And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

The Barbarian


The Barbarian

Just in time for our 50th wedding anniversary...

Mrs. B thinks I'm an old man, so I wasn't allowed to do the framing or the roof. But I got to finish it out on my own.


The Barbarian

Thank you. It was a hoot putting this together and I loved seeing her do her first project there. Mrs. Barbarian loves pandas, and that's what she wanted on her shed.


like marbles on glass
Thank you. :) Yes, I did, with my cellphone, no filters or anything. It's a lake I walk at sometimes, and the light was so beautiful that morning, like a painting, and I wanted to remember it. Thanks for making it look better here than I could've done, I don't know how.


like marbles on glass

I was out at the coast today, one of those days when it's sunny inland but the marine layer wants to hang in there. On the 5 on the way home I passed a beat-up (but still highly desirable) VW van - it was classic - a peace sign painted on the front, a Save Trestles (local beach) bumper sticker on the back. Last week I was at a different beach that allows dogs off leashes in the off season. Must have been more than 50 dogs running on the beach, big dogs, little dogs (Dr. Seuss), having so much fun, it was so awesome to watch. A husky was just running, running, running - so graceful - running so far up and down the beach it was impossible to know who his owner was. Whoever they were trusted him to come back eventually, I guess. As couple passed me, I heard the woman said to the man, "it's impossible not to smile when you're at this beach" and yeah. It was a happy place for sure. : )