Actually, most immigrants are hard-working people who do jobs that employers would be otherwise hard-pressed to fill.
Did you enjoy those strawberries you ate with dessert? Guess who picked them.
Democrats are a strange lot. They encourage invasions of illegals they know are not legally allowed to work in the US. I have hired illegals myself - illegally- and most have been very good workers, but I put myself in jeopardy for hiring them because hiring illegals is still against the law. I hired them in spite of the law because I had compassion on them and their families. Democrats encourage illegals to flood into our country, knowing it is illegal for Americans like me to have compassion on them once they get here.
That means the US government must care for those illegals and their families who cannot find work because they are illegal. How many tens of millions of illegals do democrats plan on feeding, clothing, housing, schooling, medicating, and so forth with government money? I am still working with illegals who cannot get a driver's license, cannot work on jobs where American citizenship is required, and so forth.