American Right To Life Unfurled World's Largest Protest Sign: DNC Sheets Of Shame


New member
The time lapse video is awesome. Great job! The whole idea of the world's largest sign, and what it said, was amazing. Congratulations!


New member
Maybe they should have made a memorial to display at the RNC for the 4,000+ soldiers who have died in Iraq after a Republican administration sent them there. Oh I forgot, their lives don't matter as much because they've already been born.


New member
Maybe they should have made a memorial to display at the RNC for the 4,000+ soldiers who have died in Iraq after a Republican administration sent them there. Oh I forgot, their lives don't matter as much because they've already been born.
What a moron.

You can't tell the difference between murder and someone defending your worthless butt so you can sit here and make a jackass out of yourself.


The Graphite

New member
Here's a fascinating note about the world record DNC sign we put up on the mountain. I think a lot of people still don't comprehend the size of our sign, so I thought I might share how my friend Will (GodsFreeWill) recently compared it to a couple things you're familiar with.

Now, what's a famous big sign? The "HOLLYWOOD" sign in California is recognizable to people around the world. Obviously, that's bigger than our recent sign... How big is that sign?

The letters in the Hollywood sign are 45 feet tall. That is about half the size of the lower-case letters in the DNC Sheets of Shame sign.

Well, how tall was the sign overall? Would you believe it was almost as tall as . . . the Statue of Liberty? Surely not, right? How tall is the Statue of Liberty, from the dirt to the tip of the flame? It is 305 feet. Much taller than our sign, which was a mere.... 530 feet tall! Whoa! The DNC Sheets of Shame sign was over 200 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty!

How wide was our sign? Now, I happen to have read recently that the Washington Monument is 555 feet tall. I'll cut to the chase -- the DNC "monument" was 666 feet wide, over 100 feet wider than the Washington Monument is tall!

Fifty-three segments combined to total almost 2,700 lbs, approximately 2,900 sheets and 4 miles of seams done on just 10 sewing machines working three shifts a day.

Thanks to GodsFreeWill for providing these stats! (Which I did verify, btw!) Incredible! :up:


Well-known member
I totally missed this. I guess it is because I did not watch the DNC. Thanks for sharing this information.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What a moron.

You can't tell the difference between murder and someone defending your worthless butt so you can sit here and make a jackass out of yourself.


Well said! :up:
Not to mention the soldiers who died willingly joined the military. They had a choice. The unborn children who are murdered in abortion mills at the thousands [in this country alone] did not have a choice. The people who support and promote the "freedom" to abort call themselves "pro-choice." But none of them care what choice the unborn child would make if it could.


New member
Back to the topic at hand. You do know if you suceed in making abortion illegal that it will only drive it underground and make it far more dangerous for the women who still choose to get an abortion, right?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Back to the topic at hand. You do know if you suceed in making abortion illegal that it will only drive it underground and make it far more dangerous for the women who still choose to get an abortion, right?

I don't believe we will ever end all murder, but I don't want murder to be legal and safe!


New member
Well abortions are going to happen legal or not. I'd rather not see women die even if they making a bad decision. Don't make the mistake of thinking I advocate abortion. Quite the contrary, I think there are much better options but I do believe women should have a choice in the matter. Sorry if you disagree but personal choice (and personal responsibility) means a lot to me.

Nathon Detroit

Well abortions are going to happen legal or not. I'd rather not see women die even if they making a bad decision. Don't make the mistake of thinking I advocate abortion. Quite the contrary, I think there are much better options but I do believe women should have a choice in the matter. Sorry if you disagree but personal choice (and personal responsibility) means a lot to me.
What utterly bizarre logic. (if you can call it logic)

Murders are going to happen legal or not, should we legalize murder?
Rape is going to happen legal or not, should we legalize rape?
Theft is going to happen legal or not, should we legalize thievery?