America The Protector.


Active member
America The Protector.

"Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your
families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." Nehemiah 4:14

America is God's shining city on a hill and America belongs to God (Psa. 24:1). Don't forget
it. God has magnificent world-developing plans for His Shining-City-On-A-Hill-America, as
she hugely helps to $ fund and militarily protect God's huge worldwide Christendom and His
enormous ever-growing worldwide John 3:16-Human-Race-Love-Project. God and His
Christendom have gone Global because God loves the world (John 3:16) and sent
Heaven's Finest, His Son the Lord Jesus, into the world "not . . . to condemn the world,
but to save the world" (John 3:17), and who after getting that job done on The Cross by
His Death and Resurrection, did in fact boldly command His Christian Church, from His
Exaltation-Position (being seated at the right hand of Almighty God) to go and Christianize
the entire world (Matt. 28:16-20), and God's America militarily protects our Freedom to
get all this done and . . .


It is the Sovereign God, and NOT politicians, the media, the naysayers, and the
Perpetuators Of Perpetual Pessimism, that controls America and the world.

You agree?
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Active member
America militarily protected Christendom and God's developing
John 3:16 Human Race Love Project from tyrannical
enslavement by Hitler's German Nazism in World War 2
(1939 - 1945) with some 400,000 American military deaths.
Freedom isn't free or cheap. World War 2 deaths worldwide,
all causes, is estimated total 70 -85 million. Father, Lord
Jesus, Holy Spirit we pray for Your blessings and protection
upon America and America's military.
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Active member

America did not have the God given right to invade Iraq. They went against the UN. Iraq has been destabilized; two million refugees fled the country, thousands dead. All because the US lived in fear of invisible WMDs.
Neither the OP or my follow-up post says or even implies that
America had a right to invade Iraq. Are you arguing with imaginary

Part of my point was this:
It is the Sovereign God, and NOT politicians, the media, the
naysayers, and the Perpetuators Of Perpetual Pessimism,
that controls America and the world.

The fact that God controls the world is a universal Christian belief.
There are dozens of clear Bible verses that teach that God controls
the world.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

America did not have the God given right to invade Iraq. They went against the UN. Iraq has been destabilized; two million refugees fled the country, thousands dead. All because the US lived in fear of invisible WMDs.
Going against the UN is almost always the right thing to do.
An Iraq devoid of Saddam Hussein is a good thing, regardless of how destabilized it is at the moment.
Refugees and war dead are an inevitable consequence of waging war.

And as for WMDs, Hussein had them, he had used them in the past, he was actively seeking to obtain more and he was playing hide-and-seek with the UN inspectors in the immediate run-up to the Iraq war, with the WMDs that he DID have and that were found by US troops after the invasion.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
America militarily protected Christendom and God's developing
John 3:16 Human Race Love Project from tyrannical
enslavement by Hitler's German Nazism in World War 2
(1939 - 1945) with some 400,000 American military deaths.
Freedom isn't free or cheap. World War 2 deaths worldwide,
all causes, is estimated total 70 -85 million. Father, Lord
Jesus, Holy Spirit we pray for Your blessings and protection
upon America and America's military.
America has been blessed with the opportunity to do some wonderful things with her might and power in the past.

Given the current state of our country and the abyss into which the current administration is pushing it, I find it very difficult to see us as anything but an embarrassment to God.


Active member
Note to the thread.
I have poor eyesight.
My use of larger fonts is NOT me shouting.
I use larger fonts ONLY because I have poor eyesight



Active member
I do not see America being run by God. I see a lot of America going against God.

"You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God" (James 4:4).

It is not arguable that God controls the world and that America is part of the
world that God controls. The universal Christian doctrine that God controls the
world does not say that God morally approves of the sins committed by His
creatures. God can, and does, control the world, and God does not morally
approve of the sins of His creatures.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It is not arguable that God controls the world and that America is part of the
world that God controls. The universal Christian doctrine that God controls the
world does not say that God morally approves of the sins committed by His
creatures. God can, and does, control the world, and God does not morally
approve of the sins of His creatures.

Right, so what do you think it means that for basically 1000 years there was just one Church physically, and then for basically 1500 years, every single Christian had a bishop (or a bishop's priest) for a pastor.

It's only in the last 1000 years that the Church is physically divided, and it's only in the last 500 years that there are Christians who don't have a bishop (or a bishop's priest) for a pastor.

What do you make of that, given especially, "God can, and does, control the world, and God does not morally approve of the sins of His creatures."

Eric h

Well-known member
It is not arguable that God controls the world and that America is part of the
world that God controls.
We are all created by the same God despite our differences. The same God hears all our prayers despite our differences.
There are dozens of clear Bible verses that teach that God controls
the world.

And when we bomb Iraq, we bomb a part of God's creation.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Who has the most WMDs - America or Iraq?
Who has the most powerful Nukes - America or Iraq?
America again
Who has nuked another country - America or Iraq?
America baby! Yeah!

Were you trying to make a point?
Iraq did not attack America first, So America cannot claim self defence.
In your world you're not justified in defending yourself against a credible threat?
This was not a just war.
Yes I've heard people try to make that point.


Active member
We are all created by the same God despite our differences. The same God hears all our prayers despite our differences.

And when we bomb Iraq, we bomb a part of God's creation.
"There is a time for war" Eccl 3:8
There is a time for peace." Eccl. 3:8

God is a God of peace.
God is a God of War.
"The God of PEACE will soon CRUSH Satan under your feet." (New Testament)
(Note the contrast between PEACE and CRUSH.)
God is a God of War. Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a Warrior."

God has 2 wills:
(1) A Sovereign will (that which actually occurs)
(2) A moral will (that which God morally prefers to occur.)

It was the Sovereign will of God that Saddam and his sons be dethroned
with the sword. This is nothing new for God:
"Then the Lord said to Joshua, . . . Take the whole army with you and go up and attack Ai"
Joshua 8:1



"He brings princes to naught.
and reduces the princes of this world to nothing."
Isaiah 40:23

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Who has the most WMDs - America or Iraq?
Who has the most powerful Nukes - America or Iraq?
Who has nuked another country - America or Iraq?
Was America justified in nuking Japan in 1945?

Was Saddam justified in using WMD's against Iran in the 80's and early 90's?

Was Saddam justified in using WMD's against the Kurds in 1988 and again in 1991?