the three defendants, all members of a local Indian-Muslim sect, subjected numerous girls to genital cutting procedures over a 12-year period. To date, the government says it has identified eight victims -- including the two Minnesota girls -- though Woodward said the government estimates there could be as many as 100 victims. She said that's a conservative estimate, and that it's based on Dr. Attar's alleged admission to authorities that he let Nagarwala use his clinic up to six times a year to treat children for genital rashes.

The muslim's lawyer scoffed at the claim. Of course.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Since annab wants to put less graphic re-enactments in the fake news thread, implying it doesn't happen, making her a liar, then these will be posted from now on.