godrulz rejects the essentials of the faith, as do you. He does not believe in Christ's Once for All sacrifice Hebrews 10 . He denies the identity of those who are saved. He believes that righteousness is volitional and not a gift. (There are more, but that's all I care to speak of now with you.)
I affirm the essentials. I believe the gospel message of Christ in you. I believe in the righteousness of God. I believe that Christ's sacrifice cleanses those who are in Him from all sin, for all time.
I have had this discussion way to many times. And I don't have enough respect for you to honor you with anymore answers.
I think you will find Muz to be very credible and coherent in his thinking.
We do not reject the Bible as the Word of God, Deity and resurrection of Christ, salvation by grace through faith alone apart from works, virgin conception, heaven/hell, Trinity, etc. Perhaps you are adding your own ideas to what is essential and not (debatable)?
We fully affirm His once for all sacrifice in Hebrews 10. Jesus does not need to die again every time someone sins or everytime someone gets saved. Hebrews contrasts perpetual animal sacrifices with the once for all space-time historical death of Christ as the Lamb of God. Don't confuse us with Catholics who repeat the 'sacrifice of the Mass' on an ongoing basis.
Believers are in Christ.
We are new creatures in Christ. Our identification is with His death, burial, resurrection to abundant and eternal life (newness of life in Him vs death). Just because I take seriously the stern warnings about the possibility of apostasy/falling away (which Mid-Acts dispensationalizes away), does not mean I deny the truths about a believers identity in Christ.
I believe the gospel of Christ in you, the hope of glory. I affirm the essentials of the faith. I believe His sacrifice is efficacious to cleanse us, past, present, future (though differ as to the timing of the application of the provision...I did not sin before I was born, so it was not applied 2000 years ago and is not applied to Hitler ever).
I just want to say...I love you, Mystery (tears in eyes). :cheers: