The issue is not just Open Theism, it is more about Calvinism vs all free will theisms, including Arminianism. The issue is more about determinism than foreknowledge, etc.
The issue is what things are scripturally sound and how do they fit into our ideology.
When the scripture proves compatibility between foreknowledge and free will then we can't maintain they are incompatible.
If we extract the belief that they are incompatible from open theism then there is nothing to differentiate it from Traditional Christian views.
Now, you maintain that it is indeed incompatible while it is compatible at the same time. Which is it?
Originally Posted by godrulz
"We differ on what are possible objects of certain knowledge, not whether God is ignorant of knowable things (He is not)."
"It is possible to know free acts."
I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm pointing out that Sander's two-motif idea requires compatibility between foreknowledge and free will. If he maintains that position then he must maintain that compatibility is possible while accepting the fact that God is capable of doing anything which is possible. This yields a proof for God knowing the future in every instance.
We might ask if God might intervene and change the future to some extent. I believe the answer is yes. However, since God foreknew the future(by use of His vast intelligence) God made the decisions to influence, the methods of His interactions, and the plans for the future before the world began.
Calvinism would say(I believe) that God decreed action according to His desire and then foreknew the resulting outcomes. I would say that God decreed action guided by His foreknowledge of events to produce a specific outcome according to His desire.
It seems a splitting of hairs and the Calvinist might justly argue that free will was eliminated through my interpretation of events. Furthermore, Calvinists could validly point out that God foreordained the actions of all mankind if my ideas are correct. However, their position doesn't escape the same dilemna.
Open Theism fairs no better against the scriptures:
I believe the scriptures support compatibalism as does open theism.
The SupraLapsarian believes the scriptures support incompatibalism as does open theism.
Question: If the scriptures demonstrate compatibalism and I am unable to deduce how this is possible, which should I believe?