I do not know all the facts. It is possible Enyart crossed the line and the discipline was borderline abusive. If he is totally innocent, then he has not violated the Word and God does not go against it. If he was quilty of unbiblical and illegal discipline, then he is convicted in God's court and human courts (Rom. 13). The State is not always right. They think any spanking is abusive, which is contrary to the Word. If it was done in anger or left marks or was against a teenager, etc., then it is not defensible. This is somewhat subjective. We do not want to side with pop psychology that minimizes any discipline. We also do not want to hide behind the Bible and justify excessive force. There are Christians that are guilty of abuse. Not that Dobson is the end all and be all, but I suspect his expertise would question this case if it is true it was over a shower and left significant marks.
One should be careful to not assume a high profile leader can do no wrong or should not be held accountable if they cross the line. As a leader, it would be wiser to be more temperate and not open the door to false accusations or give credence to others who may not have self-control and use him as a justification for excessive force. The point can be made with one spank, not 3. Did he use his hand or an object. Objects are perceived as weapons and excessive abuse.