An Indian repents modern India’s ingratitude to creator British.


I once hated my parents due to their strong handedness. I often rebelled and during traumas I fled from them. But growing and coming to Christ I began to understand that they were the best gift from Heavenly Father. There couldn’t be any other suitable gift in my heaven-fallen Love-God rejecter Christ-unworthy state then. The whole humanity is such. As Hindu I came back to Heavenly Father through savior Christ, I also came back to parents, like the returning prodigal son.

Then I began to understand the similar role of Britain in giving birth to and rearing the Indian nation to maturity. As my parents gave birth to and reared me up in their own interest as every parent does, so also British did in creating the Indian nation and state. Everyone works in one’s interest even the highest saints. Difference is that, they follow the greatest principle “those who self-sacrifice will live”(Mk 8-35). So parents self-sacrifice for children, even dying in the process. So also the best in the British did for us.

British came in our bitterly infighting domains never as invader. Simple middle class traders, they came here to trade for the things the growing middle class people of England and Europe sought. But they were forced into politics by invitations of Hindus and Muslims suffering under debauch, fickle numerous tyrants often seeking each other’s blood. They realized that it will facilitate their trade. To do that they used the small mercenary force they had to protect their goods and establishments. Seeing the miracle of their small disciplined forces vanquishing the vast local armies, they went on to conquer the whole subcontinent. They made India one, out of numerous fighting states. Then the reluctant king of England was forced to take it, to maintain rule and order, which conquering traders couldn’t.

Then the middle class of Britain, the best in the world, came here to give birth to the Indian middle class and Indian state. They taught Indians to think themselves as one nation, which they never did before. They inspired them to love India, which they never loved before. They dispelled their ignorance, superstitions and shameful practices. They often sacrificed their lives in this unhealthy and unruly country. Their missionaries and dedicated educationists built up the education system, while dying in droves in the process. Every knowledge and technology we use now is from them. Our democracy, administration and judiciary system is based on them. Population multiplied about ten times, now owe our food and necessities to their technology. We owe our lives to their medical science. Education is the ultimate gift and they gave that to us.

But having fallen from a pride infected infighting spiritual paradise (Rev12,7-12 and mythologies), we inherit an ingrate nature rebelling against love and those who save. Why?

Love-God is continually creating material and spiritual cosmos and everything within them by uniting material and spiritual elementary particles by different mode of love-attraction. Thus souls are created and from them soul-societies called spiritual paradises. They are bigger than earth as sun-star is, in soul-population. Unity of paradises is heaven.
But when old, pride-devil enters to corrupt love in some paradises to start in-fight (Reve12,7-12 and Indian, Persian mythology). Their internal Love-bond being pride corrupted, they began to disintegrate as stars do. Souls in them rebel, becoming allergetic to the corrupted love there in any form. The most affected souls even fall below the level of animals here by perversions. So they fall in the body of animal Homo sapiens of earth. They could have saved themselves by repentance when still in heaven. Some saner souls do that. Their unity is Christ who creates new love-paradise.

unrepentant souls are being continuously driven out from that disintegrating paradise by infighting factions. Frantically seeking shelter we enter the body of Homo sapiens, being infatuated in earth and animals. Now the powerful big central portion of our soul-originating paradise has fallen down on earth bringing intellectual power to generate unprecedented technology advancement. But without repentance that is only hastening destruction.

So, we rebel against love and discipline in any form here. As we rebel against parents so we rebelled against India-creating Britain too. Sure they are also fallen from paradise like us with many vices like our parents. Being love-rejecters, their lot is also similar rejection from us, reared by them. But if we want to return to love-Heaven again we have to acknowledge love and good qualities in parents and in them, which saved us, while rejecting negative qualities.

But the majority, who are going to soul disintegrating hell, will continue in ingratitude against parents and parent like administrators. To save our souls we should dissociate from their rebellious ingratitude. Furthermore we have to do our duty to British as we do our filial duty to our old parents. Now English people are becoming weak and faithless. Families are breaking apart and perversions increasing. As I turned my atheist parents to Heavenly Father we have to do the same to them. That will be the best atonement of our ingratitude. Without that we are unworthy of love-heaven.


New member
Love-God is continually creating material and spiritual cosmos and everything within them by uniting material and spiritual elementary particles by different mode of love-attraction.

Ooooohhhh woooowww.

Don't Bogart that joint.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The comparison with China is facinating for China was evangelised not by middle class merchants and Anglican missionaries but by mostly working class dissenting brethren who had no financial imput from the British government, Gladys Ayleward is a name you might look up.

The gospel impact to India has been minimal and has resulted oft times in a horrible mixture of Hinduism and christiananity...shall we not speak honestly together Stephengo? in love we shall...YOU are an example of this mix....but God has no love of mixture.

But the church in China is a different story with as many born again christians [though underground and persecuted] as North America. This quite apart from the National Three Face church.

Oh that God would raise up another Sadhu Sundar Singh...true to the blood offering of Jesus Christ.

John Mortimer

New member
Hello, Stephen. We haven't encountered each other yet...very nice to meet you. :)

I was struck by how our personal stories were almost mirror images. I am British, used to identify myself as a Christian but now I am utterly indebted to the Hindu tradition, especially Advaita Vedanta.

So far as the colonial history goes, I think it is very true that both nations have gained tremendous benefit from each other over time.

The ancient Indian culture means a great deal to me aside from my guru, (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj), and the Hindu tradition. The game of chess originated in India and I have had a life-long fascination with chess. I have also had a life-long fascination with mathematics and the contribution of India to mathematics, (not least the concept of "zero"), is remarkable.
Then on top of all that, I love Indian food and music! :chuckle:

I am very glad to see that you have found Christ and I wish all the blessings of heaven upon you and yours.

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New member
I follow the guru Steven Wright.....

Two babies were born on the same day at the same hospital. They lay there and looked at each other. Their families came and took them away. Eighty years later, by a bizarre coincidence, they lay in the same hospital, on their deathbeds, next to each other. One of them looked at the other and said, "So. What did you think?" -- Steven Wright

I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. -- Steven Wright

I bought my brother some gift-wrap for Christmas. I took it to the Gift Wrap department and told them to wrap it, but in a different print so he would know when to stop unwrapping. -- Steven Wright


Hello, Stephen. We haven't encountered each other yet...very nice to meet you. :)

I was struck by how our personal stories were almost mirror images. I am British, used to identify myself as a Christian but now I am utterly indebted to the Hindu tradition, especially Advaita Vedanta.
Nice to meet you.
our paths had crossed as I had gone through Krisna-Vakti movement to Advaita and then to Christ. (not the church presented Christianity).

So far as the colonial history goes, I think it is very true that both nations have gained tremendous benefit from each other over time.
I hope that benefit may continue.
The ancient Indian culture means a great deal to me aside from my guru, (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj), and the Hindu tradition. The game of chess originated in India and I have had a life-long fascination with chess. I have also had a life-long fascination with mathematics and the contribution of India to mathematics, (not least the concept of "zero"), is remarkable.
Then on top of all that, I love Indian food and music! :chuckle:
My guru is living Christ, whose prescence I feel always.
I also was addicted to chess and music. But ministering among the poorest, especially Muslims, all those fads have necessarily vanished. When one is struggling to save souls in a war field u have no time for them

I am very glad to see that you have found Christ and I wish all the blessings of heaven upon you and yours.


I hope one day u shall meet my Christ. But for that you have to come to the war-field where he is. Namaste!


I follow the guru Steven Wright.....

Two babies were born on the same day at the same hospital. They lay there and looked at each other. Their families came and took them away. Eighty years later, by a bizarre coincidence, they lay in the same hospital, on their deathbeds, next to each other. One of them looked at the other and said, "So. What did you think?" -- Steven Wright

I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. -- Steven Wright

I bought my brother some gift-wrap for Christmas. I took it to the Gift Wrap department and told them to wrap it, but in a different print so he would know when to stop unwrapping. -- Steven Wright

Your Posts are bizarre and nothing of your professed right wing Christianity is there.


New member
My posts are bizarre?



The comparison with China is facinating for China was evangelised not by middle class merchants and Anglican missionaries but by mostly working class dissenting brethren who had no financial imput from the British government, Gladys Ayleward is a name you might look up.

The gospel impact to India has been minimal and has resulted oft times in a horrible mixture of Hinduism and christiananity...shall we not speak honestly together Stephengo? in love we shall...YOU are an example of this mix....but God has no love of mixture.

But the church in China is a different story with as many born again christians [though underground and persecuted] as North America. This quite apart from the National Three Face church.

Oh that God would raise up another Sadhu Sundar Singh...true to the blood offering of Jesus Christ.
Rather England saved the Hindus from being converted to bloody hellish Islam far worse than Hinduism in love scale. All the other Muslim ruled states became Muslim by now. So Hindus have imbibed much from Christ with gratitude (not the church present violent Christianity) and majority confess him as God. Didn’t Christ say that those who his 2nd commandment like Good Samaritan will be saved?
I have read the life of that lady you cited. But I am interested only in my field.
Hybrids are not liked. But those succeed better in the world. Hybridization of Christianity is going on from the first century. The catholic christianity was a hybrid of roman paganism and Jewish Christianity. Various Protestantism are hybrids of Islam, Greek theology and Catholicism.
I can’t help what I am, a hybrid of Indian theology and Christianity in the background of modern science. I can be justified by fruits only.
You and I are both creatures of circumstances which are worlds apart.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Rather England saved the Hindus from being converted to bloody hellish Islam far worse than Hinduism in love scale. All the other Muslim ruled states became Muslim by now. So Hindus have imbibed much from Christ with gratitude (not the church present violent Christianity) and majority confess him as God. Didn’t Christ say that those who his 2nd commandment like Good Samaritan will be saved?
I have read the life of that lady you cited. But I am interested only in my field.
Hybrids are not liked. But those succeed better in the world. Hybridization of Christianity is going on from the first century. The catholic christianity was a hybrid of roman paganism and Jewish Christianity. Various Protestantism are hybrids of Islam, Greek theology and Catholicism.
I can’t help what I am, a hybrid of Indian theology and Christianity in the background of modern science. I can be justified by fruits only.
You and I are both creatures of circumstances which are worlds apart.

Catholicism is indeed a hybridization that is where it went wrong....what if the apostles had come to England in their simplicity and POWER, what a different church we would have had.

You can help...I turned from Catholicism to bible faith so can you.

But you is old an' stubborn :)


Catholicism is indeed a hybridization that is where it went wrong....what if the apostles had come to England in their simplicity and POWER, what a different church we would have had.

You can help...I turned from Catholicism to bible faith so can you.

But you is old an' stubborn :)

Wait before rash judgement!

You had walked only a small part of the path, I had long ago crossed. From Hinduism to Catholicism and then to bible, I had crossed 20 years ago. Now after journeying from bible to gospel I am crossing over to living Christ

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Wait before rash judgement!

You had walked only a small part of the path, I had long ago crossed. From Hinduism to Catholicism and then to bible, I had crossed 20 years ago. Now after journeying from bible to gospel I am crossing over to living Christ

Ah but my dear Stephengo all that may mean is that I have very much less baggage from previous years to lug around, Hinduism is like a giant millstone to drag around.


The British have way too much impact on the world and dominion over its states, it's disgusting.

Monarchies need to fall.

John Mortimer

New member
The British have way too much impact on the world and dominion over its states, it's disgusting.

Monarchies need to fall.

Well, September next year there is a referendum in Scotland about full independence. If Scotland votes "Yes" for independence that will be the end of the United Kingdom! :)

Perhaps the times, they are finally a-changin'

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The British have way too much impact on the world and dominion over its states, it's disgusting.

Monarchies need to fall.

Presidents come and go...America is engaged in dominionship as much as any empire was.

Scotland will not vote to leave the UK