ARCHIVE: Knight and Lion from TOL are Back to Answer Your Questions

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Knight and Lion From TOL Are Back To Answer Your Questions

Monday August 28th, 2006. This is show #171.


The following TOLers get their questions answered by Knight and Lion:

ApologeticJedi asks questions found in THIS post regarding the Bible's view regarding how to punish John Mark Karr.

badp gets his concerns addressed regarding how Christian parents allow their daughters to dress in public.

jeremiah asks Knight and Lion to comment on things Christians can't do today that they used to be able to do 50 years ago.

eisenreich asks why Bob Enyart does not give, "The Plot" away free of charge.

Outlaw calls in and shares his view that the best thing about TOL is it's a place "where we won't hold your hand on your way to hell."

allsmiles asks when the next Battle Royale is scheduled and suggests a future Battle Royale topic. (He is also informed we will not hold his hand on his way to hell.)

Philetus and Poly ask what Knight likes most about TOL.

Cracked asks if we can love those we persecute.

Redfin asks why God doesn't give proof of His existence.
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wholearmor said:
What happened to the 8/18 archive?
I asked Knight about this and he said he doesn't know. I'll ask Bob Enyart about it when he gets back from vacation. It might get linked up then.


Jefferson said:
I asked Knight about this and he said he doesn't know. I'll ask Bob Enyart about it when he gets back from vacation. It might get linked up then.

Cool. Thanks, Jefferson.


I was pleasently surprised that Knight and Lion breifly discussed my topic for discussion. Thanks much!

I was then very surprised that they had not heard or noticed the first two items on my list.

Regarding Army chaplains not being allowed to pray in Jesus name see this;
or just google the topic and many other articles will appear. Apparently it is even worse in the Navy and Air Force

There is also an ongoing case of a Chaplain being sued for praying in a Church, while on leave, I think, simply because he had his uniform on, and it therefore meant he was representing the Army at the time. {Seperation of Church and State nonsense, I assume}

Also the man arrested for carrying a cross was at the Operation Save America Rally in Jackson. I was very surprised that you did not here of it since I think that Pastor Bob Enyart was there as well. scroll down to July 18th picture and all.

No I am not just making this stuff up folks, this is Amerika today.

.....and they didn't even mention the cross outside San Diego!


Capra hircus
I heard there was some topic about goats on this show. I think I need to listen to it. :think:


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Knight, you're getting better at taking control of the mike. Can't be an easy thing with Lion around. :D


Blessed beyond measure
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Wow, this is one of the best "Knight and the Lion" shows yet! :up:

Outlaw!!! I'm soooooo glad you called in!!! It was so awesome to hear your call!!! I loved it! Good luck with your special, among your many special, little ones. We're all so excited. You must keep us informed!!

Allsmiles, great call! It's so neat to actually hear TOL members when you've only known them by their words on a screen.

Knight, it was so great of you to express such concern over allsmiles by continuing to warn him that he is headed somewhere that you so wish he weren't. So many of us wish the same thing!! :up:

Nathaniel, so glad you called in. Please come and hash out some of your arguments with the TOL members who would be excited to see you here to discuss these concerns you have!

Gotta say, just loved this show!!


Formerly Shimei!
Poly said:
Knight, it was so great of you to express such concern over allsmiles by continuing to warn him that he is headed somewhere that you so wish he weren't. So many of us wish the same thing!! :up:



Formerly Shimei!
Knight said:
eisenreich, did you hear the show?

I was curious as to your response to my handling of your question. :cool:

I hope that he doesn't suggest that you send Tolly to some other country! :shocked:


New member
Jefferson said:
Redfin asks why God doesn't give proof of His existence.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG! :bang:

I asked about the advantage of faith over sight.

And K&L answered well, with the one qualification I bring up in Faith vs. Sight


New member
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Poly said:
Wow, this is one of the best "Knight and the Lion" shows yet! :up:

Outlaw!!! I'm soooooo glad you called in!!! It was so awesome to hear your call!!! I loved it! Good luck with your special, among your many special, little ones. We're all so excited. You must keep us informed!!

Allsmiles, great call! It's so neat to actually hear TOL members when you've only known them by their words on a screen.

Knight, it was so great of you to express such concern over allsmiles by continuing to warn him that he is headed somewhere that you so wish he weren't. So many of us wish the same thing!! :up:

Nathaniel, so glad you called in. Please come and hash out some of your arguments with the TOL members who would be excited to see you here to discuss these concerns you have!

Gotta say, just loved this show!!

:dizzy: :noway: :shocked:

Poly, I'm a smoker, my ticker can't handle a close call like just complimented allsmiles, used his name and the word "nice" in the same sentence, no less!


(I think she's trying to kill me.)


Caped Crusader
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Granite said:
Poly... used his name and the word "nice" in the same sentence, no less!
Look again. She didn't go that far. (But then again, she also considers "nice" to be a four-letter word.)


New member
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Turbo said:
Look again. She didn't go that far. (But then again, she also considers "nice" to be a four-letter word.)

Doubly paranoid!:noid:

Do my eyes deceive me or has the Ministry of Truth corrected a post? :banana:


New member
I'm waiting for the show to finish saving to my brother's computer. My call was all right, I was kinda nervous.


New member
Just finished listening to myself.

I freakin' rule :D

Not really, but at any rate... the more and more I think about it the more I like the idea of a BR on the subject of the Jesus Myth.

Countering putative evidence and inept analogies would be a slam dunk for Doherty.


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fool takes issue

fool takes issue

Great show.
Good calling Allsmilies. You'll be less nerveous next time.

Small problem.
At some point it was said that "no Athiest has stepped up to the plate" regaurding BRs.
I'll have to go check but i'm fairly sure I challenged both Bob and Knight to rumble in any venue, radio, one-on-one, or BR.
If anyone recalls what I'm talking about let me know and I won't have to search.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Great show.
Good calling Allsmilies. You'll be less nerveous next time.

Small problem.
At some point it was said that "no Athiest has stepped up to the plate" regaurding BRs.
I'll have to go check but i'm fairly sure I challenged both Bob and Knight to rumble in any venue, radio, one-on-one, or BR.
If anyone recalls what I'm talking about let me know and I won't have to search.
How many chances do you want????

Bob had you on his show 4 times! You also have infinite opportunity here on TOL to make your point, what else do you want? :idunno:

Not to mention, I invited you to call the show, but you didn't call.
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