You are completely stupid E4E! I have no idea why I even try to have a reasoned conversation with you.
No one every suggested that we should make sin acceptable you fat headed dork!
Well I have been called worse so I will just let this name calling slid.
Clete, as lone your view of sin is skewed there is no way you will understand what I am saying. Don't you understand that in order to sin you have to be a sinner. To be a sinner you have to be of the flesh and we are not of the flesh if we have been born of the Spirit of God. The Apostle Paul said that we are not of the flesh but of the Spirit. If we have not the spirit then we are not of God. If we are of the spirit then we have been made the righteousness of God. If we fail to realize this and continue to hold ourselves guilty of the deeds of the fallen nature of man we have not been set free from sin. We are dead to sin and the flesh and have been set free from the law of sin and death and the death will have no more power over us.
If the meaning behind our doing so is not consistent with your unnecessarily narrow meaning of the term then we are not saying something that is in conflict with your theology but rather only something that SOUNDS like it is in conflict with it. Do you understand the difference? I really don't think your do!
So what indeed
Clete, The word says, "as a person thinketh in his heart so is he." A hypochondriac will go to a doctor and exhibit the symptoms of the ailment that he thinks he has though he is perfectly healthy. Why? because the body will obey the lie that the mind is telling him and exhibit the symptoms as believed in the mind. This is mental illness. It does not matter if the illness exist or not. The body will act in accordance with the belief.
If you and I believe that we are still inflicted with the disease of sin even after we have been curred from that disease by the great physician Jesus Christ we will continue to exhibit the symptoms of sin, which are called sins in our lives and this will be viewed as normal by us and inescapable. It is not that we have not been cured but refuse to believe that we have been curred. In short we teach each other to do the deeds (sins) consistent with the disease (sin) that that we no loner have. So what indeed. What a cavalier attitude.:madmad:
And each and every time you hear someone say this you will have been given an opportunity to teach rather than to beat someone over the head for having used a particular word incorrectly.
I hope my skill set is improving. I am not a trained orator. I have to learn on the fly, so to speak.
The most appalling?
Would you say then that to believe that you've sinned and disappointed God was wrong/evil?
I thought that because I could not be consistent in not sinning that I was an embarrisment as a representative of the Kingdom of God on earth and I wonted to go home and ask God to take me home. At least to me, I believed I had not done a very good job because of the sin I thought I had in my life.
Most people think that appallingly evil acts are sins, E4E! Imagine that! :noway:
And if that is what they are referring too when they use the word "sin", then they are saying the exact same thing that you are! It's the same EXACT thing! Words convey concepts E4E. Language is not a chemical equation or a mathematical formula. Virtually every word in existence has a whole range of meanings and you don't get to decide which meanings are valid and which are not. You have to figure out what is meant by what is being said and it isn't usually so cut and dried as you'd like for it to be.
That is what I thought at the time. Little , big, appalling or not. All acts that were wrong were sins to me because Jesus was perfect and the demands of scripture is perfect righteousness and because I lived life in the flesh and in the flesh I could not be what was expected then I was really ether lost are was saved and an embarrisment. Ether way I wonted to die. The doctrine of OSAS was of little value to me, and words of consolation could not stop the pit of remorse that had trapped me. In short I just plane ran out of excuses for my conduct and had to face what I believed was true about my life whether real or imagined. It was real enough to me at the time.
Oh, and the wordsmithing that you suggest I have tried before and that doesn't work ether. It is just another form of excuse making.
Well that's because it isn't accurate! Not if you are blinding yourself to what that person thinks is meant by the word 'sinner'! Your own message gets turned upside down because you refuse to communicate with people and would rather beat them over the head with some favored definition that you refuse to articulate in the first place!
Clete, do you think that I have not been where others on this board are today? let me assure you that i have been there done that. Not giving credibility to a particular point of view is not for the like of understanding but a refusal to justify a false position. It is not false to the one who believes it but it is to me. It matters little to me if a person is Calvinist, OV, Arminian or RC. Giving credibility to error is wrong. Even when they are my own.
If you had been paying attention you would have seen me say this exact thing dozens of times without worrying about whether someone has incorrectly used the word "sin" or "sinner". I listen for the meaning they are conveying, not the specific words they use because I understand that in our society the word 'sin' has taken on a meaning that the Bible never intended. The difference between you and me is that I don't shut my eyes to the reality in which I find myself. The fact is that the church has almost completely lost the gospel of grace. They don't know what it is, they don't know who taught it, they don't know how to apply it to their lives. They put unbelievers under grace, and place themselves and other believers under the law and think that this is what Jesus taught us to do! It's not even completely backward; its just plain incorrect! In short, there are a whole lot more important issues than worrying about beating someone up over the use of the word 'sin' in reference to actions they performed that they should not have.
Resting in Him,
Yea, I know what you mean but I have a hard time accepting modern day thought when words that are meant to convey one thing are used to convey another. Your communication skills may be better than mine so that may not bother you as much. it really bothers me. Just look at what has happened to our country and to the churches as a result of redefining words from there original intent. New meanings convey a false teaching.