Hi Everyone.. I guess then I will clear the air on what I do think... and it is a little bit of both. It is so easy to be misunderstood on forums..... so I hope I am not misunderstood.
Jefferson is right in this. I don't disagree with the display of the graphic pictures, because the graphic pictures are the reality. They are real pictures of real human beings who are really murdered. In fact, in the same way that I said that I feel that my denying my two children ever existed, it is like murdering them all over again, in denying the reality of what happens to these people, and prefering to be "decent" and not show it, we are accomplices in a sense. How can anyone look at those body parts and not be moved by the humanity of the baby?? So, to be honest, I do have a real problem with the objections to showing those pictures. I think every woman who is about to kill her baby needs to see those pictures so that she can see what she is about to do to another human being. In short, I don't object to shame or shock.
However, like I said how I was involved in abortion clinic defense before, I have not been involved in abortion clinic protests since. Why? Right or wrong, I don't want to be classed in with the nuts that shoot doctors and bomb clinics. Unfortunately that also is a reality and that is where I think agapathos is coming from, and i agree with her there.
On the other hand, I do agree with blockading clinics with our prostate bodies. That is the heart and core of civil disobedience. I am too cowardly to have yet to do it myself. Perhaps I will (also my husband would not approve so I have to balance competing interests).
I never meant to suggests that the protestors were hypocrites. I admire the true abortion protestors (the non-loonies who are peacefully exercising their rights).
Jefferson did in fact have it right what I meant by the focus on the selfishness of the woman. I am opposed to the current politically-correct methods of just telling the woman that they should not do this because they will regret it. Whether or not they will regret it is irrelevant. Until I became a Christian, I did not regret it, and was planning on having a third one if it ever became necessary. It is wrong irregardless if anyone ever feels bad about it.
This was kind of disjointed... and I apologize for that.