ECT Another indication the end of time was near


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I don't expect to 'square away' every single thing in the Rev, and I don't start there, and I don't build any doctrine that is not completely clear in a letter.

The 'rebellion that desolates,' as the horrible zealot movement was first called in Dan 8:13, had a leader. That was the son of perdition. the vision of this desolation has a time frame; actually the work of Messiah does, and the desolation is by his counterpart and tacked onto that time period, rather inexactly, I would say.

But guess what? Christ mentioned this awful set of events happening before his generation was gone several times. Lots of specifics. So that much is rather narrowed down.

I feel no lingering pull to put everything in the Rev in neat boxes and files. I think it was a pastoral set of images to help the Christian escapees from Judea (let those in Judea not go to the cities) understand what had happened.

The main problem: Judaism/Jerusalem was a harlot, riding on Roman authority and Rome quit the deal they had and ruined her, Rev 17. We find Judaism's leaders in a lot of key places around the empire, but we also find zealots trying to liberate the country itself and get other parties involved in breaking Rome's eastern rim. I think Rome had enough with the zealots revolts (plural) and decided to purge out the country. Don't forget, Claudius had evicted all Jews from Rome a bit earlier, although that set was back in place (Acts 18:1). My point is there were simmering suspicions about the Jews all through this period, and Rome had to shut it down when the major revolt of 66 began over the use of temple treasury monies.


Recent discussion of I Cor 7 reminded me that yet again, there was a very strong apostolic belief that the end of the world was coming right up. Paul wishes to spare believers from grief (not marital conflict, but the grief of loss) because of the difficulties ahead in their lifetime.

I mention this because the DofJ was expected right before the end of the world in the synoptics; so quickly and certain was Paul in Luke 21 that nothing is mentioned of the delay doctrine.

In historical theology, it is almost the first question Lattourrette discusses about the ending of the apostle's generation, Vol 1, p43. Sheer historical fact forced the remaining ones to accept that there would be a delay.
What are you saying about "the end of time was near"?


Well-known member
Mt24A etc is about the destruction of Jerusalem and israel in the 1st century. A = to v29. B is after. In B, the setting is no longer Judea. Just read the first lines and anyone can see he is now referring to the whole world.

Of course v29 says B is right after A but a delay is allowed. 1, only the Father knew the end. 2, Mk 13 gives the parable of the attentive servants and there are 4 options. 3, 2 Pet 3 explains and defends an delay. A delay that could last several thousand years. This delay is not a delay of the DofJ. Everyone in Judaism knew that was due in that generation per Dan 9. The delay is of the end of time, the final day of judgement of all mankind.

NT eschatology does not mix 1st century Judean events with the last day's worldwide events. There is nothing but confusion if you do.


Mt24A etc is about the destruction of Jerusalem and israel in the 1st century. A = to v29. B is after. In B, the setting is no longer Judea. Just read the first lines and anyone can see he is now referring to the whole world.

Of course v29 says B is right after A but a delay is allowed. 1, only the Father knew the end. 2, Mk 13 gives the parable of the attentive servants and there are 4 options. 3, 2 Pet 3 explains and defends an delay. A delay that could last several thousand years. This delay is not a delay of the DofJ. Everyone in Judaism knew that was due in that generation per Dan 9. The delay is of the end of time, the final day of judgement of all mankind.

NT eschatology does not mix 1st century Judean events with the last day's worldwide events. There is nothing but confusion if you do.
I believe Jesus will return. I believe that is something that hasn't happened yet. I am interested in what has already happened (first century?). I was also interested in your view about the end of time (being near).

Totton Linnet

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Hi and in 2 Thess 2:3 the Greek word there is APOSTASIA and does not mean Rapture , or " falling away " BUT means DEPARTURE of the Body of Christ !!

There is NO GREEK word for Rapture !!

dan p

It means falling away from the faith, departure from the faith, rebellion....oh that is happening now.


Well-known member
It means falling away from the faith, departure from the faith, rebellion....oh that is happening now.

Hi and the Greek word APOSTSIA is a Transliteration and you should know what it means !!

By , Paul's time all had left him , 2 Tim 4:10 and only Luke Mark and Tychicus stayed with Paul !!

All can see from 2 Thess 2:1 is talking about His coming /PAROUSIA , which means to be , TOGETHER unto Him !!




New member
Paul didn't believe he was in the end times. He said the return of Christ is not at hand. He told us other things will happen first, like the rise of the Antichrist.


Well-known member
Paul didn't believe he was in the end times. He said the return of Christ is not at hand. He told us other things will happen first, like the rise of the Antichrist.

Paul especially believed that he was in the end of time. It is almost puzzling how strong he indicates it compared to the others.

The item you mentioned about the rise of antichrist (assuming you meant Thess material) is said to be right on its way, happening shortly, and was about things in Judea and that temple, just like Mt 24A is.


New member
Paul especially believed that he was in the end of time. It is almost puzzling how strong he indicates it compared to the others.

The item you mentioned about the rise of antichrist (assuming you meant Thess material) is said to be right on its way, happening shortly, and was about things in Judea and that temple, just like Mt 24A is.

Nothing in the text indicates this.


Well-known member
In Thess? It is that temple standing in Jerusalem. He (the man of sin) is the guy in Dan 8 who leads the rebellion of 8:13. The claim to be god is the claim to be messiah; just look at where claiming to be messiah got Jesus. As far as we know 3 leaders in the revolt made this claim and claimed that there would be supernatural help from God to smash the Romans.

He says the wrath of God on Israel is already taking place in I Th 2.

More important, look at the pastoral problem he is addressing; the rumor is the 2nd coming already happened. How do you have problems like that unless the thing is expected very soon?

If you mean outside Thess, brother, there are a ton. Most recently I was reading I Cor 7 about marriage and divorce; smack in the middle of that is a rather eloquent reason not to marry; the end of everything is so soon there is really no point of the risk of the grief of loss.


Well-known member
The apostasia was the mass rebellion in Judea that was part of Dan 8-9 visions for the 1st century.

Hi , and APOSTASIA , in 2 Thess 2:1-3 is talking about the . PAROUSIA of His coming to be unto us , NOT about falling from the faith as they did THAT a long time ago !!

You are very BLOVIATING as to what Paul has written by the Holy Spirit and what means Transliteration !!

dan p
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Well-known member
You mean the Paul of Thessalonian letters? he was clearly speaking of things going on right around him or shortly. He said the full wrath of God was already on Israel.


Well-known member
You mean the Paul of Thessalonian letters? he was clearly speaking of things going on right around him or shortly. He said the full wrath of God was already on Israel.

Hi and IF you read 2 Thess 2:2 you will see that there were " letters " or by Word , that the Day of the Lord was close at hand !!

It was not close at hand as those PRESTIST of that day claimed !

First the APOSTASIA /DEPARTURE must happen first , His COMING /PAROUSIA must happen first !!

Then the man of sin should be revealed when he SITS in the Temple !!

It is no different today with its GLOSSIA , BAPTISM , PURGATORY and the worship of MARY !!

dan p



Well-known member
Yes, the events in Judea were close at hand. That's why the instructions of Jesus about those events were so direct, practical, vivid, vital. After Mt24:29 you have a different setting--the worldwide judgement of God. That kind of thing has been delayed. The events in Judea, the great revolt, the apostasia, the son of sin in the temple, all that is 66-70 AD.

Paul was quite sure the 2nd coming (the worldwide event) would be right after, but there are three solid indications that a delay was allowed from the beginning. It can be confusing to think that Paul was mistaken on this point, but I'm afraid we have to accept that, and put it in the category of I Cor 7:10, 12 and 25. We now know the DofJ happened in Judea but the 2nd coming did not.

As for your last line, "It is no different..." I have no idea what you are talking about or what you jumped to there.