Answering old threads thread


Well-known member
Look at the part of Clete's question that the retard was answering.
Dingbat must be worse than "retard".
have I mentioned lately that you are a horrible person?
Dingbat must be worse than "horrible person".
Asking him to use the Bible to justify his position ended up getting him banned? I doubt that. It was always his response that he was responsible for.

I'm not opposed to being called a dingbat, and I don't think what he did deserves a ban (@JudgeRightly). But the discussion was about what the Bible said on the subject, yet he refused to use the Bible. What is his role in such a discussion? To claim to know what Paul taught on a subject without accessing Paul's easily accessible writings is to call oneself a dingbat, imo.
Fault him for not finding a verse that says a man shouldn't rape his wife? That's ludicrous to even ask. I can't find a verse that says that. It's written in the conscience of all men. No wonder Artie gets it...while certain religious nuts claim otherwise.

And your use of the 1 Cor. 7 verse in no way says what you're all claiming.

Better to not quote a verse than to twist it and puke on what was written by the apostle Paul that says NOTHING close to what you religious nuts are cliaming.

1 Cor. 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself
. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.


Well-known member
Dingbat must be worse than "retard".

Dingbat must be worse than "horrible person".

Fault him for not finding a verse that says a man shouldn't rape his wife? That's ludicrous to even ask. I can't find a verse that says that. It's written in the conscience of all men. No wonder Artie gets it...while certain religious nuts claim otherwise.

And your use of the 1 Cor. 7 verse in no way says what you're all claiming.

Better to not quote a verse than to twist it and puke on what was written by the apostle Paul that says NOTHING close to what you religious nuts are cliaming.

1 Cor. 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself
. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
Then it shouldn't be too hard for him. Why would you not encourage him to search the scriptures?


Well-known member
I'm asking you to SHOW the POST where someone said what YOU CLAIM that they said.

Is that too much to ask?
What? Seriously? Try reading through this thread again when the talk of rape started. It's as clear as day what Doser and JR's claim is. They have the RIGHT to have sex with their wife. She has no right to deny it. Are you ignoring the spirit of their words.....or letting them off on some technicality?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What? Seriously? Try reading through this thread again when the talk of rape started. It's as clear as day what Doser and JR's claim is. They have the RIGHT to have sex with their wife. She has no right to deny it. Are you ignoring the spirit of their words.....or letting them off on some technicality?

This post was clarifying:
If you have a spouse (A) who is continually, unilaterally, denying consent to intimacy, you already have a marriage in serious trouble. You have a spouse (A) doing that which they ought not do.

If you have a partner (B) to that spouse (A) who is forcing themselves on that unwilling spouse (A), you have a marriage in more serious trouble. You have a partner (B) doing that which they ought not do.


Well-known member
This post was clarifying:
It's all quite "clarifying". Doser is covering his behind, and claiming he hasn't said what he's said and JR is in the process of banning me.

I can't get on threads....can't even log in. I hope you all enjoy this "forum".'re siding with the enemy.


Well-known member
Then it shouldn't be too hard for him. Why would you not encourage him to search the scriptures?
Why search the scripture for something that is clearly against the conscience of God created us....thus man is without excuse.

In other words. There IS a RIGHT AND matter how some professing Christians might try and twist scripture to claim otherwise.
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Well-known member
You are being too kind. Dingbat doesn’t begin to describe the vileness of an individual who claims a *male* (not man) has the right to PHYSICALLY FORCE sex on his wife … OR those who high five such an advocate for marital rape.
It's the squirming we're witnessing that makes the day interesting, Rusha. Grown men squirming is always worth a laugh. ;)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's all quite "clarifying". Doser is covering his behind, and claiming he hasn't said what he's said and JR is in the process of banning me.

I can't get on threads....can't even log in. I hope you all enjoy this "forum".'re siding with the enemy.
It's been confusing from the beginning, and I confess it's still not perfectly clear what's going on, but it has 'felt' as time goes on, like an argument about whether an adopted child's parents are his "real" parents or not. One side hollering YES and the other NO but I think maybe we all do agree on what makes a good parent.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's been confusing from the beginning, and I confess it's still not perfectly clear what's going on, but it has 'felt' as time goes on, like an argument about whether an adopted child's parents are his "real" parents or not. One side hollering YES and the other NO but I think maybe we all do agree on what makes a good parent.
It's never a good idea to resurrect threads like this.

It played out exactly like this last time.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's never a good idea to resurrect threads like this.

It played out exactly like this last time.
Never understood that. Some things have been debated for millennia. Nothing wrong with talking.