10 just isn't enough here 
Breaking one of these commandments MAY cause you to be banned from our forum.
1. Thou SHALL NOT use profanity or insinuated profanity on this forum. Crass potty humor is also discouraged here at TOL.
2. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to upload profane images to our website or post links to profane material on our website. Profane avatars and profile images are also illegal and will result in instant banishment.
3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemous or unnecessarily disruptive. We will ban you if you are presenting yourself as an unneeded distraction (yes this is subjective - live with it).
4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause. Appropriately identifying the wicked is not only allowed but encouraged.
5. Thou SHALL NOT post in ALL CAPS. That's rude, considered shouting and also hard to read.
6. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads (intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the threads purpose).
7. Thou SHALL NOT spam (unless its by our design and even then please be creative and keep spamming to a minimum. Do not make it your obsession or you will be banned).
8. Thou SHALL NOT post copyrighted material on our website
(without prior approval). Generally you shouldn't post any material on TOL that is not your own creation without giving credit to the source. If you do post material from another source... please only post a small excerpt from your source and then provide a link or other note of source.
9. Thou SHALL NOT submit posts of extreme length
(anything over 6 short paragraphs may be considered too long. Don't attempt to make your whole argument in one post. Battle Royale's are exempt from this rule.)
10. Thou SHALL NOT copy and paste your previous papers and writings (like high school or college papers) without prior approval. TheologyOnLine is for dialogue.
11. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum. (Profile and signature links may be allowed with administrator approval.) Using our PM system to redirect members to other forums is also a banable offense.
12. Thou SHALL NOT discuss the banning of other TOL members publicly if any TOL mod or admin has asked you to not discuss such matters.
13. Thou SHALL NOT mistreat TOL moderators and admins. (if you are asked by TOL moderator to alter your post, signature, avatar or other input at TOL please respect their request).
14. Thou SHALL NOT disrespect the decisions and or warnings of the TOL moderators and administrators.
15. Thou SHALL NOT advocate any criminal activity or vigilantism against another TOL member or anyone else. For instance, one might rightfully say... "The government should execute murderers" but someone should not advocate executing anyone personally or outside the criminal justice system.
16. Thou SHALL NOT break any other agreed upon rules.
Most (if not all) of the above commandments are subjective in nature. The owners and operators of TheologyOnLine reserve the right to enforce the rules of this website as they deem necessary.
TheologyOnLine is private property and all participants participate at the pleasure of this websites owners.
TOL is biased towards the truth - learn to deal with it.
Breaking one of these commandments MAY cause you to be banned from our forum.
1. Thou SHALL NOT use profanity or insinuated profanity on this forum. Crass potty humor is also discouraged here at TOL.
2. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to upload profane images to our website or post links to profane material on our website. Profane avatars and profile images are also illegal and will result in instant banishment.
3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemous or unnecessarily disruptive. We will ban you if you are presenting yourself as an unneeded distraction (yes this is subjective - live with it).
4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause. Appropriately identifying the wicked is not only allowed but encouraged.
5. Thou SHALL NOT post in ALL CAPS. That's rude, considered shouting and also hard to read.
6. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads (intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the threads purpose).
7. Thou SHALL NOT spam (unless its by our design and even then please be creative and keep spamming to a minimum. Do not make it your obsession or you will be banned).
8. Thou SHALL NOT post copyrighted material on our website
(without prior approval). Generally you shouldn't post any material on TOL that is not your own creation without giving credit to the source. If you do post material from another source... please only post a small excerpt from your source and then provide a link or other note of source.
9. Thou SHALL NOT submit posts of extreme length
(anything over 6 short paragraphs may be considered too long. Don't attempt to make your whole argument in one post. Battle Royale's are exempt from this rule.)
10. Thou SHALL NOT copy and paste your previous papers and writings (like high school or college papers) without prior approval. TheologyOnLine is for dialogue.
11. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum. (Profile and signature links may be allowed with administrator approval.) Using our PM system to redirect members to other forums is also a banable offense.
13. Thou SHALL NOT mistreat TOL moderators and admins. (if you are asked by TOL moderator to alter your post, signature, avatar or other input at TOL please respect their request).
14. Thou SHALL NOT disrespect the decisions and or warnings of the TOL moderators and administrators.
15. Thou SHALL NOT advocate any criminal activity or vigilantism against another TOL member or anyone else. For instance, one might rightfully say... "The government should execute murderers" but someone should not advocate executing anyone personally or outside the criminal justice system.
16. Thou SHALL NOT break any other agreed upon rules.
Most (if not all) of the above commandments are subjective in nature. The owners and operators of TheologyOnLine reserve the right to enforce the rules of this website as they deem necessary.
TheologyOnLine is private property and all participants participate at the pleasure of this websites owners.
TOL is biased towards the truth - learn to deal with it.
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