So at least you know history.
lain: But you could use a new dictionary. I'm not a political leader. I don't take up popular causes unless they're popular with me. I never make arguments based on emotion. I make arguments rooted in reason, mostly in the face of emotional nonsense. So your record won't play. Egotist? I know my abilities and my weaknesses. I can live with the mix...but I don't have to think that much of myself to think less of declarations in lieu of reasoned, objective and, God forbid, fair examination of a particular or person.
Like I have to tell which I mean it's sad that I have to tell you that.
Mostly the people here who don't like me aren't the sort of people I'd want on my Christmas list. People like Sod (ok) who rushes back past my opposition to the president in the last election to make a dishonest impression.
That sort.
But good luck with your distortion. :thumb: At least it's different.