Now that TOL's liberals have told us how evil the European (white) settlers were, let's be politically incorrect for a moment and read about what TOL's liberals and their liberal public schools don't teach:
Were the Indians Noble Savages?
...Many of the Indians were brutal savages, even cannibals! The New Columbia Encyclopedia reported on some Northwest tribes like the Kwakiutl: “They had a highly classified society with chiefs, nobles, commoners,
and slaves….This distinctive culture,
which included cannibalistic rituals, was not greatly affected by European influences until after the late 18th century….” Yes, some Indians kept slaves and ate them during hard times!
...You are supposed to feel guilty for being white, middle class, and Protestant (or Baptist) especially relating to what we have done to the land since taking it from the “noble savage.” But was the Indian so careful with the environment? The Columbia Encyclopedia tells about the Choctaws: “…They hunted with bow and arrow and blowgun,
caught fish by poisoning streams….” Yes, friends and neighbors, the “noble savage” was often a polluter.
...Before getting into the Indians’ story, I need to “clear out the underbrush” so we can see the forest. One writer wrote of white men who “took over their [Indian] world,” but where did he get the idea that this world [America] belonged to the Indians?
Need I remind you that merely living on the land does not confirm ownership? The Indians had lived here for hundreds of years but were still living in crude homes; eating and warming themselves over an open fire; and letting their old people die alone without help.
...If the white man had not beached his boats on the sands of Jamestown, Plymouth Rock, and Cape Cod, the Indians would still be huddled around their soot-lined tepees warming themselves over a fire made by rubbing dry sticks together.
They would still be burying their dead children because of childhood diseases...
...Yes, the Indians in Central and South America had a much more advanced civilization but I remind you they were still savages.
In Mexico the Aztecs still sacrificed thousands of young virgins every year and literally jerked the hearts out of their enemies before they were burned on the altar.
When Cortes arrived in Mexico, his first tour of the capital turned his stomach. Montezuma (who is thought to be a highly civilized person by the uninformed) told Cortes that he could look at anything he wanted to see. Of course, what else do you tell a man who has 450 men with guns?
Cortes and some of his men walked through the market place where human meat was sold, then climbed up the 114 steps to the temple for a view of the city below. They saw helpless prisoners tied to stone slabs waiting to be sacrificed to the Aztec gods. As they walked through the square, they saw a rack that held the skulls of more than 100,000 victims, a monument to Montezuma’s savagery.
Cortes and other white Europeans (who for the most part were only Christianized, not Christians) did not have clean hands in their dealing with the Indians. They proved what every honest, informed person knows:
man’s heart (of all races) is evil and needs the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Aztec tower of skulls