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He's wrathful, because He's loving.
AMEN! His judgement and His wrath are directly tied into His love.
He's wrathful, because He's loving.
Never? I think you are forgetful and not following the thread closely.Oh and AMR, as Knight has so aptly pointed out, why not show how my interpretations are incorrect. You have never done so.
Do you believe God is free to know what He chooses to know?
Curious how so many of the open theists who are regularly posting to this thread, and who never hesitate to post in opposition to classical theists, and do not deny God's immanence/omnipresence are now suddenly silent.:think:
Speaks volumes about the willingness of some to challenge their own, like PK, when they know them to be spreading ill-formed doctrine. Tells me that this is not a thread that purports to discuss open theism, but merely a thread to denounce opponents to open theism.
There is no infinite triune god anywhere but your imagination. You a true believer? ha! You who says that God is ignorant? You who says God is schizoid? In a pigs eye. Isn't it you also that says that salvation is not a completed work of God but that man can opt out of son ship if things get a little tough? It is you who has God dieing in you misapplied doctrine of Jesus being God instead of the Son of God which He was. Yes, Jesus died and the Father (God) raised Him from the dead. That in itself should tell you that Jesus is not God. Jesus has nothing that He has not received from the Father. Who is the ignorant one around here? You or God? I think that be you!The infinite, triune God did not die, but the Word became flesh (who is God) did die. Jesus is God in the flesh, one person with two natures. In His humanity, He could and did die. In His preexistence, He could not die. Jesus died, not the Father or Holy Spirit.
Your rejection of the biblical Deity of Christ and triune nature of God has led you to rudely shout at us true believers. Shoo fly, don't bother me.
One of us admitted he had a hard time even making a statement about time not existing without using words that describe time.
One of us doesn't have that problem.
Therefore, one of us should see a giant red flag and it isn't me.
Let me ask you a question.....
Assuming we both agree that God has existed forever into the past, which of the following statements is most accurate....?
A. God has existed a infinite amount of time into the past.
B. God has existed a finite amount of time into the past.
Neither, as 'time' is a perception of segmented duration. Statement #1 is closer in that it may be recognized that the segments continue forever, but this does not express accurately something that is endless (segment vs. nonending).
A logical box in theology does not a right truth make. Try again. Try and explain exactly an eternal past using time and duration. You'll not be able to do it.
God is perfect to be sure, but He was not "all loving" to the people of Sodom.I don't what to go down yet another path while focused upon the incorrect interpretations of PK. The short answer is that God is "all" of all His characteristics. He is not less wrathful than He is loving. He is not less loving than He is wrathful. One characteristic does not cancel or mitigate the other. One is not held to abrogate the other. God is perfect in all things.
Now if you can just produce the Scriptures that articulate when God created time, then you would have made your case sufficiently..........
Some things are very basic. In those we understand the truth, which is why AMR was upset about a discussion with MD where we are supposed to be essentially in agreement.
There are also some truths that we must take on faith and trust God for. I believe in our immutable discussion, such is the case. God says of Himself he does not repent, and about four verses later we see "God sighed deeply over having made Saul king." We must recognize both truthes as given and 'if' we cannot reconcile the difference as a truth from God directly, we may definitely lean more one way than the other (difference between OV and nonOV), but if it is derivative piecing together rather than imperically given, we should be both hesitant in incorporating it into our solid systematic theology, and also careful and truthful to recognize the dichotomy. I live with these dichotomies specifically because I don't want my theology a creation of my own mind and/or delusion. For me, a theology that accounts for dichotomy is the most honest and keeps us humbly in a place that says "I'm wholly dependent upon God."
We absolutely know there is only one way: Jesus. We absolutely know we should be producing fruit of righteousness. We absolutely know we should love all mankind, even our enemies. One may picket an inappropriate act and another may try to befriend the perpetrator in hopes of bringing that one to Jesus, but that is simply the how, the heart issues for us both are the same. We are in essential agreement and devotion.
The theological issues that divide us take a much more careful tread, and it is these where I also agree, it becomes difficult, but I didn't want the blanket statement to carry over to essential agreements. We know much and share those truths in common. We are talking about transcendant things, and that assessment is exactly right, we need to recognize that some of our discussion is hitting a ceiling in our capacity (like God having no beginning).
In Him
Time is a 'conception' of progress and duration: our own duration and all other created things. It does not follow that this progression, which is limited and segmented, can be applied to the eternal. If you cannot measure something, it cannot be measured. God cannot be measured and all our 'concept' of time is, is a measurement. 1) it is segmented (a small glimpse compared to vastness).
2) Limited: you only get a part of the measurement 3) is physically invented by us (hours, feet, decimals) therefore meaningfully random. 4) therefore a created concept. Measuring isn't bad, but we need to see its limitations. It is limited.
At a point where our measurement ends (segments have two points, and all measurement is segment and only applies to segment) at the point where measurement ends, and a plane extends beyond the edge (a ray) measurement stops having meaning (mathematics, algebra/geometry/calculus). In the measurement called time (mathematics) if we come to a time ray that extends forever, we also recognize that measurement is unable to express the ray.
Because this is the case with God never having a beginning, it is mathematically impossible to apply a measured duration to such a concept, therefore we say that God is 'timeless.' In mathematical terms, we have to use substitution for 'infinity' because it cannot be expressed with anything but a symbol. Any equation stemming from a propositions as such stands alone. There is no mathematical expression of the infinite. God is timeless.
I appreciate the perspective here, but as you have expressed God's omniscience, a conundrum arises.Most academic Open Theists would not agree with your twist on omniscience/omnipresence. Calvinists make too many verses anthropomorphic, but let us be careful to not make any of them so if the context justifies it.
An omniscient God (knows all that is logically knowable vs exhaustive definite foreknowledge) cannot chose to be ignorant of things that others know.
The reason that God knows some of the future as possible, not actual, is due to His choice to create other free moral agents. It is not a matter of Him choosing to be ignorant one day, but could chose to know the next day.
You are stretching Open Theism to an extreme. It will lead to more barriers from the other camp taking our views seriously.
God cannot Judge all evil, thoughts, and motives, if He could be ignorant of blatant sin in the world (funny how the people and Satan can know, but an omniscient God who is aware of all possible objects of knowledge is ignorant!?).
How do "we absolutely know there is only one way: Jesus"?
That is not a rhetorical question Lon. I really want for you to answer it, please.
Resting in Him,
He is involved in time. This is a faulty assumption that one who understands this would not see Him relational.So “time is a ‘conception’ of progress and duration [that cannot] be applied to the eternal.” Then creation exists outside of timelessness and time is an illusion? So how does the infinite God relate to the finite? God has created a measurable world and caused a sequence of events that can indeed be measured or else it is a creation with more illusion than reality; illusions of freedom and divine involvement. (i.e. Calvinism) Timelessness leads to dismissal of all kinds of realities as illusion. Your view has as many problems as the one you argue against. When did God do so? Is it even possible for God to measure creation? When can a timeless God act in time? Why would a timeless God give the impression that He was actually involved in time? If God were timeless, wouldn't the bible be more accurate to simply remain silent and not use such confusing terms?
It is the same kind of question however. It isn't measurable by our increments.I grant that divine eternal duration (from everlasting past) has its logical problems for us. Yet those are not the concerns that affect us in any way at all. I can live with the mystery of God beginning to act because I believe God has infinite potentiality to do so. But if timelessness is the present reality of God then duration even in creation is a joke. Even if God has created time then it is in time (not from timelessness) that God must relate to His creation or time is reduced to no more than chimera. Equally, if God is to make Himself know to creation in a way creatures can ultimately understand, He must do so in the flesh and that flesh continues in a resurrected, glorified state.
On this we'd agree. Relation is a tie to our time. It has to be, but my contention is that He isn't limited to that. All His measurements are infinite. He absolutely cares enough about us to mark beside us in measurement as the carpenter father/son analogy. When the son calls up "Three feet" on everything, I envision the father smiling. He is relational, but He isn't only relational. He is transcendant, but not only transcendant.I think Patman almost got at the real issue. WHY would God ‘be sorry’ He had made Saul King? WHY would the bible say that God repents? If not for the reality of time (sequence/duration) in creation and God’s real time relating to it … WHY INDEED?. Was it merely a biblical statement to preserve our delusion of God's actual involvement in an on going struggle to accomplish His goals for His people? I think not. I’ll live with the difficulties of both an open-ended past (God without beginning), a real beginning for creation, and a partially open future for the sake of reality. God is (at least) no longer timeless with regard to His creation.
God does not repent as a man repents in that He needs to repent of sin. God is sinless, and so He doesn't repent in that respect. But REPEATEDLY in Scriptures we see that God repents. Repent is to have a change of mind. God can and does frequently change His mind in Scripture.
A primitive root; properly to sigh, that is, breathe strongly; by implication to be sorry, that is, (in a favorable sense) to pity, console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself): - comfort (self), ease [one’s self], repent (-er, -ing, self). that the way He does this is much different that the way you or I do it, thus: "God is not a man...."
I appreciate the perspective here, but as you have expressed God's omniscience, a conundrum arises.
How is the atonement of Christ for sin, decreed before the foundations of the world, reconciled with your observation above that God only knows the sins of free agents once they commit these sins? God's foreknowledge must have included knowledge of the sins of these free agents, else why would He have ordained the atonement in the first place? Or was God just "hedging His bets" ("knowing some of the future") just in case His free agents would act badly? This would make God a cosmic handicapper, no?