ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


New member
WW, Hilston,

You're both right. We can't always trust our senses, but we need
some means of knowing whether our interpretations and actions
and interactions are worthy of God.

Hence the test of the fruits. If what we believe, if what we do, if
what we share bring peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, etc. then
we're on the right track. Scripture tells us this, Gal 5:22..



New member
Thanks Dave. I truly don't know how I got sucked into this argument. The discussion about senses is completely irrelevant anyway. It's as if Hilston thinks seeing and hearing is necessary to find God. And since God doesn't operate on this plane of existence, he/she's not to be found with the eyes, ears, or nose.


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

Thanks Dave. I truly don't know how I got sucked into this argument. The discussion about senses is completely irrelevant anyway. It's as if Hilston thinks seeing and hearing is necessary to find God. And since God doesn't operate on this plane of existence, he/she's not to be found with the eyes, ears, or nose.

I have a late season rose bud I cut yesterday, its starting
to open.

If God chooses to reveal God's glory to my nose through that
rose (and I think God does) then I gladly accept it.

Same with you looking over your lake.



New member
Originally posted by Dave Miller

I have a late season rose bud I cut yesterday, its starting
to open.

If God chooses to reveal God's glory to my nose through that
rose (and I think God does) then I gladly accept it.

Same with you looking over your lake.


True. I guess that what the senses do is show us something that than can only be verified by the heart. What I'm saying is that blind people can find God just the same. But, what I told Prodigal was to do just that, enjoy a sunset once in a while. But, if he were truly looking with his eyes to see God there, he would only see beautiful colors. He could choose to believe they were put there by God. But, this would be something revealed to him by the still small voice within, not the eyes.

Traditional Christianity uses the senses to find God and this is my problem with it. A person reads a book with their eyes. They hear the preacher with their ears. There is a disconnect from the heart. If we receive truth from outside sources, it is not ours. It is someone elses. Hilston was offering or, more accurately, forcing his truth upon Prodigal. Prodigal must discover it for himself.

For instance you, Dave, are a Christian but it comes from your heart. It is not something you read in a book. It is not the tool with which you wield power over others. You as easily find God in a rosebud as in the Bible. This is your truth.


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

True. I guess that what the senses do is show us something that than can only be verified by the heart. What I'm saying is that blind people can find God just the same. But, what I told Prodigal was to do just that, enjoy a sunset once in a while. But, if he were truly looking with his eyes to see God there, he would only see beautiful colors. He could choose to believe they were put there by God. But, this would be something revealed to him by the still small voice within, not the eyes.

Traditional Christianity uses the senses to find God and this is my problem with it. A person reads a book with their eyes. They hear the preacher with their ears. There is a disconnect from the heart. If we receive truth from outside sources, it is not ours. It is someone elses. Hilston was offering or, more accurately, forcing his truth upon Prodigal. Prodigal must discover it for himself.

For instance you, Dave, are a Christian but it comes from your heart. It is not something you read in a book. It is not the tool with which you wield power over others. You as easily find God in a rosebud as in the Bible. This is your truth.

I'm a Christian because that which I experienced in my heart
was explained and verified through Scripture.

You're "problem with traditional Christianity" reveals that you
are actually theologically conservative. The conservative
message is "Go to God first, and from there discern whether
your senses reveal truths from God or just selfish desires."
Though I'm socially liberal, but I too am theologically



New member
hmmmm. Elaborate more on theological conservatism. I'm not sure I'm grasping. Possibly you could contrast it with it's opposite.

Are you saying I'm simplistic in my views on God? And, that Christianity is too complicated and narrowing for me? I could agree with that if you were.


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

hmmmm. Elaborate more on theological conservatism. I'm not sure I'm grasping. Possibly you could contrast it with it's opposite.

Are you saying I'm simplistic in my views on God? And, that Christianity is too complicated and narrowing for me? I could agree with that if you were.

A theological conservative says go to God first, and from knowing
God, understand whether your senses are true or not.

A theological liberal will go into the wilderness and seek God,
and finding something that "feels right," say that this must
be god.

Matt 22:

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Nothing much simpler than this. It takes control freak people
to take a simple message and twist and turn and screw it up
to the point that the core simple message is almost lost.



New member
Hilston - Thank you for your response -
Anyone who wants to debate that is welcome, yourself included. Tell me where I'm wrong in my understanding of God or His Word so I can be corrected and have a better understanding.

As all of us, this is what we strive for - and if you tell me where I am wrong in my understanding of God’s Word, I will appreciate that.

Um ... what? Do you agree that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom and that doing what is right in your own eyes leads to death?

I do agree with this in general - for starters though, the fear of the Lord would of been better translated the awesome respect of the Lord - and as well what doing what is right in our own eyes - what exactly does this mean?

Perfect love casts out fear - but it does not cast out the Awesome Respect for God - Perfect Love increases our respect for God.

Our previous condition under the Law - we were not called Friends, but now we are called Friends, and yet our friendship does cast out fear, but it increases our respect for the Lord.

Then I stand corrected. I'll await her response and then recant my statement. But why then does she have a problem with the statements of the Bible concerning Him?

The Bible is a big place - and covers a variety of circumstances - and yes God is Vengeful, Merciless, Jealous - and the circumstances justify that response - God is also Slow to Anger, Gentle, Loving, - and the circumstances justify that. I will agree that Wickwoman does not think God is “proper” in some of the situations in which God’s Wrath is unleashed - but she really needs to take this up with God, and understand the “times” - but for me or anyone to say that Wickwoman does not strive to learn and understand about God, and is not in love with Jesus, is something that just is not possible for us to do.

Based on the presupposition of God's existence and attributes, I conclude that our minds are logical, that our senses are reliable, and that ratonal deduction and inference are valid means of attaining truth. These propositions align with my understanding of scripture. These propositions do not line up with the understanding of scripture presented by various others. I can demonstrate this, thus affirming the superiority of my view. Anyone who wants to debate that is welcome, yourself included.

Yes Yes - obvious, but what of the learning process - and how do you best facilitate the learning process? Have your reason and logic ever been wrong - and how were you brought back to the understanding that you now currently have - and as well, what of your understanding in twenty years from now - I would suspect it will be much more improved, and as well your ability to convince others of the Truth would improve as well.

Wickwoman may be wrong, I may be wrong, and you may be wrong - we may all be wrong - but So a nd so’s view will always be wrong - or is it that God has revealed Himself/Herself to each of us in a Personal way, and that we just do not have the “ability” to say what we want to say or hear what the other person is saying.

For me anyways the best is how to help us to see God, and I believe God has left no-one alone on the Planet without guidance so far. Wickwoman was like a lot of Christians in the Churches and simply grew out of the language that conceptualizes God in circumstances that are simply not applicable today, and as far as most people go, our walk with God is a living and active force in our lives, and those who adhere to the “Book” only, miss out on the day to day walk that God has in Store for those who Love Him and are called according to His Purpose.

With Christ’s Love



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Dave Miller

WW, Hilston,

You're both right.
No Dave, you and wickwoman do not understand the argument.

We can't always trust our senses, but we need
some means of knowing whether our interpretations and actions
and interactions are worthy of God.
You've totally missed the point altogether. you've probably missed too much of the thread. Read Post 155 and you'll get it. :thumb:

Hence the test of the fruits.
Wickwoman and prodigal are both incapable of perform this test. They do not have the tools. Even if they attempt to perform the test, they have no way of knowing whether their results are valid.


New member
Dear Dave:

I knew I could count on you. Thanks. Yes, I can see now I was sucked into an argument and became defensive for possibly no reason. I was feeling very threatened by the judgments made about me and Prodigal. And, I still contend that I can verify my senses within the normal requirements of say a court of law, for example. And I think of things in these terms often because "it's what I do."

O.K., well I would amend that idea as follows: "a person should look within themselves for God to verify that their perception is accurate." I'm not sure what sight, taste, sound, smells have to do with God other than what we discussed before. But perception is what happens after sight, taste and sound. It's how we interpret data gathered by senses.

And, when I gave Prodigal the advice that he should catch a sunset, Hillston's argument that he can't trust his own senses seemed rather absurd. In my opinion, the only way Prodigal will find God is through his own self. And, for Hilston to say he can't because his perception is invalid is like saying "trust me, I'll tell you the way." And, as I said before, this is a real power trip. Actually, I think I just said that on another thread. Oh well, it applies here too!


New member
Dave Miller
A theological conservative says go to God first, and from knowing
God, understand whether your senses are true or not.

A theological liberal will go into the wilderness and seek God,
and finding something that "feels right," say that this must

An intelligent person would go to a "theological conservative" to find out what a "theological conservative" does and as well go to a "theological liberal" to find out what a theological liberal does.

As far as your definitions I think they are biased. I am neither a liberal or conservative and neither do I deal with reality free rhetoric.

In reality there are at least several characteristics that we need to employ and engage ourselves actively in - yes one is chasity, yes one is looking after our body as a temple of the Lord, and there are five or ten more that are not that easily articulated that simply fly out the window when people start to impose on others the more easily articulated don'ts - and they are percieved in reality as don'ts - not understood as they should be as what we are to do - bearing one another's burdens for one.

Anyways in reality when one realizes there are many things to do for the instruction of the saints - and that not all of them are easily articulated, and when one starts to focus on the more weightier matters of the instruction of the Lord - one is accused of being liberal feel good kind of person.

It is not right - but it is observation, an observation of today's so called christian church - which is steeped in reality free rhetoric.

With Christ's Love



Banned by Mod
Neither Jim nor I are defending anything. Instead we are pointing out and have at this point proven that your own worldview is in fact in the very condition which you claim mine is in and that you therefore have no grounds upon which to give any opinion whatsoever about the verity of the Biblical worldview.

That’s what you’re supposed to be doing, Clete. You’re supposed to be defending yourselves, this thread was started as an attack and so far even according to yourself, you have refused to defend yourself. When looking at Christian apologetics I have noticed that most of your arguments are based upon skirting issues. Your form of arguing so far has been to avoid the challenge, start new arguments which are impossible to resolve and to general cause gridlock. This thread was no started in the hopes of defending my own worldview but in the hopes that you could defend yours, and so far you’ve failed.

It apparently would be because Jim has shown you a few different times now that you cannot provide support for the verity of your own worldview.

IF what you and Jim say is true about verity and whatnot, than you would be in the same boat as I. Just because you have a biblical worldview does not mean that your perceptions have been validated, it just means that you have an explanation for where your senses came from. However, there’s nothing unique about that. Evolutionists have their explanations as well. Psychological worldviews have a way to explain these things apart from god. What I’m saying is this: You ask for the impossible/irrelevant to be achieved, therefore, I don’t care. According to you, the validity of my senses is just as “in the air” as your own because you’re still left with the question of “where’s the proof?”

Again, I am not trying to prove anything accept the fact that you cannot prove anything, which has already been done

Like I’ve said before, this was not started so that I could prove anything. This thread was started so that YOU and your like would prove something. If you’re not here to prove something than you shouldn’t be here in the first place. And again, I think you’re talking about yourself here. I deny the idea (the hypothetical idea) that any of my senses must be validated. I believe it to be unnecessary and a cowardly ploy on your and Hilston’s part to avoid meeting the challenge. This is what Christian apologetics are based on, avoidance. If anything Clete, you’ve won the battle for me by not answering my challenge and by satisfying my predictions of your defence.

Okay then answer Jim's questions about how you verify what you think you know. How can you verify that what you think you are experiencing is really happening?

I’ve already answered that question. I called it poppycock. I called it an attempt at distraction and avoidance, I called it a cowardly attempt to skirt the issue. That’s what Christianity is based on, escape routes. Jesus died for you, so now you’re free from sin, and if you do sin you have a place to put your guilt, instead of just dealing with it like a normal person. Are Christians really that insecure?

On the contrary, I have concocted nothing.

You are perpetuating the philosophy of your defense, that is to challenge the challenger before satisfying the initial challenge. Even if I’m wrong, Clete, you, nor anyone else has given me any reason to believe so.

How can you insist that I validate my worldview to you when you cannot validate your own to yourself?

The whole validation thing is something that Hilston initially brought up, I simply asked for the proof that you all claim you have. If you have it, show me. Hilston’s ignoring me now, but you aren’t. You, Aimiel, Lighthouse and Hilston have all said you have proof, but you won’t show it to me. All I asked for was proof, it was you and Hilston who digressed, it was you and Hilston who are avoiding the point. You and Hilston are both coming up with excuses for why you shouldn’t and won’t answer the challenge even after admitting that you are more than capable of doing so.

What is there to admit? That I believe in the truth of the Bible? I admit that readily.

You admit that it is both true and provable, yet you have yet to prove it to me.

If you mean by this our exposure of your hypocrisy then you've got me on this one.

Any hypocrisy that I may have shown has only been manufactured through your efforts of creating side arguments that serve no more purpose than to skirt the issue at hand.

And I will not answer your questions about my worldview until you can convince me that you have a basis upon which to ask those questions.

All right, my basis is this: You’re claiming that what you believe it truth, yet I have yet to see any reason why you would call it truth. Clete, are you seriously going to tell me that that would be your response to anyone and everyone who questioned what you believe? That you won’t answer their questions unless they can do that which is impossible apart from your narrow minded worldview? I’m just asking you to prove what you believe is true, and though you’ve admitted to having the proof, you have yet to reveal it to me. Are you leading me to believe that in the face of any challenge by those who don’t believe you would refuse to show them the proof that you so flagrantly state that you have?

Jim and I have asked you to justify your own presuppositions which you use to form your worldview which you are unable to do.

I deny the necessity. I believe that what you are asking is impossible, especially after Hilston admitted to me that the only way to do it is to convert to a Christian worldview. Do you really expect me to believe that this is the way you confront any one who questions your belief? You throw an impossible challenge back at them and then claim victory? YOU were the one questioned Clete, not I.

Our goal was to expose not only to those reading this thread but to you as well the fact that your challenge is hypocritical

My challenge is practical, Clete. You claim that the words of a 2000 year old book whose authorship is oftentimes in question to speak words of truth, yet even after admitting to having proof of it’s validity you refuse to reveal it. There are common, lay men out there who might expect a GOOD answer to this simple question, yet you’ve given nothing but bullocks.

The fact that this has been so clearly shown to you and that you are unwilling to acknowledge that fact and drop your worldview in favor of something different is proof that you are not interested in finding a logically coherent worldview but are instead interested only in attempting to discredit Jesus Christ and the Body of believers who following and worship Him.

Clete, has it ever occurred to you that either your points don’t make as much sense as you think they do, or that they’re just poppycock to begin with? No, it hasn’t because that would require objective thought, that would require that you admit the possibility of being wrong, and you can’t do that because you would lose your escape route.

If this weren't so pathetic it would be humorous. I have dodged nothing, there is literally nothing to dodge.

Except a simple challenge: If it’s true, prove it. It’s a simple challenge, you claim to be able to meet it, yet you go on to try and discredit me with shallow arguments based on nothing but hypothesis, and then after the quote above you go on to say, “you cannot be this stupid”. Please, Clete. If you have the proof, shutting me up would be as easy as showing me, but instead you’ve perpetuated this silly argument about how I don’t know what color the sky is or what color my shirt it. I know both of those things, they’re self evident, what you believe is not.

You propose to analyze my worldview via logic and reason and yet you have no means whatsoever to establish that logic and reason are even real!

I know they’re real because they are real. You’re making me say some of the simplest stupidest stuff I’ve ever had to utter. Come on, drop this ridiculous hypothetical theory that what I’m seeing MAY NOT BE what I’m seeing despite the fact that what I’m seeing IS WHAT I’m seeing. It’s childish, it’s an escape route, grow up.

Turbo, thanks for the nudge in the right direction, don’t know why but I was kinda embarrassed to ask. I hope I did it right, but I won’t know until I know.

Oh yeah, a question to which I would appreciate a direct answer:

IF (don’t get all worked up, I’m just playing the IF game) I had conclusive, according to hoyle indisputable evidence that Jesus did not exist, would you reject him or would you continue to believe?
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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
You have to end it with /quote instead of quote/.

I'll fix it for you.


New member
We can only find God if God chooses to reveal God's self to us.

God chose to reveal God's self in the flesh through Jesus Christ.

God continues to reveal God's self through the Holy Spirit.

The only way to know if the spirit through which we think or feel
that we are perceiving God is the genuine Holy Spirit is by testing
the fruits that the Spirit bears.

Trying to test the spirits through scripture can be confusing, so many
people interpret scripture so many ways. Trying to test the spirits
even through conscience or common sense can lead down the wrong

The only truthful absolutes we can test the Spirit by are love,
patience, kindness, peace, joy, because the Holy Spirit bears these



Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
prodigal, do you always use the Quick Reply box at the bottom each page to post your replies? If so, I suggest that for longer posts, you use the "post reply" button at the bottom right corner of the last post. It will take you to a reply page that lets you preview your post before you actually post it.

Better yet, there is a "quote" link at the bottom right corner of each post. If you use that, it will take you to a reply page with the text of that post already in a quote box to get you started. (You can still edit the code to break up the post.)

Note: it will only quote the main text of the post; it will not imbed previous quotes. If you want to include something that was already in a quote box, you have to put in the old quote manually (Copy/Paste).


Banned by Mod
Okay, Ima try this again, I think I've got it right this time....


Yes, he did.

So, you have no parents, god physically breathed the “breath of life” into your inanimate body and you were born of no woman? Wow, I guess I never was a Christian, my parents had to have sex before I was created. So you have no parents? Wow! I think my little mind snapped, god actually breathed life into your body and you came into being! Wow, I don’t think there’s any way for me to relate to you just how out of this world that is! There’s the proof I’ve been asking for!

In case you couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic.

It is truth, plain and simple. And truth is great, plain and simple. Even if my first statement were false, my second is not. As for its visibility, nothing is visible to those who will not see. The truth is not alone in this.

Sure, if you can’t prove it than in order to preserve it’s validity than you must jump to the conclusion that I can’t see it. Very convenient.

It's the position you hold, whether you worded it in that same way, or not. You have said, "If god exists, then why hasn't he proven himself to me?"

Would it really be that hard, LH? Would it be that hard for an all powerful sovereign god to just do a quick parlor trick for me? If that’s being disrespectful, than my question is, how sensitive is your god? Not only will he not just make my pen spin around once to satisfy my curiosity and secure himself a new member of his kingdom, he’s willing to send me to hell for sin that he either allowed or ordained me to commit. What’s your god so darned angry about, LH?

I am always in communication with God.

Didn’t you already tell me that you’ve never seen him or heard him? Just how does this god of yours communicate with you? I’m sure you do most of the talking, what does he do for you? Does he show you things that I’m blind to? Little clues in nature that I’m looking at but can’t see because I’ve rejected a personal relationship with a zombie messiah whose father in “heaven” won’t even do a parlor trick to satisfy my curiosity and win me over?

This god of yours is kinda lame, LH.

Oh and Turbo, you're awesome! Thanks!

Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--you refer to the God who won't even do a parlor trick for you. Jesus said it Himself:

"A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

Sooo--to all who are characterized as wicked and adulterous: THAT IS IT! The resurrection of Christ is all you get. That and no more. Did you think that Almighty God was some organ monkey who would dance to YOUR tune, you beast of the earth??

In regard to religion: God-haters are the most fanatical, frenzied religionists on earth. Everybody has a spiritual (or religious) nature, and the religion of God haters is known as atheism or agnosticism.

Notice that it is not those who believe in Christ who are attacking atheist websites. It is atheists who attack others. Their virulent hatred of the truth will not let them rest.

REAL fanaticism is giving one's devotion to a cause unworthy of the time they give it. That is a very precise definition of atheism--wild-eyed fanaticism; but those who devote themselves to God and His Christ are giving their devotion to Him who is worthy of ALL praise.

"From the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, your name is to be praised, Oh God."

See the difference between the child of God and wild-eyed fanatics: believers devote themselves to that cause which they are FOR. God-haters spend their time on what they are against.

What else could we expect? Unlike Christians, they don't have anything to live FOR.


New member
Hall of Fame
"The resurrection of Christ is all you get. That and no more."

Uh-huuuuh. An unverifiable act taken from the pages of mankind's mythology is what we've got to go on. Big whoop.

"God-haters are the most fanatical, frenzied religionists on earth."

Rolf, here's a revelation: non-Christians are not, by default, "God-haters." Sorry if you can't comprehend this, but that's the way it is. I certainly don't "hate" God, neither does wickwoman, and I don't get that vibe from prodigal (well...most of the time I don't). Not subscribing to Christianity's cut-and-paste concept of deity does not mean you "hate" God, it means you disagree.

"It is atheists who attack others. Their virulent hatred of the truth will not let them rest."

Oh, I see. And Christians NEVER disagree and NEVER attack one another. Gimme a break.

"REAL fanaticism is given one's devotion to a cause unworthy of the time they give it."

I agree. And this description fits you people perfectly.

"See the difference between the child of God and wild-eyed fanatics..."

Rolf, you're the one going off half-cocked. Who's the wild one here?