ARCHIVE: Fool is only fooling himself


New member
This is turning into quite an interesting thread...I can't wait to see what happens next. Welcome back allsmiles! :cheers:


New member
Knight said:
OK, fool give me an example of something that is absolutely wrong.

Don't we have to define what "wrong" is first?
2 + 2 = -56.87 is wrong, I'd even say absolutely, but I don't think that's what you mean.


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Hall of Fame
GuySmiley said:
I haven't heard you complain about it fool, but others have complained on your behalf: Do you think Bob Enyart wouldn't let you speak enough during Part 4? If not, why at the end did you ask to open up to callers? It seemed as if you pretty much said what you wanted and were done, if not, why go to callers? If so, maybe people can quit complaining on your behalf. But when it was revealed that you would be against God taking righteous people to heaven without consulting them first, I think the conversation reached an impass.
Because It didn't pertain to the original question, we were talking about infants. Can an infant give consent? Also see my responses in the other threads. If you don't value your own life enough to preserve it then how can you value anyone elses?

Nathon Detroit

soothsayer said:
Don't we have to define what "wrong" is first?
2 + 2 = -56.87 is wrong, I'd even say absolutely, but I don't think that's what you mean.
Well since fool answered "no" to the question "are you a moral relativist?" I think it's safe to assume we are discussing moral absolutes. :)

fool is a moral absolutist.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
That's why fool didn't call Bob's show and ask him.... "Is it OK for me to murder a baby with a sword".

The word "murder" would have given a specificity to the statement that fool couldn't have twisted.
Again, Bob constructed his response in a manner that discriminated between killing a baby as collateral damage, and killing a baby with intent to kill that baby which is what you have in the mop up killing.


Formerly Shimei!
Knight said:
Well since fool answered "no" to the question "are you a moral relativist?" I think it's safe to assume we are discussing moral absolutes. :)

fool is a moral absolutist.

So fool believes that abortion and rape and kidnapping are absolutely wrong?


New member
Knight said:
Well since fool answered "no" to the question "are you a moral relativist?" I think it's safe to assume we are discussing moral absolutes. :)

So wouldn't it be morally wrong to assert my previous statement as being the truth? There's an absolute moral wrong for you...conscious lying.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Do you hear that Granite? Did you catch that allsmilies?

OK, fool give me an example of something that is absolutely wrong.
Killing a baby that could just as well as been brought home and put on the floor with the rest of your kids.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Again, Bob constructed his response in a manner that discriminated between killing a baby as collateral damage, and killing a baby with intent to kill that baby which is what you have in the mop up killing.
fool (the moral absolutist), why do you suppose Bob and I answered in opposite ways?

Initially on Bob's show Bob answered "no" to your question.

Yet online, I answered "yes".

Why do you suppose Bob and I would answer so differently? Give me your best guess. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
allsmiles said:
i did and i have no problem with that.

consider my tail between my legs, i'm going to go lick my wounds now.



thank you :)
"today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome"
Remember Allsmilies;
"What we do in life, echos in eternity"

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Killing a baby that could just as well as been brought home and put on the floor with the rest of your kids.
Yet the moral relativist would disagree! What makes you right and they wrong?

What standard are you using to determine your absolute morality?

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
"today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome"
Remember Allsmilies;
"What we do in life, echos in eternity"
fool, got allsmilies out of a 6 month ban. :eek:

Nathon Detroit

soothsayer said:
So wouldn't it be morally wrong to assert my previous statement as being the truth? There's an absolute moral wrong for you...conscious lying.
First off, you are an idiot. :dunce:

Secondly, lying isn't necessarily wrong.

I suggest you stay out of this until you are up to speed.


New member
Lucky said:
Moral relativists.

morals aren't necessary in a situation where harm is being done to someone.

look at the effects and ask yourself if they're productive or destructive.

why mire yourself in the cunundrum of morals?

Nathon Detroit

allsmiles said:
why mire yourself in the cunundrum of morals?
:duh: Because that is the topic. :dunce:

allsmiles, did you hear the news? fool is a moral absolutist. How about you?

allsmiles.... are you a moral relativist or a moral absolutist?