Ask Mr. Religion
☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) 	
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Knight, I would answer "yes" to all of your questions if we could add a small tweak,No open theist would disagree.
Can you expand on that?
"Is God always feeling the exact amount of [insert any emotion consistent with God's nature here] from eternity past to eternity future for a given situation?"
God is without passions. Passion implies desire for what one does not have. But God, as an absolutely perfect Being, lacks nothing. To lack something he would have to have a potentiality to have it. But God is Pure Actuality with no potentiality whatsoever. Therefore, God is completely and infinitely satisfied in his own perfection.
However, to say that God is impassable in the sense that he has no passions or cravings for fulfillment is not to say that he has no feelings. God is a jealous God (among other things). God feels anger at sin and rejoices in righteousness. But God’s feelings are unchanging. He always, unchangingly, feels the same sense of anger at sin. He never ceases to rejoice in goodness and lightness. Thus, God has no changing passions, but he does have unchanging feelings. God is always consistently the same in ALL of His feelings. His feelings are constant for what He feels.
I went into this at some length in another thread here