ARCHIVE: pixel theology (the counting machine)


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
This has to be right, because I got the idea from reading JP's posts...

This has to be right, because I got the idea from reading JP's posts...

Being the God of the pixel universe you had always decided to create an animation box that would count to five and then start all over again, from eternity past and until eternity future, but since you had already known that the box would choose not to display the number 4 since the box had made that decision in eternity past at the exact same non-sequential, non-time, that you had decided to create the box with exact attention to detail, so you decided, in that same non-time, non instant, that you would not interfere with the box’s free will since you had given the box freedom to choose its own path and since the mere fact that you knew it would decide from eternity past that it would not show the number 4, even though it had not been created yet, that since its choice decided the future, that really wasn’t a future of course since it had already been determined in eternity past, which of course is the same as eternity future and eternity now, so in order for the box’s choice to be free even though it had already been set in the eternity of the future and even though you already knew what it was going to do, from eternity past, which of course since you had already foreseen this it was impossible for it not to turn out in exactly that way, so what this tells me is that you are a completely and 100% rational and logical God and that you are perfect from all the eternities, in fact from an eternity of eternities.

Is that about right?

Nathon Detroit

OK... let me tell you one more thing about me.....

Every time I watch my counting machine "play". I am disappointed when I do not see a 4 after the 3 and before the 5. No matter how many times I watch it play, I am always disappointed with the missing 4.

So lets review.....

1. I created the counting machine below.
2. I created it with great attention to detail.
3. The counting machine was completed as intended.
4. I know the proper way to count to 5.
5. I am disappointed when I watch my machine and there is no 4

If all of the above were true. What would those facts coupled with my creation tell you about me?

Nathon Detroit

Lion.... ROTFL!!! :D That was funny. Although I cant make it the "post of the day" because I give that to you almost everyday! People are going to start thinking there is some serious nepotism going on if I pick you again. :D ;)


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
How many times do I have to tell you?

How many times do I have to tell you?

I defer to my last post…

(Translation)-You are a slave to your foreknowledge.

Nathon Detroit

Re: How many times do I have to tell you?

Re: How many times do I have to tell you?

Originally posted by Lion
I defer to my last post?

(Translation)-You are a slave to your foreknowledge.
OK... but what do the following two facts tell you about me......

3. The counting machine was completed as intended.

5. I am disappointed when I watch my machine and there is no 4


3 legged race champion
Oh man Lion, Now I've got a headache. ;)

Knight, based on your last piece of information, I think you're schizo!

uh-oh. *ducks* :noid:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Mara
Oh man Lion, Now I've got a headache. ;)

Knight, based on your last piece of information, I think you're schizo!

uh-oh. *ducks* :noid:
I would say that is an EXCELLENT analysis of me!

(based on the facts at hand!)


3 legged race champion
Originally posted by Yxboom
I REPENT for ever seeing such a box!

Your repentence doesn't count for much. It isn't your box. And you can't unsee something. Perhaps in time you can forget it. ;)

Nathon Detroit

Who can tell if Knight will turn and relent, and turn away?

So Mara.....

Why do you think I am "schizo"? Summarize for me why you think that.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator


Because you had foreseen that the box would not show the four, you built it exactly that way, even though you would rather have had it work correctly. Therefore you are a slave to your foreknowledge.


3 legged race champion
Originally posted by Knight
Who can tell if Knight will turn and relent, and turn away?

So Mara.....

Why do you think I am "schizo"? Summarize for me why you think that.

You'd have to be, someone who creates something to work in a specific fashion and then is disappointed that it worked in that specific fashion. That is just plain crazy. You don't create a microwave to heat food and then be sorry that it does heat food. Only a schizo can hold two conflicting thoughts in harmony.


Re: Huh?

Re: Huh?

Originally posted by Lion
Because you had foreseen that the box would not show the four, you built it exactly that way, even though you would rather have had it work correctly. Therefore you are a slave to your foreknowledge.
I'm sure you will repent of your answer soon.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Mara

You'd have to be, someone who creates something to work in a specific fashion and then is disappointed that it worked in that specific fashion. That is just plain crazy. You don't create a microwave to heat food and then be sorry that it does heat food. Only a schizo can hold two conflicting thoughts in harmony.
But what would you say to someone like Jaltus that MIGHT argue.....

Just because you KNOW that something will happen doesn't mean that you still cant be sorry or disappointed about it. Jaltus might say.... you know your kids might make a mess of their room yet you are still disappointed when they DO make a mess of their room.

What would you say about that argument? Maybe I am not "schizo" based on that argument?


Originally posted by Mara

You'd have to be, someone who creates something to work in a specific fashion and then is disappointed that it worked in that specific fashion. That is just plain crazy. You don't create a microwave to heat food and then be sorry that it does heat food. Only a schizo can hold two conflicting thoughts in harmony.
There is one who by that definition would fit the bill...
Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 6:6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.