Is it just me or are there others here, thoroughly disgusted with "Far-left zealots" on TOL who happen to HATE 'The President of the United States and his supporters?' These 'few' sound like they get all of their "DIRT" directly from CNN, MSNBC, etc. In their own 'small way' they're participating in the HATRED spewing from the 'far-left Democratic Party.' They lie, they exaggerate, they make wild accusations and make absurd generalizations. These "types" are under a 'Delusion of monumental proportions.' They keep creating copious amounts of "Nasty Threads" relating to Trump and his administration. It's not only criticism, it has to be considered, obsession mixed with pure HATRED.
I realize that a portion of these "Posters" are not 'Christians' and a few are 'Socialists' so, they're just doing what comes NATURAL.
What say you? Will these "Posters" ever overcome their hatred for our President and his supporters?
Thoroughly disgusted? I am so far beyond thoroughly disgusted that it would take a beam of light a million years to get from the planet "Thoroughly Disgusted" to me.
They are sick, sick people.