ARCHIVE: Burden of Proof


New member
Knight said:
No, this one is fine.

So what do you believe?

How did matter and energy come into existence?
Knowing the answer to that particular puzzle does not pay my bills, so I don't sweat it, but it's fun to theorize.


New member
kmoney said:
No, I wouldn't. And now would allsmiles go about proving that?

Well, remember I said that proof only exists in mathematics and alcohol.

Mmmmm...alcohol.... :cheers:

So, he could give compelling reasons for his belief. If he had to convince you, it probably wouldn't be that hard, but it wouldn't count as proof. Calling Spenser and asking him would be a small bit of evidence, hooking up a webcam and seeing him over Yahoo Instant messgenger might make a better case, showing you eveidence that Spenser always wears white might be another reason, etc.

OK, maybe it was a dumb example. But the point I was trying to make is that claims that something is NOT the case are also claims to knowledge. For example:

-It is not raining in NYC right now.
-It is not over 70 degrees in Los Angleses right now.
-Knight does not have an anti-gravity machine.
-The Christian God does not exist.
-BillyBob is not sober right now.
-Bob Enyart is not in the United States right now.

All of these statements are knowledge claims, so they all entail the burden of proof. If you remove the word "not" from any of them, they are still knowledge claims, and they still take on the burden of proof.


New member
Knight said:
No, this one is fine.

So what do you believe?

How did matter and energy come into existence?

impersonal creating life force that had and has no choice but to create. it creates even now and will continue to create perpetually. we are subject to it and it is subject to us. i might even go so far as to attribute destruction to it, and perhaps the balance between the two, which is close to Hinduism if i understand it correctly, but i could be wrong.


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Hall of Fame
Caledvwlch said:
Knowing the answer to that particular puzzle does not pay my bills, so I don't sweat it, but it's fun to theorize.


Ahhh. I love these "The sky is blue--discuss" type threads.

I don't understand why religionists claim victory when skeptics simply say they "don't know," considering the plethora of mysteries within religious dogma.

Nathon Detroit

Caledvwlch said:
Knowing the answer to that particular puzzle does not pay my bills, so I don't sweat it, but it's fun to theorize.
Gee... it's funny how this question is all the sudden so unimportant to everyone unless of course its being asked of the theist. :rolleyes:



New member
Knight said:
Gee... it's funny how this question is all the sudden so unimportant to everyone unless of course its being asked of the theist. :rolleyes:


It is an important question. You can put me in the "I don't know" bucket.

Of course, I don't think anyone else knows either. :chuckle:

Spenser 2

Apologist said:
Well, in any argument of the sort, what it generally comes down to is First Cause as opposed to Infinate Regression.

Is infinate regression impossible? I would presume.

Do atheists? Apparently not.

But if you use occam's razor, First Cause requires less assumption than infinate regression; therefore the burden of proof lies upon Atheists (Infinate regression).

Isn't your God an infinite regression?

Nathon Detroit

Granite said:

Ahhh. I love these "The sky is blue--discuss" type threads.

I don't understand why religionists claim victory when skeptics simply say they "don't know," considering the plethora of mysteries within religious dogma.
Who said anything about claiming victory?

All I am saying is.... if the burden of proof is on me to give compelling evidence for Creation. The burden of proof is also (and equally) upon the materialist to give compelling evidence for creation.



New member
Knight said:
Gee... it's funny how this question is all the sudden so unimportant to everyone unless of course its being asked of the theist. :rolleyes:


well Knight, wouldn't you admit that this question is more important to a theist than it is to an atheist?


New member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Who said anything about claiming victory?

All I am saying is.... if the burden of proof is on me to give compelling evidence for Creation. The burden of proof is also (and equally) upon the materialist to give compelling evidence for creation.


So you don't claim intellectual victory on TOL and elsewhere?:think:

The burden of proof is greater for you folks because of the truth claims you also claim that must go hand in hand with a deity who fashioned this universe and mankind. The bar is simply set far, far higher for a monotheist.


New member
Knight said:
Gee... it's funny how this question is all the sudden so unimportant to everyone unless of course its being asked of the theist. :rolleyes:

Well, I never claimed to have an answer for the origins of matter/energy/space/time. So the question really can't be asked of me. I simply don't have an answer. But if you'd like to take this into the theory category, I might have a couple up my sleeve.

Nathon Detroit

SUTG said:
It is an important question. You can put me in the "I don't know" bucket.
Maybe you don't know. But do you have a guess?

Can you speculate?

To me it seems the theist is the only one that is at least willing to give a solution (at least on this thread). From that fact alone the theist is sorta in the "drivers seat" in the compelling evidence department. :)


New member
allsmiles said:
well Knight, wouldn't you admit that this question is more important to a theist than it is to an atheist?
[Thought bubble]I also have a brother[/Thought bubble]

Touche, salesman...