the disciples of Yahshua, those who obeyed Him,
never asked "who do you say that I am"
nor "what do you think of me?"
because it doesn't matter at all!! (as wrritten by the emissary Paul)...
what matters is what Yhvh Elohim thinks and says and does.
That's all that matters, what does Yhvh think of you ?
footnote since today is a critical point in history:
from the GJiGT website/newsletter/email:
We are NOW in the Days of Awe. Wednesday night, October 8, 2008,
begins the 24 hour Day of Atonement. Any REAL Christian has twice the
reason to observe this
who does not know his Messiah. Can we find God's GRACE? That is the
Question? Can we walk IN the Grace of God? If you do not have a Day
of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, celebration liturgy of which to partake,
click this one and go through it Wednesday night, in the Church of
Jesus Christ in your house.
http://www.moresure YOMKIP.HTM
We are NOW in, and will REMAIN in the Days of Awe, from now until the
return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some may say, what makes you so
sure? Because, the LAST allowable step of the ROAD MAP FROM HELL has
been taken with the FORCED FORSAKING OF GAZA, Zeph 2:3. AND the next
step of the ROAD MAP from Hell will surely be taken, and that next
step is the SPECIFIC step which will cause the FURY of God Almighty
to come up in His Face, Eze 38:18, and many other Scriptures. The
effect of EVERY Vision is NOW at hand and there are some things that
end quote