ARCHIVE: Lying is never righteous!


Dee Dee Warren

So if someone approaches you in a drunken stupor, and threatens to shoot you if you claim to be a Christian, you would oblige him?

Because God knows it's more important that a drunk man gets to kill a believer than for your children to have their father.

Now that is good.


Depending on the circumstances YES! Of course wouldn't you? Or are you held hostage by truth so that you are obligated to help wickedness?

You've got to be kidding me! Thank goodness an untold number of Christian heroes were willing enough to be martyred for their Lord.

For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

And yes, I am so obligated to my Lord, that I would be willing to die for Him.


New member
And that in your opinion is under every situation, it is not just simply sharing the hope within you?

So if someone approaches you in a drunken stupor, and threatens to shoot you if you claim to be a Christian, you would oblige him?

Because God knows it's more important that a drunk man gets to kill a believer than for your children to have their father.
It is good to know you put your kids above your God.

Maybe I just find that to be TOTALLY ANTIBIBLICAL.

It is Christ who saves me, not I save me through my lies.

If you claim Jesus is not your own, then He probably isn't.


New member
What a shame that you guys put your temporal lives above your eternal ones. No wonder you believe in lying, you believe in saving yourself above saving your savior's Name.



What a shame that you guys put your temporal lives above your eternal ones. No wonder you believe in lying, you believe in saving yourself above saving your savior's Name.

Right on, bro. :thumb:

The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. -John 12:25

Dee Dee Warren

See Ciris... you are fitting right in too, even without being a part of Jaltus' and I email conversation (which was very fun and pleasant - thanx Jaltus - I am sending you that link so you can help tan some atheist hide)

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Jaltus
Knight and SD,

You make a mockery out of 2000 years of Christendom.

Luke 12:8-9
8 "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.
9 But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God."

Looks like you guys need to read some more scripture.
Ha! Jaltus are you kidding me!!!!!!!

Are you really gonna use the above verse to help your point???

You should be ashamed!

The above verse is in reference to Jesus sending out the apostles (not evil forces) to convert unbelievers! Is has NOTHING (and I repeat) NOTHING to do with believers denying Christ before evil forces to avoid sudden death!!!!!

I want you to publicly take back what you has insinuated and apologize for attempting such a ridiculous argument!

The question is....
If you had to deny Christ (as a Christian) or die what would you do?

In other words... some evil force will murder you unless you lie and say your not a Christian. What do you do?

In Luke 12:8-9 it was the apostles that were being sent out by Jesus to unbelievers to ask them to accept Christ. If they rejected Christ.... the unbelievers weren't going to be murdered! If the unbeliever rejected Christ the apostles were instructed to simply "wipe the dust from their feet". Your using this verse as a comparison to the question at hand is grossly in error and should be retracted.


It has nothing to do with it, Knight?

That's a wee bit of an exaggeration, isn't it?

"When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." -verses 11 and 12

Dee Dee Warren

Dee Dee, come on! Are you gonna let Jaltus and cirisme promote this kind of garbage?

:) You missed me!!! Of course not... I just thought you were doing such a good job, I didn't want to get in the way... I am plotti... err planning a response to Jaltus' latest botched self-surgery attempt on how it is wrong to lie with falsehood but okay to deceive with truth. Eek!!! How far can he put that foot down his own throat?? Welcome to the world of square circles my friend....


New member

I'd just shut the door in their face. Why answer?

For that matter, I would not even answer the door.


Deny Christ or die, I would die. Are you telling me the 12 did the right thing in denying Christ? Then why did Jesus need to forgive Peter? Why do we castigate the 12 for running away that night?

As for Luke 12, it is about God's providence, witnessing is not even in the picture. What Bible are you reading? Are you even reading a Bible? Get real!


Right on, Knight obviously does not read scripture well at all.

Dee Dee Warren

Here is an amusing bramble-bush for Ciris and Jaltus:

Matthew 16:20 - Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ.

Hmmm, what ever do the disciples do??? If they obeyed Christ's command, then they would be denying Him by the shallow thinking that has been going on here in some quarters. Did Christ just contradict Himself?? Were they supposed to confess Him or tell no one?? Don't tell me that such a command was dependant upon changing cirumstances!!! Eeek, we can't have that can we??


New member
edited: Cir's response was better than mine.

You are also still avoiding all my arguments about the 12.

You are also rejecting all martyrdoms that have ever taken place.

You are rejecting Christ just by taking that side of this conversation. Honestly, does Christ mean so little to you that you could deny Him?
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New member

So, Rahab had faith in a God she just learned of, nobody said she was perfect. She was also a harlot, should I emulate that as well?


You've got to be kidding me!

Hmmm, what ever do the disciples do??? If they obeyed Christ's command, then they would be denying Him by the shallow thinking that has been going on here in some quarters.

They wouldn't be denying him. :rolleyes:

Did Christ just contradict Himself??


Were they supposed to confess Him or tell no one??


Don't tell me that such a command was dependant upon changing cirumstances!!! Eeek, we can't have that can we??

Believe it or not, silence is not lying! :cool: