Anyone have any evidence that Joe Biden is a sexual assaulter or pedophile?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
meanwhile, we're left wondering why a retarded brit like artie would so vigorously defend a 75 year old child molester like Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, when the video evidence clearly shows him fondling little girls, touching their bodies, stroking their faces and their hair, whispering in their ears, kissing them...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not really sure why the gnat's still flapping about but for anyone who can provide proper evidence and not silly youtube videos to incriminate Biden then the thread will remain open. It shouldn't really be all that difficult to find. In the meantime the bridge dwellers can play about in the mud if they've nothing better to do...(which they probably haven't sadly enough).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ya know, besides doctored photos, dopey youtube videos and gossip?

If so, bring it forth.

Trolls need not apply unless for once they've found something from under the bridge that counts as actual evidence...

Something like being caught on tape admitting to it for example.


We have about as much evidence as you have that Trump colluded with Russians, you know, dopey youtube videos and gossip, etc

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We have about as much evidence as you have that Trump colluded with Russians, you know, dopey youtube videos and gossip, etc

it's kinda creepy, ain't it, that a retarded brit like artie would so vigorously defend a 75 year old child molester like Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, when the video evidence clearly shows him fondling little girls, touching their bodies, stroking their faces and their hair, whispering in their ears, kissing them...

makes one wonder if artie approves of fondling little girls, touching their bodies, stroking their faces and their hair, whispering in their ears, kissing them...