I suppose being a "Good Catholic" like yourself, keeps you unencumbered by any impure thoughts or deeds that could possibly tempt you to go against your Churches laws, rules, and regulations. How do you and AB maintain your "Above the Fray" living styles? Are both of you just made differently than most of mankind? I mean, if we're to believe you and AB, we must accept the fact that neither of you has EVER had, said, did anything that could be considered, "Ungentlemanly." That places both of you in a rather "Unique" category, therefore, I can see why you fellas are able to "JUDGE" the President of the United States and others, who are less "Pure of mind and heart," then, either of you. The problem is, I'm not buying what you and AB are selling.
Please, as a real Catholic (albeit not necessarily a good one) I find calling than man a Catholic offensive. He's lots of things but Catholic ain't one of them.
He is a CINO, similar to RINO. A Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden sort of fake phony Catholic.