Beanieboy asked about how social skills are developed for homeschoolers.
I went to public school, and as a geek, there was nothing sociallizing about it. kids are jerks.
Not all of school was so bad though. I eventually joined both choir and band and somehow, that scheduals you away from the morons destined for jail. not only that, alot of those guys ended up going to vocational school.
aside from that, I'd say that my school was a pretty good public school. the typical steriotype is that most teachers are flkey liberals. At my school, we had a mixture of liberal and conservative teachers. BUt even some of the liberals were in name only and in fact closet conservatives.
on sex ed, I had really flaky teacher promote safe sex, "condoms only have a failure rate of 5% (it was something like that)"
our school also invited the toledo crisis pregnancy center to come in and promote abstinence.
There was a lot of good and bad.
I'd recomend that homeschoolers do a combination for some things. For example, if your in a district with a good choir program, that is priceless. church choir is absolutely no substitute and the training a good choir teacher can offer simply cannot be reproduced in the home unless you have a degree in music.
some of the higher level science and math coarses also might be good to take at public. and of coarse, sports programs are nonexistent in the home compared to what you could have at public.
I know of a family that had there kid at a private christian school but switched to a combination of public and hoemschooling. they used the school's sports programs and there higher science coarses.
On the music issue, we have alot of homeschoolers at my church, many of whom are good at piano, but the singing skills they acquire cannot compare to the kids who recieved a music education at public school.
of coarse this all depends on whether your district will allow such a thing and they may have crappy programs in music and other areas