And another one gone...

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The Barbarian

And there's a somewhat brighter side to this stupidity:

Trump's Tariffs Dim the Prospects for Trump's Wall
President Donald Trump still wants to build a wall along the southern border with Mexico. At times, he’s nearly taken a first step toward that goal, most recently during bipartisan negotiations over immigration. Democrats in Congress offered to fund a border wall in exchange for protections for immigrants living in the U.S., but the deal collapsed without the president’s support.

On Thursday, Trump shocked the world by unilaterally announcing tariffs on steel and aluminum. In the name of national security—authorized by a Cold War power known as Section 232—Trump declared his plans to impose a 25 percent tariff on steel and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum. If he proceeds, these tariffs will rewrite commodities markets, drive up prices for steel importers, and shake up an already stirred White House economics team.

Another one of many wide-reaching changes: Trump may have just put his own wall out of reach.

The president’s protectionist instinct runs counter to the facts on the ground—or rather, the facts in the ground. The U.S. doesn’t produce steel at the price necessary to build a massive wall spanning thousands of miles at an affordable cost.

Two wrongs made a right. Sort of.



And another one gone...

Given "Donald J" couldn't even attract the "best of the best" at the best of times, who in their right mind would join the Trump Administration now?

Your legal bills, alone, will probably exceed your salary!

The Barbarian

And another one out of the clown car that has become the Trump administration:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's tenure has come to an end, as, on Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump shocked the world by saying that he replaced his chief diplomat with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

The decision to swap Tillerson for Pompeo was made by Trump on Friday, according to The Washington Post. Tillerson ended his trip to Africa early on Monday so that he could return to Washington as a result of Trump's decision. The move was reportedly timed so that it would cause minimal disruption to the president's planned diplomatic talks with North Korea and trade negotiations.

The move does bring about at least one milestone: CIA Deputy Director Gina Hapsel, who is set to replace Pompeo as head of the agency, will be the first woman to serve as director of the CIA.

Although Tillerson appeared to have known that he was going to be fired before he publicly declared that the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy and his daughter "clearly" came from Russia, the timing of Tillerson's firing is nevertheless likely to raise eyebrows. Trump had long feuded with Tillerson over the perception that the latter was "too establishment" in his thinking, despite the fact that Tillerson was the first secretary of state ever appointed to have no prior foreign policy experience. Tillerson had also on occasion taken a tougher stand toward Russia than Trump, with the secretary of state even warning that America is still vulnerable to potential Russian electoral meddling back in February.


The Barbarian

And another one gone...

Hours after his boss, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, was ousted Steve Goldstein, the under secretary of public affairs at the State Department has been fired by the White House.
Goldstein publicly contradicted the White House account of how Tillerson was fired on Tuesday morning.
Goldstein said Tillerson was officially notified he'd been fired from a tweet from President Donald Trump on Tuesday morning, and in a statement, said Tillerson had "every intention of remaining."
A senior administration official said Trump asked Tillerson to step aside on Friday and a senior White House official later clarified that chief of staff John Kelly told Tillerson that he would be replaced, but did not specify the timing.

Asked how Tillerson learned of his dismissal, Trump said Tuesday that "Rex and I have been talking about this a long time." He specifically mentioned the Iran nuclear deal as an example of disagreement.

The Barbarian

On Tuesday morning President Trump was answering questions regarding his abrupt ousting of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson when CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins asked if the president fired Tillerson for calling him “a moron.”

Tillerson reportedly made the remark at a meeting at the Pentagon last year and then held a press conference in October to insist that he thinks the president is smart. Tillerson has never explicitly denied that he called Trump “a moron.”

When Collins asked if being personally insulted played a part in Tillerson’s exit, Trump insisted that the two men get along, but they just had “a different mindset, a different thinking” regarding diplomacy.

The Barbarian

And another one gone...

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

The tumult of the past week has fueled a deep and seething anger within President Donald Trump -- not an uncommon emotion for the insolent commander in chief -- but one that allies and aides say has escalated as he faces a new gauntlet of problems, including the encroaching Russia investigation.
His soothing communications guru is leaving. His obstinate attorney general has turned openly defiant. His son-in-law and senior adviser was stripped of his security clearance at the behest of his chief of staff. His Cabinet secretaries keep spending an inordinate amount of taxpayer dollars on luxuries. His most loyal allies in Congress describe his meetings as "surreal."
Allies of Trump's on Capitol Hill and elsewhere describe a sense of "meltdown" at the White House as the series of unfortunate events unfold. The President, they say, wants to take action to turn the page.

The Barbarian

And another one gone...

McCabe goes down.

No one seems to ever associate himself or herself with Trump, and not pay a price for it.

What kind of fool would step up and take a job with him, after all this?
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