ARCHIVE: God's mass-murder in the flood

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
I just realized why I stopped wasting time on the usenet. It was encounters with social pariah's like Taoist and Knight who live out their life on the Internet. I hope your life is more interesting that the persona you present on the net.
TRANSLATION = smothers is a fool that can't even defend his own world view.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by granite1010
Gee folks, that's the sound of someone's wheels spinning!

Look, genius, you're here too, along with the rest of us. Complaining about people living lives out on the net's a real hoot. That's like going to a bar once a week and getting disgusted with the regulars...

LOL... :D :up:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Aimiel
This smothers is OK. You can see that he doesn't have a leg to stand on, but he tries. I admire his stamina, at least. He doesn't anger easily, and that is always a plus, especially around here. He does need to do just a little bit more studying though.
Are you reading the same thread I am reading? :D


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by smothers
I just realized why I stopped wasting time on the usenet. It was encounters with social pariah's like Taoist and Knight who live out their life on the Internet. I hope your life is more interesting that the persona you present on the net.
Once again smothers, who criticizes those who name-call, resorts to namecalling.

Remember post #27?
Originally posted by smothers
I can usually find out when the opposition is loosing when they start calling you names.

P.S. "Social pariah" is redundant.



What about MY POST? Currently it is post number 268 in this thread.

Perhaps another day.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers

What about MY POST? Currently it is post number 268 in this thread.

Perhaps another day.
TRANSLATION = I am taking my ball and going home. :baby:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Knight
Gee Turbo :turbo: you almost missed all the fun on this most excellent thread. :D
Yeah, I was out and about this evening. (Unlike you, you pariah!!)

I've really enjoyed reading it though. Thanks for picking it up for me. :up:

And thanks for finishing up on the coldness and darkness thing for me yesterday. You explained it perfectly.


Repent Leo, repent
Originally posted by Knight
TRANSLATION = I am taking my ball and going home. :baby:

Whats that?

I've heard the phrase 'I'm taking my puck, my stick and my pads and going home'

but never 'my ball and going home'.


New member
7:13p Knight;
You continue...Do I get to choose the third party or do you? :)

(two more posts, both 7:15p)

7:16p taoist;
It's okay, Knight. I volunteer.

Volunteer for what?

Improving my joke timing while I keep my day job, it seems.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by taoist
7:13p Knight;
You continue...Do I get to choose the third party or do you? :)

(two more posts, both 7:15p)

7:16p taoist;
It's okay, Knight. I volunteer.

Volunteer for what?

Improving my joke timing while I keep my day job, it seems.
:ha: I knew it had to make some sense.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by rfburnhertz
Whats that?

I've heard the phrase 'I'm taking my puck, my stick and my pads and going home'

but never 'my ball and going home'.
Northerners! :chuckle:

Rolf Ernst

New member
I see that some of you wail at God's right to execute judgement.
Who do you think you are? Are you looking for some wimp God you can push around, some God who has no power to govern His earth and do with His own what He wills to do with His own?
Then run to your false Gods, the figments of your own imaginations. Our God reigns, and does whatsoever He pleases in heaven and in earth; and no one can stay His hand, or so unto Him,What are you doing? (Daniel 4:25)
If you want a false God who does what YOU think He should do,
you won't find Him in the Holy Bible. Go to your sticks, your stones, your mud, and build your own god, your false god.
Our God wounds and heals. He kills and makes alive. The fact that men don't like that is one of the proofs that YHWH is not one of the wimp gods unbelievers can get along with.
But He has given you warning, "If you believe not that I am He," said Jesus, "you shall die in your sin."
Love your sin do you? Want a God who does not execute judgement against sin? Too bad! Learn to realize God's right to execute judgement against sin. Flee from sin. Leave this world while bathing in sin in defiance of the true God, and you will forever be bound by it with no hope of release, and once He has taken the breath from your nostrils, you will plummet endlessly into the utter degradation which even now your own heart would plunge you if it weren't for His merciful hand restraining the natural bent of your heart to evil. Repent or be forever bound to the full wickedness of the evil in your own nature. You will, apart from Christ, find yourself living on Jeffry Dahmer lane next door to Hitler and Stalin. Sorry, no buses will run out of that town.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Sorry, Smothers, but one of the surest signs that God is good is that He takes away the wicked from the earth. "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God."
Your obsession with death is an indication you have a great fear of it. Think about Ahab. God had warned Ahab of his coming death
through His prophet. Years passed. Then God said to His evil spirits, "Who will be a lying spirit in the mouth of Ahab's false prophets so that he will go up to battle and die?" Lying prophets love to lie, and evil spirits love to deceive. Ahab had lived years since God had warned how dogs would lick up his blood. Ahab despised the God who had the power of life and death in His hand. God was just. The scales of justice were His. An evil spirit said, "I will!" Ahab took every precaution he could. He saw to it that the king of Judah wore the kingly dress into battle, but Ahab himself tried to conceal himself in the garb of a common soldier.
But in the course of battle, a soldier "drew a bow at a venture" He had not aimed. He just raised the bow on a chance. By God's absolute providential rule, the direction of the arrow and the elevation were precise. The arrow struck Ahab between the joints of the armor and just as God had promised, dogs licked
Ahabs blood out of his war chariot. THAT SAME GOD STILL REIGNS, Smothers.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by granite1010

The idea that we must hold God accountable to a human standard is by itself irrational: it implies an equal playing field between created and creator.
