Anaesthesia for Unborn Babies Prior to Late Term Abortion


Knight said:
SAINT PAUL, July 19, 2005 ( - Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, last Thursday, signed a bill that will require doctors to tell women seeking abortion after 20 weeks gestation that fetuses might feel pain during the procedure and offer them the option of fetal anaesthesia. The "Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act," was supported by the group, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, (MCCL) an affiliate of National Right to Life.

- source

These "pro-lifers" say this bill is a "step forward", what say ye?

Does this mean that you still offer the mother to torture her baby as it gets pulled out by the legs and has its brain punctured?



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Hall of Fame
I think it's a good thing.
it might make a mother think for a second.
saying that she wants the baby to not feel pain is a step down the road to saying she wants the baby to live.
I can see the other point to.
the fact that it won't hurt might make people feel more comfortable with abortion.
however, I don't think anyone with the kill my baby mentality was holding back cause there wasn't anesthsia offerd


New member
On the surface it might seem to be a good thing, fool. No one wants to think of a baby undergoing the horrible pain of being butchered to death.

But telling a mother that we can kill her child and the child will not suffer removes a reason that might stop the mother from killing the baby. She might not kill her child if she knows that it the child will feel itself being butchered. That might be the thing that finally awakens her conscience and makes her realize that this isn't 10 pounds of hamburger from the store she is aborting but a living human being. You're right in that most of them probably dont care if the baby suffers or not. But some may be saved if the mother realizes that the baby is capable of feeling pain.


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Hall of Fame
Crow said:
On the surface it might seem to be a good thing, fool. No one wants to think of a baby undergoing the horrible pain of being butchered to death.

But telling a mother that we can kill her child and the child will not suffer removes a reason that might stop the mother from killing the baby. She might not kill her child if she knows that it the child will feel itself being butchered. That might be the thing that finally awakens her conscience and makes her realize that this isn't 10 pounds of hamburger from the store she is aborting but a living human being. You're right in that most of them probably dont care if the baby suffers or not. But some may be saved if the mother realizes that the baby is capable of feeling pain.
I think that alot would be saved if we told the elective aborters that we got to take their uterus to.


New member
This is insane...utterly insane. I'm pretty jaded when it comes to the abortion thing, but this actually disturbs me, deeply disturbs me.

Admitting that a fetus suffers and offering something to ease the suffering, acknowledging that it is wrong for the baby to suffer...and then continuing with it's execution is sheer lunacy.

The people who wrote this bill are no longer thinking clearly, they have become so immersed in the intracacies of the abortion debate that they have completely forgot essential elements of basic humanity. This goes beyond christian/non christian, left/right concerns. This is simply a complete failure of logic.


New member
I have mixed feelings on this issue. I'm glad that the baby won't be feeling as much pain..because I can't imagine the pain that occurs when you're being ripped limb from limb. But the baby is still dying. This certainly is not a victory.

And it may make the mother feel better about killing her child. Oye.

Or, it may make the mother think twice.

This would all be so much easier if all murder was illegal. You know I just read something about Minnesota's abortion numbers being lower this year than ever before. This year it was "only" 13,000 babies murdered. :madmad:


New member
My 5 year old kid is crying and I may be tempted to beat him in frustration. Will it be okay for me to do that if I give him some tylenol first?

Strange that we have this attitude at the same time that most clinics will NOT allow a mom to see an ultrasound before terminating the pregnancy. We wouldn't want some common sense/regret to interfere with revenue.

I cannot fathom the logic behind this move. I thought that the Supreme Court case exposed the lie that partial birth abortions happen to save the life of the mom.


New member

A victory? What victory? A compasionate bill? What's next? If a person is on trial for murder, I guess he'll get extra points for being compasionate to his victim if he found a way not to be so brutal about it.

I hate to point it out, but that IS actually the case in much of the US. I've been doing a lot of reading on the transition away from imposing the death penalty (like it or not, it's happening) and in states where penalty is decided by jury, something as simple as whether a murderer showed compassion for his victim is often enough to swing the verdict from "death" to "life without parole" or even a fixed term.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
firechyld said:
I hate to point it out, but that IS actually the case in much of the US. I've been doing a lot of reading on the transition away from imposing the death penalty (like it or not, it's happening) and in states where penalty is decided by jury, something as simple as whether a murderer showed compassion for his victim is often enough to swing the verdict from "death" to "life without parole" or even a fixed term.
Sometimes compassion just leads to more murders.


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The BIG Sleep

The BIG Sleep

No matter how SEEMINGLY humane,(?)...​
you make any process of destroying LIFE,...

MURDER, is murder is murder.​

As one colleague states,...
this action at least ACKNOWLEDGES the FETUS suffers during the ABORTIVE act,...
and this may, by their own admission, serve as a step towards the realization,...
that this process is the DESTRUCTION of a human existence.

In order to bring a little more to the discussion table, I have attached below some metaphysical writings that may add to the thread.​


746. Is murder a crime in the sight of God?
"Yes, a great crime; for he who takes the life of his fellow-man cuts short an expiation or a mission; hence the heinousness of his offence."

747. Are all murders equally heinous?
"We have said that God is just; He judges the intention rather than the deed."

748. Does God excuse murder in cases of self-defense?
"Only absolute necessity can excuse it; but if a man can only preserve his life by taking that of his aggressor, he ought to do.

749. Is a man answerable for the murders he commits in war?
"Not when he is compelled to fight; but he is answerable for the cruelties he commits, and he will be rewarded for his humanity."

750. Is parricide or infanticide the greater crime in the sight of God?
"They are equally great; for all crime is crime.”

751. How is it that the custom of infanticide prevails among peoples of considerable intellectual advancement, and is even recognized as allowable by their laws?

"Intellectual development is not always accompanied by moral rectitude. The 'spirit' of man, may advance in intelligence, and yet remain wicked; for he may have lived a long time without having improved morally, and gained knowledge, without acquiring moral purification."

Steve Mac


New member
Soft Abortion --

Soft Abortion --

Some further quotes regarding the INDUCED abortive process & its consequences.

It is interesting to note​
Question # 359, relating to the situation when the life of the MOTHER may be at risk due to the birth of her child... here the advice is to save the life of the MOTHER as her existence is already complete.

Perhaps (?) this is one scenario when a 'compassionate' understanding, allows Doctors and parents alike, facing a difficult medical quandary, to arrive at some form of resolution. :think:


357. What are, for a spirit, the consequences of abortion?
"It is an existence that is null, and must be commenced over again."

358. Is artificial abortion a crime, no matter at what period of gestation it may be produced?
"Every transgression of the law of God is a crime. The mother, or any other, who takes the life of an unborn child, is necessarily criminal; for, by so doing, a soul is prevented from undergoing the trial of which the body thus destroyed was to have been the instrument."

359. In cases in which the life of the mother would be endangered by the birth of the child, is it a crime to sacrifice the child in order to save the mother?
"It is better to sacrifice the being whose existence is not yet complete than the being whose existence is complete."

360. Is it rational to treat the fetus with the same respect as the body of a child that has lived?
"In the one, as in the other, you should recognize the will and the handiwork of God, and these are always to be respected."

Steve Mac-- Anti-abortion, Pro-life, Pro-choice ---- and yes they are compatible.