Good Evening, Grosnick! Well, it is early Sunday morning here in Phoenix. I really never planned on writing here again and I am banned from the Chat Box, but it's okay. I wanted to say a few things about your thread here. I know that Tambora dislikes me, but I'm not sure if you or Patrick Jane do. Anyway, I'll say my piece and go. I don't suppose that I will come back on here to see all of the negativity and monstrous replies that my post will cause. I do miss them both though {musterion and glorydaz}, but I must stay away from here because people try to pry answers out of me, and I don't have all of the answers, and my guessing isn't quite appropriate or correct enough. So, I digress.
GM, Donald is in office because God wanted him there. God did not want Hillary there, or that is where she WOULD be. She is a very fake laugh-cackling, insincere, and dishonest person and the U.S. would be in a great recession if she would have been elected President. The Stock Market was ready to crash right before Trump was elected into office. Now, look how well it has been doing. He has had an extraordinarily performance with our monetary success as a country. He is a businessman, which helped him to turn this country, and this world, around. I know he says the wrong things too often, but he is a businessman, not an experienced politician. Looks like we were blessed for that fact!
Like I said, God put Donald into his destiny and He knew that he was wonderful in his attitude towards Israel. Donald has had the balls to say and do what is on his mind, especially in making Jerusalem Israel's capitol again. Oh, bless this lifetime. It's so cool. Trump has done some EXCELLENT things since he got into office.
Now, if Donald hasn't been as forthcoming with his Taxes or sexual exploits, I really don't care. Many people have done the same thing. They just didn't become President. His life has become an open book, which means having his whole life on display and all of his secrets being pried from him. I'm glad it isn't me. I am not perfect, either, and I have had many sins, but c'est la vie.
Trump isn't President because God really wanted Hillary there instead. You can bet your butt. God knows what He is doing at all times and we will discover why He has done everything the way that He has after we go to Heaven. Right now, there is a devil to deal with, and he is being dealt with accordingly. Satan's hand has touched the Earth quite long enough, and it will end soon. And all of the world's people will know God.
God has everything happen down on Earth and in Heaven exactly as He wants it to be. It is just man's incompetent minds who can not know all of the details of it. It is a wailing that people have to die, but we have to go through with it some time or another. So if it is sooner for some people or children, then so be it. Everyone has to go through it, regardless of the time. God would not take their souls home early for nothing. He knows what He's doing. Many of those who die do so because God wants to take them off of the Earth before the evil to come. Things will get really rough on Earth as we draw closer to the final day of Armageddon. There is so much I could share with you all here that you would not believe it. But some people here helped cause that to never be.
I know so many things that it would knock your socks off and it's all Truth. Everything I say will make perfect sense and become found to be True, now or in the near future. Well, musterion ended my visits here because I was too fed up with him to continue to stay here. He claims things, but knows less. He will find out when his time comes.
I can tell you that I may have been wrong about the timing, but most of what I have said will come to pass in the time that the Lord decides. Better Late, than Never. I will still be vindicated after it comes to pass so that it will seem like nothing ever happened. Why I would try to guess the times of certain things, I don't know. I guess it was because certain people asked me to direct an exact time of when my experiences would happen, and I am not a good estimator. So now, I will never again say the day or month, or even year, that something will happen. I will just say what I saw in my visions without giving a time when each would happen. I've learned my lesson and it is something that the Lord wanted to put me through.
If you must know, you will find that in my first book, which I wrote in 1999, I foretold that Southern CA would have great brush fires burning, and then a Great Earthquake, and after that, a Great Flood, possibly land falling into the ocean. The vision was not as detailed enough for everyone. All of it will happen though, because angels told me, and the Lord spoke through them. My visions were also directed by God, whether anyone wants to believe me or not. God has proven me to NYC reporters by sending 7" of snow at a specific date, so they would know that the Lord was privy with me. I don't count on anyone believing me because it is all too hard to do, and I don't know if I would believe someone who spoke the same things to me.
Hillary wants Hillary to benefit from being President. Trump wants the U.S. to benefit from him being President. Doesn't everyone see that by now? He donates his salary to others, and he funded most of his election with his money himself. He doesn't need handouts from anyone, so he can't be bought. I can't say he will do EVERYTHING right during his Presidency, or during his life, but he'll do what is best for America.
Okay, I'd best go for now. I never even planned on saying this much. I will end by saying that I do miss many of you here, but I don't want to keep arguing with people here. Of course, I still love musterion and glorydaz. I don't care if we disagree on certain facts or ideas, or claims, or whatever. We just don't agree on certain things. I suppose they have trouble believing that I can love them without them not liking me back or whatever. I have always treated others as I'd like to be treated, and I was further taught by Jesus to love each other. I know what real love is and that's what I feel and do. I love my fellow men and women. We are all related, being descended from Noah and his wife, and Adam and Eve, too. They do not know the limits of my heart and my love. I am grown further than they realize. Okay, you hang in there!!
May God And Jesus Be With You In The Times That Soon Come!!