NO, I said the signs were NOT the reason Nicodemus came to Jesus. You still havent given us a reason...
You said that the reason he came to Jesus involved words he did not use. I said the reason he came to Jesus involved words he did use. My evidence comes from the text and context and yours come from your question-begging.
I have. And as I say... You can not prove otherwise, because there is no contrary evidence.
Yeah, if we throw out the WORDS Nic used, we have no evidence. Let's pretend "signS" means "sign" and that verse 23 is connected to verse 13 and then we'll have the argument you were making a few days ago. That'll be GREAT "evidence"!! Then we'll predend that "disciples" means "all the Jews."
There HAS to be a reason Nicodemus came to Jesus,
Yeah, the signs Nic MENTIONED with his W O R D S!
and generally when you are telling a story, unless specified its connected to some previous even (which we all know is not signS now).
Nic mentioned the S I G N S. LOL!!! You won't even list them in your list of events. Poor Nic has no say in the narrative, according to you. LOL!!
Perhaps we should copy you and look everywhere but the words in the text to figure out what the characters were thinking. Then, if anyone wants us to look at the words in the text, we'll say, "Are you nuts? You're asking me to abandon common sense! You must think that the Bible is a series of random events!!" LOL!!!
He did NOT say he came because OF the signS, he says thatthe signS show He is from God.. nowhere does He mention signS as a reason.. you are imagining things.
Nic mentions the only thing on his mind. The thing you want him to mention is not there. The evidence is on my side.
All He said was 'we know you are a teacher come from God' - John is assuming we can figure out we Nicodemus is there.. and there is only ONE logical reason... because of the EVENT CONNECTED WITH NICODEMUS 9the temple cleansing) which has gone before.
LOL!! Nic said why he made the connection... "For (
gar) no one could perform the s i g n S you are DOING if God were not with him."!!!!!!! Here's the connection Nic did
not make: "Fur U cicked ofer a bunche uv tabels and verz 13 iz konneckted 2 verz 23. And eanyone whoe dizagreez with me iz abandoning kommon senze."
Again, you continually confuse the intent of John with the motivation of Nic. If you would separate the two, you'd find that I would agree with more of what you are saying. But you won't, so you are blind to the fact that Nic's motivation is mentioned by Nic HIMSELF. As I mentioned days ago, you are confusing the role of the writer and the role of the characters! LOL!!
YOu are asking me to abandon literary sense, reason and plain old common sense
No, you did that voluntarily.
to think Nicodemus just turned up for no real reason... just for a good old chinwag..
geoff, come out with your hands in the air. The truth police have you surrounded!!! I've told you time and again why Nic came, you silly boy. A man sent by GOD has come. Who wouldn't want to ask him some questions?!?!?
No, Arminian wants us to believe its some random event unconnected to anything.
I have nothing but contempt for your dishonesty, geoff. I've said nothing like that. You've been trying to put words in my mouth instead of addressing and acknowledging what I've said. I feel sorry for you.
A man is sent from God, so Nic wants to talk to him (as would we all).
Ah, no, I say you can not prove the Temple Cleansing wasnt Nicodemus' purpose for approaching Jesus, and I know you can not give any better reason...
Take a class on logic and read the paragraph in your textbook concerning proving a negative.
Nic said why he was there: "FOR no one could perform the signS you are doing..." Contained in the following brackets are all the words Nic used that support your case: []